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Mercenaries (sinfulrook & Loveme)

"I didn't think of that..." Laughing softly she watched the trees moving past them as they continued on their way to the capital. She would admit, that it was extrmemely boring. Just riding on a horse to the next town.
Soon enough, the sun was gone and the stars were out, as well as the moon. It was a full moon too, so they had some light while setting up their camp near the road. Leo stuck close to the girl the whole time, making sure she didn't run off or steal or get kidnapped. "Do you like to travel?" He asked as he was setting up his bed.
"Ive never traveled before..." She shook her head, shrugging as she set her own bed up. "So far, ita been okay. Ezcept for the horse... That's not really my thing... To ride for long hours. I love them though... Horses." Smiling softy she looked around the camp. Noticing that he had kept a close eye on her.
Watching each man put their fires out, she closed her eyes and laid back. Her back facing him. "Good night..." She smiled softly, though she knew he couldn't see her. Wondering why he was keeping such a close eye on her, she shook it away snd slowly covered herself up.
"Sleep well." Leo said to her after she said goonight and then closed his eyes, sighing silently to himself. There was something odd about this girl, he liked her a lot for some reason, but soon enough those thoughts faded as he slowly drifted off to sleep.

During the night, the nightwatch that was assigned for the night fell asleep on the job. That night of the full moon, a band of Swadian troops snuck up to the camp and slowly made their way to Leo and Katana, wrapping their mouths shut completely and knocking them out when they woke up. Luckily for the goons, none of the other troops woke up, and so they managed to kidnap the leader and the girl.

Within only three days travel on horseback, they were brought to Ryibelet Castle, further north above the capital of Sargoth of Kingdom of Nords. It was much closer from where the party was traveling, so the quick trip there was obvious. As the two were thrown into a jail cell together, Leo sat up and sighed to himself, his mouth uncovered from the restraint.
She had woke up when the man grabbed her. But before she could do anything, she was knocked out. Later on the day, she was thrown into a cell with him. Drowsy, from being knocked out she shook her head.

"What happened... I don't remember anything except falling asleep..." She looked around, seeing te cell, it was dark but she could make out the bars that kept them there.
Leo just layed there, feeling dizzy with a massive headache. "Unnnghhhhh..." He groaned a bit and finally got up, his arms firmly tied behind his back. He looked around the cell, noticing it was empty, and that him and her were the only ones inside of it. "I.... Don't remember..." He said as he slowly stood up to his feet and looked outside the cell. "Oh no..." He said and slowly stepped back. "Those bastards..." He said as he fell back onto a bed, looking down at it and then at her.
"What....?" She asked as she watched his face change when he looked out the window. "Whats wrong...?" She shook her head, her arms tied firmly behind her back. Of course, she was trying to get out of them, but that was out of the question
As Leo sat on the bed, he just stared at the jail cell bars, then hung his head in front of him. "Dammit... I will have to seriously punish that kid when we get out." He said angrily and then sighed, going over to sit next to her. "We got captured... During the night that we started to travel." He told her, looking at the bars in front of them. "We're in a Swadian prison... We'll probably be down here for the next month... Maybe more... Maybe less..." He said, sighing to himself a bit.
"What... No..." She shook her head. Now trying to escape the binds even more. She had been a prisoner for far to long already. She wasn't going to be another. Not now, not ever. "We have to escape... I won't be a prisoner again..."
"Siunds like footsteps to me..." She looked up, trying to hear exactly what was happening. "Do you think their coming down here? To us?" Her hands were raw, from where she had fought to get out of the binds.
He shook his head. "No, footsteps arent that light..." He said as the thudding grew louder, muffled shouts could be heard. "There's something going on up there..." He said with a sigh and then helped her stand up. "Come on, we should ignore that..." He said and led her to the bed.
"How can we ignore that...? It's growing louder the more time passes by. Leo... What if their torturing people... That could be us..." Shaking her head, she let him help her and made her way to the bed. Once she was there, she laid down and quickly shut her eyes. "Thank you..." She spoke softly towards him.
He looked down at her as she layed down and shut her eyes, smiling softly and then looking towards the jail cell door. "The thudding is so uneven, it could only be an attack on the castle... Or they're having men move out of the castle." He said to her and then layed down next to her. They only had the one bed to share, so he layed down facing her. He looked at her, looking at how beautiful she was, as if she was a precious diamond.
Opening her eyes as she felt him laying down next to her, she smiled softly. "Even if teir moving men out, they will still be some here. They won't just leave us ungaurded..." Her eyes started to shut again.
Nodding, she tried to sleep. But the more she laid awake the more she thought back to her previous owner. It was all coming back to her, the binds, the cell. Through most of the night, she lied awake. Her eyes tightly closed, as if to keep the reality out. But it wasn't helping. The thuds faded adventually, but that's when she finally fell asleep. In the early hours of the morning.
Once Leo was finally able to fall asleep to the subsided thudding above them, he slept like a baby. After a long sleep, he woke up in a daze, then remembered what happened and sighed softly to himself. He noticed Katana sleeping in front of him and then slowly got up and off the bed. He went over to the cell door and looked around, noticing a guard was standing there. "Hey guard, where's breakfast, and what the hell was going on above last night." He asked the guard. The guard just turned to Leo and thrusted his spear inside the cell. "You'll get your food soon, and for your information, King Harlaus arrived last night, to torture his favorite mercenary prisoner." The guard cackled and then walked away from the cell.
Of course, Katana had heard this. Keeping her eyes tightly closed, she whimpered softly. Leo had woken her, as he moved away from the bed. After
she heard the guards shuffled footsteps fade away, she opened her eyes. Anyone could tell, that she hadn't slept hardly any. "I told you... I told you. They are going to torture us."
Leo heard her speaking and turned around, walking over to her and sitting down next to her, petting her hair. "Listen to me, and listen good. The Swadian king may be harsh and ruthless, but I promise you this.... The Nords will invade soon enough and free everyone in here..." He said while trying to comfort her. "Don't panic, I promise we'll make it out of here alive and well..." He told her then looked at the cell door, noticing a guard sliding food through the bottom of the cell door.
She couldn't help but smile as he ran his fingers through her hair. "Its to late to not panic. It sort of already happened. He's going to hurt both of us... " Her voice trailed off as she heard the tray slide under the cell door. It had just enough to tie them both over for a little. Until he started torturing them, at least.
Leo slowly went to take the food tray and brought it back over to her, setting it down next to her. "He knows we're no good to him when we're dead, so torture is the worst he can do..." His voice trailed off as well. He's been tortured before in his life, so he could endure it easily. "Don't worry, King Harlaus wouldn't dare hurt a girl like you." He told her, knowing she would get tortured too, but most likely not as badly as he will be tortured.
"If that I true. I never would of been a slave to begin with. Leo... I know he will torture me. Maybe not as bad as he will you... But what if he makes me watch.. What if he threatens to kill you if I don't so something..." Her voice trailed off. She was scaring herself, which wouldn't be good in the end.
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