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Jugger x Candira

Hearing her sudden attitude, he looked at her with a worried face. "Well...maybe not..." He said as he rubbed the back of his head as he felt uneasy now. "You...You were serious...?" He said as he stepped back away from her, a look of small fear and anger on his face. "Sapphire...tell me it isn't true...Tell me what you said wasn't true...!"
"I can't do that," she said, frowning. "It didn't feel right when she did it, but I had no choice. I can't undo her spell. And I can't go against her orders." She paused and looked at him. Her eyes seemed to convey real sorrow. "I'm sorry. But you were the assassin. The Yokai king hired you. You did your job well, and I'm the one who failed. I was too slow," she said, looking away now.

"It's my job to oversee your punishment--the queen's new mission for you. She altered your memories to make it easier for you to follow orders. I'm here to ensure you don't deviate from the plan," she said, taking a deep breath. "But from this point forward, it's my job to kill him. Not yours."
He glared at her with anger in his eyes. He took another step away from her. "Get away from me..." He said lowly to her. "Just...stay away from me...!" He yelled at her. "Tell me one thing...! One fucking thing! Was it fake? Was our love just another fucking lie as well!? Did you do something to my memory so that I would just love you!?" He was now practically yelling at her with tears in his eyes from the betrayal.
The hurt on her face was there, but it was more for him than for her. She deserved what she'd gotten. "No. Remember? When you woke up you didn't know who I was. And I'm forbidden to alter memories." She looked at him, wanting to go to him, but knowing that he didn't want her. "I understand if you hate me. I do too. I hope some day you'll forgive me." She closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

"I will take responsibility for setting you free. If you go to a temple, you should be able to find someone to restore your memories. I wish you well. But stay out of my mission from here on in."

She made herself stony and resolute before she turned away from him, knowing that he was far from forgiving of her at the moment. He probably never wanted to see her again.
Hearing her, he continued to glare at her as tears formed in his eyes. "I can't believe you hid this from me..." Was all he said before he turned and ran, wanting to get as far away from her as he could. He was heading to the Temple of the White Mages...he wanted his memories back...not these altered memories...Hell...he figured his whole life might be a lie, just his memories altered to fit that of the witch queen. "I hate her...I hate her...!" He kept telling himself, each time he said it caused him a blow to his conscious and a stack of guilt to build.
She found a place outside of town and took off on her broom, heading toward the Capitol where the king would be. She didn't stop for anything because if she did she would think about it and either drop into despair or lose her nerve. She had a plan to infiltrate the castle, a plan to murder the king, and a plan to escape.
Eventually Nathan came to the temple and walked inside. He looked at all the white mages and frowned as he sat down in a chair and held his head, trying to push out the horrible memories and the truth away. "God why...Why me..." He murmured silently. "Please...someone just help me...I want to forget...I want to forget it all...!" He cried out silently.
By nightfall, she was just outside the capitol. She landed safely and used her magic to dress herself in a provocative manner, pulling a cloak over these clothes and headed to the king's harem. She paid a guard to admit her into what they called "auditions," and she was the king's new favorite by the end of the night, and she hadn't done a thing for him. That was for the next night. For now, she slept in the harem, wishing desperately that she could forget about Nathan.
Looking around, it seemed that no White Mage could come to his assistance. Seeing as how he was alone on this one, he grudgingly got up from where he was sitting and slugged out of the temple. "What am I going to do...Sapphire's gone and betrayed my trust...And I can't go back to Yokai or Florensia...What am I going to do...I don't have anywhere to be..." He sighed. "Going to die out there without an actual country to call my home without assassins from Florensia coming after me for not completing the 'mission', and assassins from Yokai to come after me when they find out I only got half the mission finished..."
Seeing the troubled man, a white mage who'd just finished with someone followed him outside of the temple and heard his statement. "E-excuse me! Sir? My name is Corin. I saw you inside the temple, and you left...and...I want to help you, sir. Please tell me what you need!" The young girl bowed deeply and waited to hear the problem of this man who was so deeply in trouble.
Looking to the young girl, he sighed as he turned to look at her. "If you have the power to...I want you to wipe my entire memory...please...Nothing at all to even have me hint at what my past would have been...I just want to start over...I...My mind's been tampered with and I don't know which memories are true and which are I just want to forget it all..." He said as he could feel himself bring himself closer to tears. "A-And...take me in to learn the ways of the White will help me with a new life..."
"Unfortunately, I cannot fully erase your memory...I don't have that kind of power, and I'm afraid that it won't bring you any peace...The process is incomplete. I can restore your memories to the way they were--there's a way to tell which ones are the originals. I can take you in to be a white mage and help you to start anew if that is truly what you want."

Corin bowed again and put a gentle hand on his shoulder and smiled. She wore a white temple robe and hood, but her face was pleasant.
Looking to her, he put a small smile on his face as he nodded. "I'd like that miss...To get my real memories back and just become a member of the holy arts...Please take me in and train me to use white magic." He looked at her with a need to start anew in his eyes.
"I'll help you get your memories back first. Come back to the temple, please." She held out her hand and waited for him to take it. The process would take them all night, and it was safer and nicer in the temple.
Nathan smiled gently as he took her hand and walked with her into the temple. "Thank you...for agreeing to help me miss..." He said gently as he looked at all the white mages. "Is learning to become a white mage hard...?"
She frowned. "In some respects, yes it is. Learning how to heal wounds is simple enough if you only pay attention. However, healing other things is far more difficult, and sometimes impossible. For you to be able to use white magic, however, you must have compassion in your heart. And in order to unlock your potential, you must face some unpleasant truths about yourself and the world." She paused and looked at him. "If you truly desire to become a white mage, then you must come to accept yourself and all of the things you have done. Only then can I properly teach you what you must know. It's a long process, and in this respect it is not easy. Are you sure you can commit to the path? Is there nothing else you must do first?"
Listening to her, he seemed to be in thought as his eyes seemed to sway from side to side, as if looking at the facts of his life as if they were written on the ground in various places. Finally, he looked up to her and nodded. "I'm ready...I'll take any trial you have to offer me if it means I can purify myself after all the things I've done to hurt myself...others...and loved ones..." He smiled and nodded with courage. "I'll take as long as it needs miss. When you are ready...I'll take the trials one by one...if needed...a multiple of them...I just want to help people now without hurting anyone..."
"There's some journeying involved. Of course, I'll go with you to ensure your safety and guidance. First, you must make amends with the people you have hurt in the past. You must tell them what you plan to do. If nothing else, you must at least tell them your feelings. You must do the best you can. You should start with the most recent wounds first." She nodded and stood. "Is there someone you should make amends with?"
"There is only one person I know that I have caused great deal of pain to...who isn't dead at the moment anyway." He said shrugging. "I don't even know where she is...she could be anywhere on the way to Yokai's capitol...How are we going to catch up to her? Especially if she could outrun ME of all people." He said sighing. "Meh...We can still try at least...Though the journey's going to be annoying if we stop everywhere to search for her."
"Does this person have a particular goal in mind? What kind of person are they?" Corin asked, reaching into her sleeve for a trusty mini-broom, though hers was a bit simpler than Sapphire's in its design. She wasn't quite as talented as the woman who was already near enough the king to cause great alarm.
Nathan frowned. "Yes...she's going to kill the king of Yokai for sending me to assassinate the king of Florensia..." He muttered as he looked to her. "I can't interfere...its her job, and she's loyal to her kingdom. Since Yokai isn't even my home country, I'm not really caring too much about the king."
"You must learn to value all life if you are to become a white mage. Even the life of a king you have no allegiance to." Corin frowned. "I fear that if she accomplishes her goal, many more lives will be sacrificed in a war..." The white mage enlarged her broom and got on it. "We must hurry. How was she traveling?"
"How was she traveling...? Fast... I guess...?" He said shrugging as he got onto the broom with her and held his hands to her hips. "Don't worry about me falling off...I've rode on one of these before." He said smiling to her. "Please...we must hurry if we are to save that king from execution."
He was one to talk for how sluggishly he was moving. She rolled her eyes and let him climb on the broom behind her. "Indeed." She took off immediately, her broom traveling quickly despite it's load. Sapphire had made excellent time, but it was deep in the night by the time they reached the capitol of Yokai.
(Just checking, but you're still enjoying the RP right? Anything you want me to do to add on to the fun or anything?)

(lol don't you mean Corin?)

When they landed down into the middle of Yokai, he made sure to tell her to hide somewhere where they wouldn't be seen. When they were landed, he got off the broom and yawned. "I don't think I can go on and continue this stealthily unless we get some sleep in an inn or something miss...Is it alright to rest and go after her tomorrow?"
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