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He's just a slutty little flirt, and sister, he's only gonna hurt you. [Updated!!]

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May 1, 2011
I'm even in Arcadia!
20 August 2011
Updated Plotty Plots! ALL FULL ON SMUT!

ladies, i'm screaming out to you from the depths of this phallo-centric tyranny!


"it's harry potter meets twilight except no magic or vampires and it's more like blade runner or the matrix."

    • !! mission statement & kinks
      !! you worried yet?
      !! serious plots for the serious plotter
      !! smutty smut smut fucktime & fandoms?!

whoa wow hey

gee whiz! I'm laplace&maxwell. but coming up first in the order, it's only natural if you just wanna use laplace.
i mean, it's okay with me. im [old enough to know better] and i've been at this game for a... well, some time,
so please don't worry on that account. if you really care to know my credentials and it significantly impedes our
burgeoning relationship
, consider it a conversation piece! i love to talk! actually, i prefer to listen. but it can certainly
help build a foundation to a long-lasting RP! right? i think?

i'm a super cool guy, by which i mean i'm kind of unflappable and i try really hard to just take it easy.
i make it a point to be easy to get along with and never decide to freak the fuck out when it
comes to roleplaying. i recognize the disconnect between playing and real life.​

    • "Are you hard?"
      ♥ harlots. sluts. tramps. guys and gals who know what they want and take it (hint: it's cocks).
      ♥ anal, in all of it's wonderful forms. my numero uno. gotta fuck asses!
      ♥ hot asses. didja guess that one? small and tight, round and juicy. all deadly.
      ♥ skinny little things with freckles and little boobies.
      ♥ thicker little things with sweet, curvy bodies.
      ♥ a little hair on a gal's mound goes a long way. love cumming on thatch of pubic hair.
      ♥ redheads. redheads. redheads. redheads. redheads.
      ♥ oral. hot, slobbery, spit-slick hungry oral of the wildest kind.
      ♥ swallowing, facials, cumming on various body parts - it's okay with me!
      ♥ groups and gangbangs. multiple penetration. spitroasting. double blowjobs. blowbangs. facials, cum-as-lube, bukkake.
      ♥ pussy, slit, twat, cunt, snatch, asshole, butthole, ring, pucker, fuckhole, cock, shaft, rod, pole, spike, shank, gooey, slimy, sopping, dripping, greased, etc.
      ♥ describing clothing in unnecessary detail.

      these are just my very favorite, in no particular order!
      i'm open to just about anything and everything you can imagine. just ask!

    • "Uh, not anymore!"
      ☠ non-consensual scenes, violent rape, coercion, similar ilk. doesn't usually sit right with me.
      ☠ overly submissive women who require constant initiation. take charge!
      ☠ non-humans in most circumstances outside of a fantasy setting, and sometimes in them. we'll talk!
      ☠ furries, weird monsters, aliens, anything distinctly not humanoid... and if humanoid, not bizarre as Hell!
      ☠ male impregnation, transforming, modification, inflation, vore.
      ☠ scat, watersports, bloodplay, fluids that aren't normally sexy to a vanilla guy like myself.

      among these, my only true 'no-go' unkinks are the last two. even then, bloodplay's not so bad.
      i don't typically go with furries and similar creatures, but i'm surprisingly open! especially if used in a plot with multiple characters.
      non-con and rape are not my bag, to be honest. a little reluctance is nice, but according to porn-logic, i appreciate them comin' 'round eventually.
!! you worried yet?

wow, i guess we better get started. so, assuming you're unfamiliar with my spiel from the
previous threads, here's a little insight into my emotions and what i feel inside my little boy heart.

first: i don't care about whatever you consider literacy to be. if you've navigated your cyberbrain through the websphere
and superpinged this datanode, i'll take it on pretty good faith that you can read and probably also write.

also, even if you're not the least amused by my antics you can likely understand them and can derive a pretty fair notion as to how
i may or may not comport myself whilst roleplaying. speaking of, quality's throne sits higher on the dais than quantity. detail is important, certainly!

but not as crucial to me as someone who provides a unique voice. you will always receive at least a big meaty paragraph from me - though i strive for an average of
three, give or take, but for the record: it's occasionally more impactful to simply say a guy takes a bite of toast rather than describing the flavor explosion that might follow such a daring
excursion into the realm of crisped bread.

second: should you ever feel as if you'd like to sever our engagement, i insist that you simply say so. i'm an easy-going guy! i won't cry myself to sleep or anything. i mean, if i'm enjoying
myself, i'll probably be a little sad! but, i understand: maybe you're bored, maybe i suck, perhaps you're just not feeling it any longer, or your muse is being stubborn. communication is key, and i promise
to offer you the same courtesy. let's pretend we're mature adults!

i've been branching out recently into semiprivate threads, which is nice!
but overall, i still prefer the PM as my primary mode of post delivery.
i'm also not averse to e-mail, if it's easier for you to check your inbox rather than log in around here.
i'll never use a messenger, though. much too fast-paced for me.
!! serious plots for the serious plotter


"how about, two roommates: one eats vomit, the other only vomits. it's called, 'match made in heaven'."

so, i don't always want to bury a cock or two into some willing snatch. sometimes, i get a hankering for some actual storyline.
you know that feeling? it claws it's way up from the center of you, desperate and hungry. well, that's what i've got. so, i'm throwing together
this thread in an effort to provide a little insight into the sort of thing i'm looking for.

something to consider: all plot kernels are open to alteration and, as you may have gathered from my other thread, i'm super easy to get along with.
i'm willing to entertain and include any and all notions or ideas you have that may better the scenario we'd - in a perfect world - choose to share with each other.
like a picnic on a warm spring day, it will be delicious and probably lead to some awkward fumbling.

something else: while the title alludes to what might be construed as a lack of smut or sex, i just mean that considering the dramatic basis behind most of these plots, any
romance or, you know, fucking, will be secondary to the development of plot and characters. if it happens that they eventually might want to indulge in some lovemaking, that's swell...
just so long as it makes sense within the context of the roleplay. basically, i'm not expecting you to swallow on the first date or anything.

Important Info for Important People!
as of right now, i'm really hankering for something fresh and exciting.
in the interest of full disclosure, i do have a healthy amount of games going at the moment.
so, should you express some interest in igniting the flames of passion between us by way of
a plot, please take that into consideration.
as ever, i will hardly ever let you go a night without a post but don't expect rapid fire responses.
i'm quick on the draw but my trigger finger acts up now and then.
i will also update occasionally with a variety of plots and ideas, not all of which will be pertaining
to previous cravings.
so, feel free to inquire or express some interest! what's the worst that can happen?

Angels Bleed from the Tainted Touch of My Caress
(period-based or modern/slightly-futuristic noir, detective story and murder mystery with snappy dialogue where the tough-talking smooth gents and sultry dames are angels and demons!!)
Female Femme Fatale/OPEN x Male Private Detective
Hell, it was the old bad days all over again. You knew it the moment she crossed the threshold, all angelic grace and her halo well polished. Should've smeared your door with lamb's blood. She even smelled like Heaven, though you suspected it might've been perfume, what with the way your carpet smoldered a little with her every step. Could be brimstone, but it was a long time since The Fall and sometimes you forget the stench of sulphur except for when you dream. Even the body reminded you of that descent, carved open like a butchered sow and wings snapped at the shoulder. So why did she look so happy? And why didn't anyone want you to find out who did it?

[Ignore the photo: he won't look like New!Dante. Okay, maybe this is a little weird. But i've been on my old angel kick recently, and this struck me as something i just had to list. So, imagine Sam Spade or Mike Hammer except halos. You know, Angels With Dirty Wings, instead of Faces? Angelic-noir! Actual plot i haven't determined at any great length yet, and as for characters i envisioned mine as a fallen angel, though he could be on the up-and-up, too. Yours could be either fallen or not - or somewhere in between! Two flavors: older and a little grizzled, or young and divinely pretty, like an angel should be.]

A Ruby the Size of a Tangerine
(jazzy stylish cat burglars!!, classy joints and fancy clothes!!, drinking scotch and smoking cigars, breaking into the houses of billionaires and stealing their shit, girls dressed like Catwoman by way of Adam Hughes)
She told you that it was stupid to even consider it. They knew you were coming, locked down that rich bastard's compound. But that was no one's fault but your own, having sent your business card and everything. But now they were ready, locked down tight and they'd plastered a poster with your handsome mug on it all over the city. She said it was insane, and that you'd spend the rest of your life in jail and she wouldn't even be sad about it. All you could do was laugh. All of this was supposed to discourage you?

[A touching story of a gentleman thief and the woman who hatefucks him by way of Lupin III and Danny Ocean. Kind of! Basically, classy thieves steal classy shit for the fun of it. You know, the kind of guys who break into a wealthy old codger's house and turn priceless paintings upside down, just to prove they can get in? Steal some money and then throw it out of their car on the freeway as they make their escape? Oh, and lots of leather. Female character is pretty open, though a friendly rivalry with another thief or a detective on his case might allow for the more interesting plot.]

I Feel My Hatred Grow All the More Extreme
(dark police procedural, incredibly tense investigations!!, suspense and intrigue!!, shocking revelations?!, frenzied repressed fucking!!)
Female/Male Law Enforcement x Male Law Enforcement
It's bad enough when the streets are thick with overdoses and homeless prostitutes, and gang violence doesn't help you sleep at night. But now a serial killer assails your foul city like a plague and alleys are painted red with their hideous work. And the rain never seems to let up and the day can only become so much darker before the dam bursts and the people tear themselves apart.

[Not very interesting, maybe! A police procedural, criminal profiling, crime thriller all thrown together. I have no real preference as to the gender of the partner-character, so i'm cool with playing against a male or female. I figure on crafting a homicide detective, obvs, but the other role is totally open. Cop in the same precinct, FBI or other agency, freelance private dick, etc.]

You Stormed Off to Scar the Armada
(a heartbreaking story of war!!, speculative history, steam-fi, sky opera, slice-of-ship-life, can love bloom on the battlefield?!)
Female Crew x Male Captain
War never changes. Even when Man put aside his differences long enough to throw Himself from the nurturing soil of his planet into the Great Blue, He can not keep from spilling blood across the sea of clouds. The wars rage, the real reasons lost to the four winds. But after decades of war, one man finds the courage to say "enough". Defecting from the tyrannical empire, he joins the struggling factions being crushed beneath the boot of his former nation. They give him their best ship, their best crew, and their best wishes. Go forth, and win the war!

[Bits of Last Exile, Skies of Arcadia, various pieces of hard and soft sci-fi both. A lot of this is open to discussion, as the basic jist comes down to a ship and it's captain. Story goes that an enemy captain is shot down and captured, imprisoned by the losing side. They find that he's actually defecting, and pin all their hopes on him! How exciting! Female role is as open as can be given the context of the plot and your current personal cravings. Prisoner of war? Ship officer? Another captain? Etc. Also, i have an entirely alternate setting available with this same idea, which is slightly better developed. Instead of the sky, we sail the star ocean! More Captain Harlock, where one space pirate wages war on... everyone else!]

They Want to Hear the Sizzling of Her Flesh
(grimdark fantasy!!, ritual sacrifices and pagan orgies and boobies and bits of body parts all over!!, terrible world with terrible people)
Female Witch x Male Knight
A darkness has settled over the world and threatens never to abate. Plague is rampant, roving bands of flagellants extol the virtures of self-castigation, filthy brigands take what they want by violent means, whether goods or flesh. Landed lords bar the gates of their castles to all the smallfolk while holy men do the same, unless you can pay their bloody coin. They say the devil walks among men now, attended to by his black magicians. Is there any way for their voices to reach God's ears once again, or has He truly forsaken them?

[Clearly based on the movie Season of the Witch, with bits of Black Death, a touch of Warhammer and a pinch of Berserk. A world-weary knight is tasked by some lord or priest to deliver a woman accused of being some dread witch to a ritual execution in hopes of helping to cleanse the land of it's horrible taint. I'd like for it to remain ambiguous as to whether or not the woman is actually a witch, whether or not any sort of magic actually exists and even further, whether or not there's actually any God or Devil playing with the hearts of mankind. Let's break some boundaries, it makes for fun RP. =D]

    Each Blaspemy is Another Stone to the Edifice of Your Glory
    Female Angel/Warrior x Male Knight/Angel
    [Everything is essentially the same as above, except this iteration also lends itself much to the world of Sanctuary from the Diablo series. Instead of being a witch, the woman is actually an angel from the High Heavens, disguised as a human. She disobeyed the edicts of her realm to try and help mankind stem the inexorable tide of devils comprising the demonic onslaught flooding the land, but was captured by a monastery that is secretly in league with and worships one of the Great Devils. They intend, of course, to execute her in a ritual that would severely weaken the world and the realm of the High Heavens, opening it to even further demonic attack. Of course, the world weary knight discovers this all eventually. Can also switch roles, so that the female is the warrior or knight, and the male is the angel.]

No One Can Prevent Me From Raising Towers in Babylon
(speculative history, Biblical-themed near future monarchy, action!!, suspense!!, intrigue!!, fucking!!)
Prince/Princess x Male "Advisor"
It was a mad idea He had in the first place - kings, a monarchy? In this day and age? Yet there it was, and after a bloody struggle a nation was built in the sanguine froth of sinners and saints. But nations sit poorly on a foundation of lifesblood and sin and require the careful hand of gardeners to see it bear constant fruit. But when the fruit rots on the vine and the monarch tumbles like a tree, whose hand is fit to guide the course of a nation that might have been forgotten by God? Who has the ears to listen? More importantly... who has the sword to silence His enemies?

[I can't be the only person to have seen and adored the NBC series Kings, ripped untimely from it's network's womb. I don't mean to be dramatic, but i feel it suitable: i would love to essentially continue that storyline, but instead of focusing on Saul/Silas and David we begin with David's children. Ideally, Solomon or a female analogue. Let's get real, i don't think anyone's going to mind all that much if we stray from the source material a leettle bit and frankly, i typically detest working with canons so this obviously won't actually be a Kings RP. Anyway character would be one of David's former mighty warriors who fought with him before he ascended the throne of their nation who advises the future monarch and acts as bodyguard, etc. Biblical knowledge is a plus, but Wikpedia wrangling can handle that with ease. Also, Kings-lovers go to the front of the line, as it makes my job that much easier!]

Believe in the Spell of the Dawning Day!
(adventure!!, friendship!!, excitement!!, swordplay!!, exploration of a wide world, adorable hijinks, romance and fluff, awkward love)
Female OPEN x Male OPEN
You've lived in that village your whole life! Trade has always been prosperous near the crystalline sea, glittering like sapphires in the distance and it's hard to deny the joy you felt running through the vast green plains, grass so soft beneath your feet! But you're not a child anymore, right? It's time to see what lies beyond the walls of your home! Even rumors of war erupting across the continent and the sea won't stop you from strapping on your best pair of boots, a bag full of food, your family's old map and your best friend and seeing the infinite wonders of the world!

[Fun, JRPG-esque and classic anime nostalgic adventure! Think the best parts of games like Tales of, Lunar, Breath of Fire or anime like Record of Lodoss War, Rune Soldier, etc. Light hearted and fun fantasy as opposed to grim and gritty. Not to say things can't be terrifying and dark now and then, but it's more about the joys of friendship!! and an exciting journey set against a backdrop of an interesting world. Character roles can be discussed, but i'd like to see something different. Maybe the female has the traditional warrior-esque role, and the male is bookish and scholarly? A mix of both? Etc etc.]

Into the Desert Betwixt Blue Angels
(alternate historical early 20th century steampunk excitement, adventure!!, derring-do!!, seaplanes!!, zeppelins!!, mustaches!!)
Female OPEN x Male Gentleman of Fortune
They don't call him the Azure Ace for nothing. Who else can claim to have flown through a crater-pocked warzone and crossed the choking sands and returned? Or fight the same war for both sides, running guns for one and food for the other? And when war looms and threatens cities once untouched, who else can you turn to on your mad quest for salvation? Well, there's probably plenty. Unfortunately, most of them are dead. After all, who else but a scoundrel can survive in a war like this?

[That little jot above actually has little and less to do with the many ways i imagine this plot going, but i could not think of even the slightest fucking way i might intimate otherwise. But, yeah: basically, a steampunk setting in the early 20th century. Think old pulp adventure serials or movies like The Mummy, even Indiana Jones for atmosphere. Excitement, high adventure, scoundrels gettin' wild, that sorta thing. We can build the story together, but essentially i feel the basic jist can be my character is hired for his services to help search for some long lost cliche MacGuffin to do MacGuffiny things. I can play opposite the steel-spined bookish adventurer girl on her first journey, or another tough-as-nails mercenary type. Whatever, jeez!]

Watch the Skies For Me Tonight
(mid-century Americana, secret government agency, paranormal, aliens, alternate history, vaporize the cheerleader - save the world!!)
Female OPEN x Male Agent
United States ALOFT operates under a specific set of rules: namely, that it not only doesn't exist, but neither do the host of strange, otherworldly creatures that sometimes populate it's ranks and it's labyrinthine prisons. But, when a coven of bloodsuckers needs to be wiped out or an abandoned tenement filled with some drug addicted voodoo priest's zombie army needs to be demolished, there are few agencies in the country who can answer the call.

[First, i imagine this plot and it's corresponding universe to be much less tongue-in-cheek than the description implies. For all intents and purposes, this alternate-reality Earth is just like the 1940's/50's/60's world we once inhabited, except the rare cryptid or mythological creature can and does exist. That said, these creatures are unlike more recent interpretations of them seen in popular media: vampires are ugly, hideous creatures. Werewolves transform a few days a month flanking the full moon, becoming uncontrolled, monstrous whirlwinds of fur and claw. Eldritch abominations tear at the fabric of our reality and their cults are eager for them to break through. That said, it's also meant to be kind of a parodic homage to this specific kind of genre, so it's still okay to joke. See the new X-COM remake as proof of concept, if you like!]

The Trees Bore Their Withered Silhouettes
(weird-horror, uncovering mysteries, creepy paranormal activities!!, small town/dark secret!!, slice-of-life, awkward fumbling)
Female FBI Agent x Male Sheriff
Bonnyview Springs: the perfect place to raise a family! Quaint and quiet, the rural village - now expanded to fill the once-fertile valley nestled in the shadow of the famed Elmcrest mountain range - seems to have it all. Kind and caring neighbors, ready with a cup of sugar or a story. Like the history of moonshiners in the woods, gunned down at their stills and blowing holes in the mountain or tales of barns burned with the children still inside. Idyllic scenery, too! The Eastdale forest is beautiful in the autumn, but take care not to stray too near the Glad Tidings Assembly church. The inhuman shadows thrown against the trees when it's shadowy parishioners dance by firelight have driven folk to madness. The unfinished railroad passage through Elmcrest is another local hotspot, left to ruin after the coal strike that earned the town a nickname of Bloody Bonnyview. Well, that was before they found little Mae Belle's corpse in the tunnel... or something that looks vaguely like it.

[Think Twin Peaks, Haven, Millenium, with a touch of The Killing, Seven and Twilight Zone for good measure. I really would love to see a lot of conversation and relationship building here: not necessarily romantic, but as two investigators waaaay out of their element, dealing with something completely beyond the realm of their comprehension. As for setting, i imagine in my head some rural, southern locale. Kentucky-ish. Very Lovecraftian and weird-horror in nature, very probably a bad end for most people involved. Likely some action, so be okay with that. Lots of gory details re: human remains and mutilated corpses. Still, a lot of slice-of-life and investigation.]

You Seem to Think This Thing Has All the Devils of Hell In It!
(modern day, horror, school-age, students, jpaneez goast storey!!, demons, little titties!!, people have sex and probably die)
Female Student/Teacher x Male Student/Teacher
They say calling your home a city is hardly worth the name. But fuck 'em! You've got a shopping mall, even if most of the storefronts are closed. The restaurants are nice, whenever they aren't closed by the health department. And the carnival grounds are always a fun place to spend a night, even if the ferris wheel has been ready to tip over for a decade. ..Okay, so it's a shithole. But it's a storied little shithole, especially the tales of devil-worshipping cults, ritual sacrifices, madness taking the minds and lives of whole families. So, when your little group of chums decide to get together in the school's attic for a night of scary stories, weird leatherbound books and awkward sexual fumbling it's considered a coincidental theatric touch when the lights go out. But when the strange noises get stranger, the shapes lurking in the yard grow less human, the howls that echo from the basement of the abandoned hospital sound decidedly otherworldly, maybe it's time to slip back into your panties and grab a rusty pipe.

[At first, envisioned with Japanese kids in a Japanese town... in Japan, but i'm open to just about anything! Maybe a shitty midwestern city might be nice? Anyway, i anticipate a lot of unnecessary fucking and some "gore-ror". Ghosts, demons, weird creatures and shit. Think a huge amalgam of the bloodiest J-horror, ghost stories, survival horror games, etc. So, yeah: probably multiple characters, but you don't need to care about them much since they'll die horribly. Probably: maybe they could all split up at the start and we just find their bodies! That'd be cute.]

The Soothing Light at the End of Your Tunnel
(80's punk scene, splatterpunk, "gore-ror", violent slice-of-life)
OPEN x Male Punk
A week ago, all he'd had to worry about was where he'd score his next few hits or whether that tattooed honey he'd seen at the Bone Pit would finally blow him or not. That was before maintenance crews spent a morning scraping pieces of her off the floor of the subway platform. The tunnels had always played host to denizens of the weird: transients filthy with their own shit, the lowest of addicts comatose in forgotten alcoves while dealers take their payments... but monsters don't really exist, and playing D&D didn't lead to Satan-worshipping cults and ritual orgies. But when pieces of another body are found scattered across the last car of a subway train, maybe there's truth to the rumors: maybe some psycho does make his home in the tunnels. Or worse, maybe something's always been down there, only now... it's waking up.

[Inspired by Skipp and Spector's The Light at the End and a host of other splatterpunk and horror stories. The incidentals can be discussed: maybe it's just some psychotic serial killer! Maybe it's a vampire - and not the cute, sparkly kind, but the kind who spent their formative years impaling peasants through their assholes. Or perhaps it's worse: a demon, a Lovecraftian creature, a cenobite to some Hellish religion! Open to discussion. Also, i'm not necessarily looking to play off of a female character in this: given the setting, i'm totally open to boys, girls, eunuchs, transgenders, whatever! If the character is interesting, that's all that matters to me.]

From the Depths I Arise in Fury As I'm Led Through Hell
(feudal Japan, samurai ninja cats, katana!!, demons!!, sword slicin' head choppin' gore-gore)
Female Demon/Kunoichi x Male Samurai
A bloodthirsty prince of Hell. A sword that drinks blood. A lord slain unjustly and his family enslaved. A loyal servant, tortured and mutilated claws his way through the hottest flames of Hell to take his vengeance on those thirteen hideous devils. The streets run black with demonblood to sate a young samurai's thirst for revenge. When all the raging Hells could not restrain him, what hope could the Prince of Hell have against his fury?! In a castle painted blood-red, the stage is set: Steel against Horn, Human against Demon, Hell against Hell!

[Thirteen monstrous devils escape from Hell! They slaughter the household of a noble lord, enslave their women and destroy their most loyal retainer. Except, he comes back! An undead samurai, with a blade that craves blood each time it's drawn on a quest for revenge against the thirteen demons who murdered him and his master's family. Action packed horror, plenty of gore, and some titties?! The character opposite my own is fairly open: a former servant who somehow escaped, a ninja/kunoichi who has her own agenda, or even a demon herself, helping for mysterious reasons! You know, whatever.]

!! smutty smut smut fucktime & fandoms?!


"don't wanna be your man, just wanna play with you!"

I am currently possibly maybe interested in picking up a short-term smutty roleplay.
I just need dirty, wild fucking. Cocks in holes, you know.
So, like: basically, MxM or MxF? But, looking in particular for group sex or a gangbang.

MxM Plots

I'm a Stripper, Not a Prostitute... Right?!
(all, multiple partners, MxM, young x older men, stripper and clients)
Male Stripper x Group of Male Clients
Student loans are no joke. You're barely a year into college and already they're breathing down your neck. How are you supposed to pay these things off with your shitty stipend and a couple bucks from mom and dad here and there? Still, you've got a hot, tight little body - or so some of your occasional girlfriends told you - and a kid from your chem class told you he makes pretty good money stripping out of town. Could you really bare your body for money? To your surprise, you're a huge hit at The Stud Ranch; so good that a group of guys want to hire you for a private party. Their money is crazy, but you make sure they know it's just stripping - no sex. But when the cash starts coming out... can you handle a dick in your mouth for a few crisp bills in your pocket?

[Goes without saying, right? College kid starts stripping for a few extra bucks, some older guys (but not too much older) want to hire him for a private party. Not really gay, he still decides to go for it but stresses that he doesn't have sex for money. Of course, that would be a pretty boring plot, wouldn't it? So, little by little he gives in, starting with a blowjob here, turns into a blowbang, some bukkake maybe. Escalates to a guy taking him into another room, then maybe another shows up... before long, it's total cock chaos! Obviously, some slight reluctance is nice, but no non-con. You know porn-logic: he doesn't want to do it, but once that dick is snug up his butt, he can't help but love it!]

What Music They Make
(all, multiple partners, MxM, age variable, likely teen+)
Male Fan/Groupie x Male Fan/Groupie
Your favorite band, but they rarely throw a live show. Of course, that's only natural: it's cooler to be so deliberate obscure! Still, you show up dressed to kill and are ready to have a blast! As the night rolls on, the energy of the show and the heat and everybody pushing so close together that by the end you can't help but be begging to get blasted! So, when the hot kid that's been bumping into you all night flashes a look and disappears into the bathroom, you can't help but follow.

[Kind of self-explanatory! A couple of fans just getting super horned up on the dance floor, maybe some public play before scurrying off to the bathroom or somewhere private but close to work off all that excess energy. Alternatively, invited backstage by the band for some fun! By which i mean, a train run on them. Looking at primarily MxM and MMxM, etc etc.]

Taking One for the Team
(all, multiple partners, MxM, athletes, team on teammate)
Male Athlete x Rest of the Team
The bet sounded too good to be true. After all, who wouldn't try for the chance at a blowjob from Chrissy, Sarah and Holly at the same time? Of course, the game didn't go quite as planned and sad to say you lost the bet. The bleachers are cleared, the stadium lights are out and you're back in the locker room.. and it's time to pay up.

[Basically, a dude makes a silly bet, loses and now has to has to fuck and suck his teammates. Yeah, porno logic, but whatever! Starts out slightly reluctant, but never full non-con. Just an excuse for a total gangbang. Spitroast, maybe DP, facials and swallowing, internal cumshots and sloppy seconds, etc.]

Taking all Cummers
(all, poss. groups/gangs, MxM, teen+)
Schoolboy Punk x Various Males
You're shameless, and make no apologies. You love to fuck, and take anyone who wants to throw one your way. Blowing the nerd in the guy's bathroom while his pals watch. Letting a few of the football players fuck your ass to piss off their girlfriends. Giving the hot young teacher a handjob in his car during lunch. Asking those two scene boys to blow a load on your face in the janitor's closet instead of going to detention. You just want it all, whenever you can get it.

[Sort of goes without saying. Obviously pure smut and excuse to just jump from sexy vignette to sexy vignette with little need for story or plot, though i'm not averse to cooking up a little plot when/if it proves necessary. Have a specific kind of character in mind for this: skinny little punk or scene boy, youknow the type!]

I've Got What You Need but It'll Cost You
(poss. multiple partners, minor-to-large age difference, some mild rough stuff)
Male Addict x Male Dealer(s)
You need a fix, and bad. But it's a new city, you've got little clue how to get around and no contacts. Worse, you're out of money. Still, you've never had too hard a time working out some deals. So, once you track down the only reputable runner for blocks, he's game for making sure you score what you need. Even better, he's not going to make you pay... with money.

[Maybe a little darker, less fluffy than a lot of plots. I don't exactly anticipate it going to any weird places and i've never felt too great about straight non-con/rape stuff. Start out one-on-one, though, and move onto more degrading activities. See below: group sex, threesomes, gangbangs, facials and bukkake, lots of penetration, etc. Possible public sex.]

MxF Plots

The Family That Plays Together
(all, multiple partners, mild incest or possibly more if you like!!)
Female Sisters & Male Brother x Male Boyfriends
The parents have evacuated the premises, on a week and a half cruise vacation. Thousands of miles of land and a countless leagues of ocean lay between them and your libido. So what's a girl to do? Invite your boyfriends over for a relentless weeklong sex-romp! The house might need a steam cleaning and you might have to dip into your allowance to clean the cum off the upholstery, but at the prospect of a deep dicking, what's a few dropped loads on the new couch?

[Wow, what can it all be about?! The idea is that two sisters have a house to themselves. So, what's the reasonable thing to do? The sisters invite their boyfriends over for a marathon fuck session! I anticipate switching up between each couple, swapping partners and threesomes, both MMxF and MxFF. So, both of us will be playing multiple characters. Also, i like the idea of them having a brother who both of the boyfriends fuck as well, but i understand some might not like the idea of playing both a male and a female character. So, i consider that a special bonus, if i'm lucky enough to find someone willing. =D]

Take Me For a Ride On Your Hog
(all, multiple partners, new biker chick and gang of bikers)
Female MILF or Teen x A Handful of Wholesome and Gentle Bikers
It's hard to deny the appeal, sure. Especially in a smaller town like yours, just far enough away from the city that the sound of a dozen bikes gunning down the main street is cause for excitement. So when you find yourself down at the local honky tonk one evening when the gang decides to set up shop for the night, you swear you can feel each and every eye roaming over your body. It's not something you normally do, but when's the last time you had a little fun for yourself? A little casual flirting turns into more than maybe you bargained for when you find yourself bent over the pool table and the players are sinking balls of a different kind!

[Hmm, what could that mean?! Two slightly different flavors: hot older chick, looking for a little excitement. Maybe she's in a boring marriage, or divorced, etc. Or, of course, the classic reasonably innocent teen looking to spice up her life a little. Well, maybe not teen, since she'd have to be of drinking age... but it's a small town, maybe they don't mind so much. Maybe she's a waitress, who knows. This is just as much my game as it is yours!

You Cum Highly Recommended
(all, multiple partners, babysitter and older guys)
Female Babysitter x A Collection of Outstanding Gentlemen
It started like it always does. What better way to make a little extra scratch than watching your neighbor's kid? Except once that old horndog saw you walk in with the little denim shorts and the tight babydoll tee, he offered you double just to see your tits. Ever the business woman, you told him to make it triple and you'd even let him touch them. That was months ago, and now you're the hottest "babysitter" in the suburbs, commanding a pretty nice premium and a list of well paying clients.

[An excuse for various sexual encounters with a hot young teen and men of various ages. Plain vanilla sex, handjobs, blowjobs, threesomes and gangbangs, double and triple penetration, bukkake, etc.]

Best Mom On the Block
(all, multiple partners, MxF, milf and teen aged)
Hot Mom x Neighborhood Boy/Boys
You never actually expected the flirting to go anywhere. You're still pretty damn hot for your age, and it's clear all of the teenage guys in the suburb see it. It's hard not to get at least a little excited when you catch them peeking over the fence while you sunbath, or watching you go for that occasional jog. But it's another story entirely when you find yourself on your knees in the kitchen blowing the kid who was just mowing the lawn or getting sprayed by the guys just looking for some cash for new baseball team uniforms.

[Pretty clear, right? Hot older woman finds herself in need of young cock. Mostly figure on teenage guys, though men aged similarly to the woman are fair game, too! To get right into the mix, probably play this like her relationship with the neighborhood teens is already established, and despite saying "mom" up there beneath the title, she doesn't necessarily have to be a parent and could simply be a trophy wife or something.]

obviously, would like to see lots of anal, blowjobs, titfucking. spitroasts, double or triple penetration. facials or even bukkake!
sloppy seconds, using cum as lube? maybe even some strap-on play or pegging, depending on the plot.
look, it's not Shakespeare. just balling!


"do you need to open graves to find girls to fall in love with?"

i once said that i would never play in fandoms.
well, that's not exactly true. i don't think? but, i typically frown upon playing in established universes.
that said? some worlds don't lend themselves well to verbatim ripping, i guess.
so, here's a very short, non-fancy list of worlds from various media i wouldn't mind playing in.


RE: Wanna see my terrible parts? Well, climb in! [Plotty smut, MxF]

updated with a few new plots!

beasts of living saliva
teeth beyond counting
terror insurmountable
RE: Don't eat the roast on that table! We fucked up on that table! [Plotty smuts!] NEW!!

      • I think you're amazing.
        And I should probably PM you.

RE: Don't eat the roast on that table! We fucked up on that table! [Plotty smuts!] NEW!!

now see! you've set me all to blushin' like a boy.
ps: you totally should.


Drinking is good for you,
Soon you are unconstrained
Drinking is good for you,
Here comes the womanizer
Drinking is good for you,
Not anymore lonesome
Drinking is good for you,
And you will feel awesome!
RE: Don't eat the roast on that table! We fucked up on that table! [Plotty smuts!] NEW!!

i'm gonna rise up, gonna kick a little ass
gonna kick some ass in the USA
gonna climb a mountain
gonna sew a flag
i'm gonna fly on an eagle, i'm gonna kick some butt
i'm gonna drive a big truck
i'm gonna rule this road
i'm gonna kick some ass
gonna rise up
gonna kick a little ass
RE: I think it's great that you've got eight wobbly arms. [Plotty smuts!]

american ladies
well some are nice and some are mean
some are real dirty
some a real clean
they mix and they match though
and you can never know what you see
american ladies
driving me crazy
playing with me
american ladies
god you're so crazy
playing with me
RE: I think it's great that you've got eight wobbly arms! [Plotty smuts!]

My fucking wife has an ass in her cock over in the driveway, alright?
I'm sorry if my thoughts aren't with the photography of the film we're shooting tomorrow, Kurt, OK?
RE: If i'm prostrate my prostate's pumpin' fluid. [Updated plots + MxF&MxM smut!]

I only do MxM so the ones I like and I want to do all of these ones:
Taking one for the team (if I play the single male athlete)
Taking all cummers (If I play the punk)
and I got what you need but it'll cost ya (if I play the addict)
man, fucking awesome. i would love to catch them live.
i keep missing a lot of great shows, lately. i'll never forgive myself for missing godspeed you! black emperor's 2011 tour.
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