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Little Things That Bother You

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People dropping the F-word unnecessarily because they think it makes them badass.

People who insist that because they happen to have an opinion I must value it.

People who interrupt me when I'm working.


There's more but I can't think of it right now.
RP related, anyway. Those who seem enthusiastic about creating a roleplay, asking you to do so. Then you create the thread...and they never respond.
Amarhena said:
RP related, anyway. Those who seem enthusiastic about creating a roleplay, asking you to do so. Then you create the thread...and they never respond.

Ugh, my list for RP pet peeves is even longer but that's one of them.

I hate emoticons in the story...I just hate it.

I hate being the only one who comes up with ideas.

I hate RPers who don't know anything about history or science but still try to play off like they do. I like for them to do at least a little research if they are RPing an unfamiliar topic because when they don't they look like dumbasses.

I also hate when I get stuck with a helpless little girl who can't write to save her life and spends half the RP crying, being a helpless virgin, or getting herself seriously wounded so that my character has to coddle her. Geez, grow a fricken backbone bitch...

But I think I have the biggest problem with my partner abandoning the plot just to write out porn and then leaving me hanging cause they got their gratuitous sex scene in and are now bored with the RP. This has happened to me on every avatar site I went to and it makes me want to crawl through the computer screen and wring necks.
People who say "like" every other word.

People who don't stop at stop signs and almost MAKE ME CRASH HEADLONG INTO THEM.

People who run across the road without thinking, "Hey, a car might be driving down here!"

LJ communities made specifically for ranting. I probably wouldn't be annoyed if the people weren't such asshats. :\

People who think you're a bad rper if you happen to like effeminate men. o___o Happens pretty much everywhere I go.

When my laptop overheats which is pretty much always. ):

Hopping on the asshole bandwagon because everyone else is.

When I'm having the best dream ever and someone wakes me up. >;[!
When I'm in the bathroom, and people talk to me. Especially if I'm not feeling well and I'm going to be in there for awhile.

Jesus Christ, I'm taking a shit/pissing. Leave me alone. The bathroom is a sanctuary. If you say "DID YOU DIE IN THERE LOLOLOLO?!?" one more time I'm shoving your head in...and I won't flush first. I'm sorry I am sick and have the shits and I would like to do this as quietly as possible. I did not realize you needed to know my bowel movements.
Peeve: You're talking to someone (whether it's over the phone, or online IMs, or a chat room), then suddenly, in the middle of the conversation, without saying ANYTHING at all, the other person disappears completely.

I'll admit I've done this a few times purely by accident (because the convo was dead for a good five minutes), but I never leave someone in the middle of a serious one.
When someone gives me bad news about a friend or a family member, saying they thought I'd appreciate it if I was told. Why would I want to be told that something bad has happened to someone I like? I'd rather find out on my own several years later.
Unnecessary photshopping.
People that edit my photos without my permission.

Unwarranted praise.
Ass hats that are so full of themselves they won't do the work they were assigned.

Telemarketers at 8 in the morning, insomnia, bigots, Donald Trump, people who think they control you, ex's (Especially those that keep popping up), Not to mention homophobes, and those too ignorant to try to get to know someone before they shun them.
People who are on chat with you, tell you they'll be back in five, then never show up again.
I hate BRBs that turn into BBWLs because someone forgot to come back.

Late night internet homework submissions.

People who get mad at me for no reason.
Rudeness in general.

When people behave one way with someone, and ENTIRELY different with others. (This of course exludes closet-gays. I love my homosexuals. <3)

I hate little, yappy dogs... especially that belong to old people. Haha.
When English people go on holiday to a country with a completely different culture and either take the piss out of the accents used or sit and watch the FA Cup Final match on television. Wtf?
Demanding rp partners.

Yes, because it's all about your wants and needs. Allow me to serve you, your majesty. e___e;
Someone that sticks their nose into other family affairs when they aren't related.

Someone who trys to tell me how I should live my life.

Someone that trys to convert me into something that I don't want to be a part of.
White people, monarchs, the left, the right, centre, racists, homophobes, religion (at any level of commitment), babies, plastic cutlery, warm apple juice, dirty nappies, non alcoholic drinks placing themselves amongst the alcohol.
When someone says, "Oi mate, remember when you said *insert something they think I said here*."
Then I'll say, "Sorry, I never said that."
Then they'll try to convince me that I said it.

I should know what I said, you fucking berk.

Ignorant people who're fully aware of their ignorance, yet do nothing to fix it really get on my tits as well.
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