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Red Light Lovers (Kotep and Nekrosilisk88)


Jan 14, 2009
First, there was a loud noise, louder than anything that Tanya had ever heard, and then suddenly she was stumbling in an alleyway, catching herself against a brick wall. Her head was spinning and she felt utterly confused. She closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and opened them again, trying to get some sense of where she was. It was an alley, and not too far away she could see a street lit up with neon signs at the end of the alley. The sky above was dark and starless; either she was in a big city, or it was overcast, or both.

Her eyes lingered on the street as she saw some people walk by. Except...they weren't exactly people. It had to be some sort of dizziness, she told herself. There was no way she'd just seen animal people. The modestly-sized girl shook her head and ran a hand through her brown hair, trying to calm down and take things one step at a time. She had been just talking with her friend before all of this happened... As she thought about her, she saw her friend lying on the ground not far away. "Are you okay?" she asked, hurrying over to her side, wrapping an arm around her back and slowly helping her up to her feet.
Jaina groaned. Everything was black. She couldn't see anything, but she could hear distant sounds like a busy street, but close to her it was quite. Then she heard Tanya speak, at least she thought it was Tanya. It certainly sounde like her at any rate. She pulled her arms under her and tried to pick herself up. She felt Tanya wrap an arm around her . As her body lifted her vision began to clear. She rolled into her friend's grip, and placed an arm over her shoulder , allowing her to help her stand.

As she regained her feet, she braced against a wall. Her raven hair was tied back in a loose braid. Her vision soon cleared, and she could see her friend clearly, and smiled at the sight of a familiar face. "Damn, Tanya, what the hell did you order us? Whatever it was, it hit me harder than a PGGB." She turned to look at the street and try to get her bearings as a man walked by. She blinked and snapped her head back to her friend. "Tanya, did you just see a horse walk by?"

She shook her head, there was just no way she had just seen that. Animals didn't walk around like that, and they certainly didn't look even vaguely like people. She wrapped her arms about her small frame. Her body felt strange, and she didn't understand what was happening. her heels clicked against the smooth asphalt of the alley as she leaned into the wall.
"I don't know what did this, but it's night now, and..." she trailed off, turning to look at the man walking past the alley. "I...I did," she said, gulping lightly. "There's no way we just hallucinated the same thing, is there?" she asked, though she already knew the answer. "Something is really wrong. How did we even get here?" she asked, looking around for some sign of how they might have been brought to the alley. There was no hint of how they had arrived.

"Are you okay to walk? We can try and find a police station or something," she offered Jaina. As she looked into her friend's eyes, her friend could see bright green eyes with slit pupils staring back at her. Her nose had already begun to darken and flatten, looking more feline, while her hair was slowly sliding more toward a pitch black. "Oh, god, Jaina!" she gasped, then pointed at her friend's head. "You've got ears!" While of course she had ears, it was the size and shape of them that was worrisome. Pointed brown canine ears were sticking up through her hair. "What's happening to you?" she asked, wide-eyed and starting to back away.
Jaina's face twisted in confusion looking at her freind's eyes. "When did you get contacts?" At her friend's seemingly shocked expression of her having ears she placed her hands on her hips and glared. "Yes I have ears Tanya, this is serious, we don't need to be-" Her eyes suddenly went wide, and she yelped in pain. Pulling her hands up to where she could see them, she shrieked. where her hands had been once she now had what she could only describe as paws, despite still having four fingers and opposable thumbs, they now ended in claws, and were covered in fur, that she could see running up her arms.

Looking abck to Tanya, it wasn't just her eyes, her legs were changing now too. Where her fur was a light brown mottled with patches of darker brown and black, her friend was slowly being covered in fine blue fur that was so dark it looked black. "I don't know, but look at yourself! Jesus, what's happening to us."
"We've got to stop it!" Tanya said, looking down at herself and squeaking in fright as she watched the blue-black fur sliding up her legs. "Get it off, get it off!" she whimpered, uselessly pawing at the boundary between skin and fur as it moved up her legs. Her shoes felt uncomfortable and confining, as her feet were growing out into larger paws. Her hair seemed to be shrinking, merging with the black fur that was spreading rapidly over her body. She yelped, squirming as a growing tail pushed its way from the base of her spine and began to flick back and forth. Her face was starting to shift, pulling forward as her teeth grew sharper.

"No...this can't be real," she whimpered, suddenly wrapping her arms around Jaina and clinging to her tightly. Jaina could feel her tongue getting longer, more like a canine's, while a small nub of a tail poked out of her back, nothing like the long, curling tail that Tanya had. A prickling sensation traveled along her neck, as her hair was starting to change instead into a tall mane of dark fur.
Jaina started crying as the transformation continued. Partly because her face was hurting, and partly because shew as losing her hair. her fingers followed the prickling sensation up her neck, trying to hold onto the last vestiges of her once long braid. While she wasn't vain, her hair had been the real draw for the boys, always wanting to touch it, and because of that be with her. She couldn't talk because her tongue was still flopping uselessly outside her mouth. She wasn't used to handling something so large.

the rest of her was growing too. The tail which had started out as just a little nub, was now almost down to her knees. Her hips and shoulders were broadening. She could feel her figure stretching out her dress. If she kept growing like this, her dress was going to tear. As for her feet, The straps on her heels snapped as they grew into paws, liberating them before they became too painful. Giving up on trying to stop any of it, Jaina just grabbed hold of Tanya, and pulled her in close, waiting for it to be over with.
Tanya winced slightly, digging her retractable claws into Jaina's back. And seemed to simply finish. She was fine. Her breaths were ragged and her legs were trembling slightly, but it was all over. "It's finished," she sighed in relief, and took a tentative look at the two of them. Tanya was a black-furred panthress, and Jaina was a spotted hyena. While they were both a bit larger than they had been, as evidenced by their clothes feeling rather tight against their larger frames, they looked the same for the most part.

Tanya slowly stepped back, chest still rising and falling deeply, staring at Jaina and trying to get used to her friend's new appearance. "'s over, we're not hurt," she reassured herself. Even if they were animals, at least they were alive. "Should we try to find some help? Maybe look for a police dog?" she said, a weak grin on her feline muzzle as she tried to cheer up both of them.
Jaina shook her head, tongue flopping around. "Thad thould fbe fthunnier if fmy thounge thould sget in fmy mouf." Sighing she tucked her tongue away and closed her mouth so she didn't look like a complete idiot walking down the street while they looked for the police, or whatever they had for an equivalent in this place.

She took Tanya's hand and with some difficulty started walking. Her dress was tight fitting and ran almost down to her knees. As such she was afraid of tearing it so she didn't take very large steps. As they stepped out onto the streets they seemed abnormally quiet for a busy city, but a few minutes of looking around at the neon signs told her exactly why. This wasn't the main part of town.

Though it probably saw plenty of customers, this wasn't where someone wnated to have their presence advertised. Flashing neon signs for live nude shows, and scantily clad women standing on corners calling out for the men that walked by told her where in this city they were. Somehow they'd gotten themselves smack into the middle of the red light district. She gave Tanya a pleading look. if anyone she'd have to be the one to do it for now since she was generally understandable
"You've got to get used to that telling how long you're going to be stuck with it," Tanya said. She felt a pang of fear as she said those words, wondering if they'd ever be able to get back to normal, or even just get back home. She had to try not to think about it too much, just focus on what was going on right now.

A pair of eyes spotted them, and quickly sized them up. A hyena here, holding hands with another girl...well, that spelled one thing: potential customer.

"Hey there, cutie," a voice said, and as Jaina turned to see who had said it, she nearly stuck her dark nose into brown-furred cleavage. The woman was dressed in high-heeled platform boots, with fishnets reaching all the way up to her pleated black-and-red plaid miniskirt. Her breasts were nearly popping from the dark tank top, and her whole body had been adorned with little glimmers of metal, including an ankh hanging from a necklace, drawing the eye in to her cleavage.

"You look like a pretty open kinda girl...come here often?" she asked Jaina, smiling at her and reaching out, rubbing her hands along the hyena's arms. The bat's red eyes glinted at her as she leaned closer. "Working all night can get a girl hungry. What do you say we go somewhere we can eat out?" Her claws were gently scratching Jaina behind the ears, while Tanya tugged on her friend's arm lightly. "Come on, leave her!"
Jaina looked at the woman with a bit of surprise. She'd never dealt with a hooker before, and her first encounter had her asking a lot of questions. She'd always thought hookers were there for men, not women. And now that this woman was trying to solicit her, she found herself wondering why. Not just why she thought it was odd for a woman to pay for another woman's body, but why she'd never thought about being with another woman before. The bat's way with words, and her gentle scratching had a way about it, that made her all the more attractive, and had her in what seemed almost like a trance, until she felt Tanya tugging on her arm.

Snapping out of the trance, she stepped away from the woman, and hurried away with Tanya. When they'd reached an area with fwe people around, she let her tongue flop out so she could talk again. Moving it a little first to get some more control, she was a little clearer this time. "What juth happened?"
The bat huffed lightly and turned away after Jaina and her friend had run off. Honestly, some'd think they would be prepared to get a proposition or two if they came here. Some people were such prudes.

"What just happened? Jaina, you just had a hooker try to get you to buy some time with her. And you were practically drooling all over her too! I could see how fast your tail was wagging. I didn't think you were bi..." Tanya said, looking at her friend with a surprised expression. "Okay. We're in the sex district, that's obvious. I don't know if we should keep trying to talk to people on the street if all of them are as...friendly as that bat was," she said. "My legs are getting tired, and I think I'm getting hungry. One of the strip clubs around here is bound to have something to eat."

Tanya had pulled Jaina along with her into one of the larger clubs, and took one of the tables further away from the stage and closer to the bar. She sipped at her drink and tried to keep her head down. She just felt a bit embarrassed whenever she spotted the stage from the corner of her eye and got a glimpse of the huge-titted wolfess curling herself around the pole. Tanya didn't want to admit yet that the girls here got her more than a little excited.
By now she had her tongue more under control. She looked about the club as they enter. Apparently the joint catered to everyone as there were was plenty of meat on the stage with the girls. Hoping this place used the same currency. She carefully slid two of her clawed fingers into her bra reaching for her wallet. she'd always had enough cleavage to access Victoria's secret compartment, but only just. The horrified expression on her face didn't help things. "Tanya, my wallet's gone!"

Before either of them could say anything further, well-endowed wolfess that Tanya had been eyeing earlier had come off the stage and walked over to them. She was smiling. She could see that the hyena likely wasn't interested, in fact she seemed worried about something, but that panther...

Walking around the table, she traced once of her claws down Tanya's arm. "Mmm, aren't you a tasty looking morsel." She smiled lasciviously as sat down next to the panthress. "And i could see you were definitely enjoying my little show up on stage. If you'd like, i can give one that's more... Purrrsonal."
Tanya had been telling herself that she didn't actually like girls, ignoring the strippers to the best of her ability and trying to focus instead on her drink. But as she climbed off the stage and slowly walked up to her, she couldn't help her eyes from being drawn up to the canine's curvaceous body. Her tail began to flick from side to side, and an eager purr lifted from her throat as she watched the stripper.

"I, uh...I'm not really the sort of girl that...that..." she stammered just a little, finding it hard to say that she wasn't interested in the wolfess when everything in her body was telling her she was intensely attracted to the stripper. "I'd love to get more personal with you," she purred, almost as if she was in a trance. Leaning closer to the wolf, she licked her lips lightly, and let one of her hands gently slip around the wolf's waist, squeezing her ass.

Jaina was forgotten, left watching as Tanya stared at the stripper lustily. With Jaina's wallet gone, they would be quite short on cash, and there was Tanya, looking ready to buy a private session with the stripper.
Jaina's eyes grew wide, and unlike her friend, she wasn't quite so subtle. A quick smack upside the head was her solution for getting someone out of a daze and she wasn't afraid to use it. As her hand connected to the back of her friend's head, she glared and snarled at her. "Tanya! Dammit what are you thinking!"

Her vision snapped to the stripper and she glared at her. "You scram. We just came in here to get something to eat." The wolfess stood up in a huff. "Look honey, you and your girlfriend are in an exclusive relationship, fine. You just have to tell us, you don't have to be so rude about it." still she gave Tanya a knowing wink and sashayed off to the back to get ready for her next set.
"Heh, girlfriend," Tanya said with a soft chuckle, grinning at Jaina. "Sorry, but...did you see those breasts? Mmm, I just wanted to squeeze them..." she said, getting a distant, almost dreamy look in her eye as she envisioned being able to play with the stripper's heavy mounds. As she started to realize what she'd done and a blush crept into her cheeks, she looked away from Jaina. "Sorry, I don't know what came over me. She was...really hot though, did you see her? Mmmh..." she said, starting to purr eagerly.

A gentle, warm feeling was slowly radiating outward from the pit of Tanya's stomach, making the feline feel pleased and relaxed, keeping her from growing too concerned. She would barely have noticed the slow, gradual growth that began at her chest, even without the pleasing sensation. It was subtle enough to escape notice for now, but the same warm feeling was slowly beginning to spread through Jaina too.
Jaina rolled her eyes and muttered under breaths. "Girlfriend, right." She turned to Tanya after that and sighed shaking her head. "Apparently I'm not the only one having a bit of curiosity here. Look you want to go mess around, fine, but can we wait until we have some money for it first? Fuck, I need to get an ID too. Everything I had was in that wallet." She looked about for a phone booth and spotted one, complete with the dangling directory. "Ok look make sure you've got some money, and get us something light to eat. I'm going to go see if I can find the nearest police station."

She got up and walked to the phone booth. Opening the book, she made sure she was angled well enough to see what her friend was doing. It wasn't that she didn't trust her, but they'd both had close calls already and she didn't think they could afford anymore. After a bit of flipping back and forth between the maps and the directory, she was finally able to find out where they were and where the nearest station was. With a sigh of relief, she headed back to Tanya.
"It's not like our old IDs would have been too useful here. We don't even have our old faces," Tanya said, shaking her head as her friend got up and left to find a phone book. She ordered some chicken fingers from the bar, then sat back down, waiting for her friend to get back. She turned in her seat and watched the tigress grinding against the pole, and she started to purr loudly and flick her tail back and forth intently. The growth was slowly moving to new areas, starting to round out her ass further. As it slowly grew, her chest was starting to noticably stretch out her top, though the fabric seemed to be adjusting to keep snug around her.

As Jaina came back from the phone booth, there was a little bit of a sway and strut to her walk. Her shoes had begun to shift, the heels slowly extending downward, pushing up her own heels and making her walk in a more alluring way. Tanya was still purring loudly and admiring the stripper on stage, but her top looked almost...smaller than before.
Jaina sat down, and banged her knees on the table. "Ouch!" Looking down she stared at her heels momentarily. "That's weird, when did my heels get longer?" She shook her head, and laid her legs sideways so they'd clear the table,a nd grabbed one of the chicken fingers. She followed her friend's eyes back to the stage, and sighed. She didn't understand how women did that.

she looked back to her friend, and blinked. Her shirt was baring her midriff now which it wasn't earlier. A closer look showed her the cause. "Uh, Tanya? Did you put something in your shirt?" She was almost pointedly staring at her chest which was noticeably larger.
"Huh? What are you talking about?" Tanya asked, turning away from the stage and sitting back in her seat. She looked down at her chest, pulling the shirt open a little and shaking her head. "No, there's nothing in my shirt..." There was a noticeable line of cleavage visible above the sinking neckline of her shirt. "Why, is something wrong?" she asked. Her voice sounded slightly different. It was a little deeper, a little smoother, and just a bit more seductive. "You're one to talk...have you been stuffing your bra or something?" she asked, motioning toward Jaina's chest and her dress stretched snugly around it.

Tanya's eyes moved up from her breasts to her face, watching the hyena's black lips slowly plump up. Running her feline tongue over her own subtly growing lips, Tanya began to imagine what it would be like to kiss her.
Jaina looked confused. "What are you talking about? You know i can't stand those pretentious bitches that do that!" She paused for a moment and than started cackling as she realized what she had just said. Her full lips pulled back into a broad grin. Though she was cackling, it was musical. The sound was short lived, as her incredibly tight dress shortened her breath.

"Damn, what the hell." She took a few short gasps to get her breath back. Looking down at her chest, she could see the change. "Holy shit! When did this happen!?" She took a few more breaths. "I can't keep my breath. I need new clothes." As she said that, the smile faded, and she became incredibly sober. "Uh, that brings up another point. how are we supposed to get money? We don't have any ID, or any place to stay for that matter."
"Well, I suppose we'll just have to find work somewhere. I'm sure we could find a room somewhere cheap in this part of town...and there seems to be plenty of work for those willing to do it," she said, smiling and winking at Jania. This was her friend Tanya, who was almost too shy to even wear a swimsuit to the beach, joking about getting work as a stripper. "I think I'd be pretty good up on the stage like that," she said, purring as she looked up at the vixen poledancing to cheers from the tables closest to the stage.

Tanya's clothes seemed to be merging together somehow. The top was turning a vibrant shade of purple, the fabric extending downward and becoming one with that of her pants, which had been shrinking upward. As the panthress within the new dress grew, the fabric was reshaping itself to keep from getting too tight, and the neckline dropped even lower as the hem of the dress rose up her legs. At the same time, the dress that Jaina had been wearing was splitting apart at the middle, the skirt portion gently hugging her growing hips while the top adjusted outward, giving Jania's breasts space. While her top lingered in limbo between a corset and a tank top, Jania's heels were growing even higher--but looking down at Tanya's paws, she could see the same high-heeled shoes which had once been her friend's sneakers.
Jaina nodded her head. "Yeah i guess there is. Seems to be enough girls on the corners around-" She paused suddenly. What the hell was she saying? Did she just suggest selling herself? Hell she'd made her last boyfriend wait almost a year before she even started fooling around, and she still hadn't gone all the way. Then she just stared at Tanya awestruck. Never mind the fact her friend's clothes were changing, she'd just suggested flaunting her assets. She'd had to fight to get her to go out in anything other than loose fitting shirts and pants.

She put one of her paws against her forehead, she didn't feel hot, she didn't feel particularly ill either. Tanya looked like she was alright too. What was coming over them, maybe her friend was feeling something she wasn't. "Tanya, you feeling alright? This doesn't sound like you..."
"Oh, I dunno...a big girl like you would look good on the corner, if you ask me..." Tanya said, flashing a warm, fanged smile at Jaina as she crossed her legs, showing off the tall heels as well as her widening hips. The panthress was growing all around, and by now, her dress looped over her shoulders with just two small straps, with a neckline that was plunging dangerously low. The hem of her dress now reached up to her thighs, and there were slits in the side just to show off more of her shapely legs.

Jaina's top was becoming a stretchy, glittery sort of spandex material, bright and flashy like an advertisement. As she moved her head around, she could feel the large hoops bouncing against her cheeks, dangling from her ears. There was even a gentle tingling as tattoos wrapped their way around the hyena's arms. "You look tough, in a good way...I'm sure you'd get a ton of girls, they'd see a hyena and think 'she does chicks' right away," Tanya said. The more that Tanya was changing before her eyes, and the more frightened that Jaina got, there was a small voice, barely even a whisper, far back in her head that was telling her just how hot her friend looked.
Jaina looked at her friend nervously. Something about this was wrong, and she knew it, but at the same time part of her was liking it. She slid her chair over next to Tanya and licked her lips. The entirety of her dress had changed. Even as her chest and hips kept growing, the dress changed match them and molded to her body's new form. Her top was strapless, and set so low it looked like she was about ready to pop out of it at any moment, and the bottom by now had ridden so far up her legs, that if they weren't closed anyone looking down would've have gotten a free shot with a little work.

She blushed as Tanya told her how good she'd look on a street corner. "Well yeah, but i don't know. Somehow this just doesn't seem right. Besides you really think that there are that many lezzies around here?" She nervously raised a hand to touch her friend's new body. "I wonder where the manager is. He'd be a fucking idiot not to hire you if he saw you right now."
"There's tons of girls who'd want to get with a girl like you...everything from your little trust fund sex kittens looking for a way to rebel to your MILF housewives who want a bit of excitement in the sack, 'cause they're not getting it at home," Tanya said, chuckling to herself and purring loudly as she stretched back in her chair, obviously showing off her body--though it wasn't as if anyone would care. The feline's nipples were dangerously close to slipping right out of her dress.

After Jaina touched her lightly, Tanya smiled and wrapped a paw around her friend's bare midriff, gently teasing the waistband of her skirt. "Mmm, you think so? Well, I don't know if I would want to work here. "After all, quality girls like us deserve quality pay," she said, winking at Jaina and laughing lightly.

As Jaina tried to think about what was wrong, it seemed almost as if her thoughts were being deliberately sabotaged--every time, she felt a little tingle somewhere on her body, and she found herself with a new piercing. After gaining studs in each of her nipples, her bellybutton, and her tongue, Jaina's thoughts finally broke through, and she could remember, though not entirely clearly, that she and Tanya had been normal human girls.
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