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Delshyk curled into a ball near her leg, resting his head on her thigh. Slowly, he opened his eyes and smiled warmly at Noah. He knew what they were talking about. He'd occasionally hear about certain cities while the grunts tested on him. Even though they had tried to splice him, with a rather dull boy named Eric, they found him incompatible. In fact, the only reason they kept him there was to mix his DNA to try and find a workable combination, and also as an outlet for their anger. The small cuts on Delshyk's sides were fading slowly, still visible to the eyes. His smile widened as he stood unsteadily. He had never been on a couch before and was unused to the way it moved when stepped on. He ended up falling into Selphe's lap, a confused look on his face.
Selphe chuckled softly and picked up Delshyk in her arms. He seemed to always be quite comfortable there.
Noah returned the smile to Delshyk.
"Would you like me to cook? I think it'd be best if I let you two here."
Selphe smiled.
"That'd be great, Noah."
He nodded and grinned, going to the kitchen. Only Arceus knows what he was planning.
Selphe turned on the TV and curled up with Delshyk.
Delshyk sighed happily, curling into her. He liked being this newfound home. Especially since the trainer hadn't hesitated to help them. He turned to watch the TV, his purring getting louder until his body vibrated from it. It seemed relatively quiet though, and it stopped often, like an old truck that was running out of gas. He had never purred before, but somehow, even though he had no idea how, he had managed to find a way to express his happiness. The purring turned to a low growl as a report about Team Galactic came on over the news. His eyes turned to slits, his flames almost igniting. The growl was stronger than his purring, since he had done alot of it back at the testing facility. Finally, when the reporter mentioned the stolen pokemon, he curled deeper into a ball, hiding his head in fear. He wanted to be rid of those horrendus memories. Of course, they mentioned nothing of the missing orphans.
Noah sighed softly as he heard the news.
Selphe cuddled Delshyk. She began to understand what happened, what with Noah's altered appearance.
"Don't worry, your my pokemon now. Galactic will never harm you again," she said, gently kissing the pokemon's head.
Delshyk calmed, nuzzling her. He trusted her, and Delshyk's trust was unbelievably hard to come by. He licked her chin with a smooth tongue after being kissed on the forehead, cuddling close to her.
Selphe smiled softly and held Delshyk close, knowing that she'd never let go
"Dinner!" Noah said from the kitchen. Luckily, there was no fire or smoke.
Delshyk nudged Selphe, his stomach growling. He wriggled away playfully, bounding towards the kitchen. He was going so fast, the little pokemon crashed right into Noah's feet, almost tripping him. "Whoops, sorry Noah. Didn't mean to do that." He suddenly rolled onto his back and began to nibble cutely on his left hind paw. He wasn't doing it for appeal, he just had an itch, but it came across as cute.
Noah looked down at Delshyk and chuckled.
"Mhmm. Hungry?" he asked, setting down a bowl of food for Delshyk.
It wasn't even pokefood; it was real food, the good stuff. Hey, Delshyk was a good friend. He deserved no less.
Selphe walked in and took a portion of the food Noah had cooked for herself, nodding softly to him.
Noah took his plate.
"Dig in," he said, taking a bite. It wasn't the best, but it was pretty good.
Delshyk rolled to his feet and ate hungrily. The food was amazing, not like the stuff they fed him at the facility. This was the knid of food that would keep you alive. He smiled contentedly after he finished, shaking his fur out and licking one of his paws. He wondered what other pokemon looked like, and whether or not they were all as nice as Noah and Selphe.

(I just realized we need more people. It doesn't feel as if I'm really doing anything. I'll try to get some more people to join.)
Of course not all were nice, but most were.
Selphe smiled and scooped up Delshyk as they all finished
"It's starting to get dark. I think we should all hit the hay."
Delshyk sighed happily, snuggling closer to her chest, closing his eyes. His fur was puffed out, making him a super-soft ball of fluff. Even in his sleep, he nibbled on his hind paws. It seemed as though the endless days of nightmares had finally come to an end.
((I apologize, starting later today, I will hop back in. I had a bit of problems))

Brighton nodded slowly to the clerk and walked out. He looked to the sky and saw that it was getting dark. He reached up and patted Ahroun's side as he began to walk towards the Pokemon Center. Ahroun leaned out and nuzzled his hand as he stepped through the threshold. The boy looked around and saw that all the rooms have been occupied. "Figures..." He said softly. Ahroun leapt from his shoulder and sauntered over to the bench, hopping onto it. Brighton nodded as he moved to the bench that his Pokemon was occupying. "Looks like it's the same bench different city." He said as he brought his hands behind his head to act as a pillow, Ahroun gently skittered over before climbing into his companions lap. Smiling gently Brighton reached down to pet his Eevee. He let his eyes fall closed and eventually fell asleep. He dreamt of that fateful night two years prior.
"You should follow your dream Brighton. No matter what anyone says." Cynthia said as she held out her bag. "Take one..." She urged kindly, her genuine smile spread across her face. Pokemon are meant to be your friends, and allies." She said her tone warm and sincere. "There are 6 in here freshly caught, so they haven't had a chance to bond with me. I want you to have one and start your adventure."

"Mom and Dad say it's my responsibility to study all I can about our history and traditions.." He said his green eyes looking eagerly at the bag before him. He felt torn, he wanted to listen to his parents' wishes but his heart yearned for adventure. "I can't just leave without letting them know..." He sighed and leaned back in his chair, his gaze dropping to the floor. He shook his head and pulled out a Pokeball. "They want me to learn about the Dowell way of life, The ambition and determination that flows within my veins. What better way to learn right?" He looked at Cynthia his eyes eager for adventure.

She nodded and smiled, as she withdrew her bag and stepped back. "Care to see which one you chose?"

Brighton was nervous, his heart racing. "Can I really do this, can I really leave this village and start an adventure?" The boy thought to himself, Cynthia was his role model and the closest thing he had to a friend. She wouldn't steer him wrong. "She never had before." He reasoned as he tossed the pokeball lightly. A flash of light emanated from a single point in the room and quickly faded. All that could be heard was a soft "patter-patter". His eyes readjusted and saw a fluffy brown fox, standing before him. "Eevee" It cried as it nuzzled his leg softly. The boy knelt and began to pet his newly acquired pokemon. "I'll call him Ahroun.." He said happily, his voice softening a little. The fox seemed to smile at the name, as if smiling in approval.

"Well Brighton, I'll let your parents know that I think you're ready for your journey." Cynthia said, as she slung her bag over her shoulder. She smiled happily, as she moved towards the door. "Take care of that Eevee, because like I said he's your ally and friend. Treat him like one." She said her voice sung melodically, as he opened the door. "I'll see you around Brighton.." She said as she left.
Delshyk sighed happily, snuggled into his trainers arms, content. His fur brushed softly against her face, creating a comfort for both of them. Delshyk purred as he felt his fur being stroked gently. The feeling sent happy shivers up his spine.
Selphe smiled and slowly drifted off to sleep as she cuddled him, pretty tuckered out.
Noah watched and smirked, shutting off the TV, before quietly leaving, to grab some stuff.
Ahroun picked his head up off of Brighton's lap and looked warily around the Pokemon Center. The Eevee tried to wake it's trainer up, but Brighton never moved. He was in too deep a slumber. In a huff Ahroun leapt from the boy's lap and silently skittered down the hall. That smell had been familiar, the same scent that had been in the forest. The fox-like creature made it's way to a hallway to the side of the Pokemon Center and sat outside the door that the scent was emanating from. It was a curious and yet familiar scent, the pokemon couldn't place it.
Noah opened the door Ahroun was sitting in front of, pausing as he blinked and
looked down at the pokemon.
"Erm... hello there," the Flygon Pokemorph said.
Ahroun looked up at him and sniffed curiously. "Who are you?" He said in a soft voice, "you smell familiar but yet not at all?" He asked inquisitively. His nature was getting the best of him at that moment. "Oh sorry, I'm just glad to be able to talk to somebody, humans... they just don't understand... You know? My name is Ahroun, nice to meet 'cha" He said his brown eyes sparkling with happiness. His tail wagged happily.
Noah smirked and shut the door gently behind him, crouching to be eye level with the Eevee.
"Trust me, I understand. It's nice to be able to talk to pokemon. And be half of one," he added with a chuckle.
"I am Noah. Flygon pokemorph and traveler. Nice to meet you too, Ahroun," he said, rubbing the pokemon's head.
Delshyk lifted his head, yawning widely. Something had woken him, but he didn't know what it was, but he had a strange urge to wander. He licked Selphe's cheek before smoothing his fur and slipping to the floor. He trotted out the door to the room, smiling widely as he saw another pokemon. He ran over to the Eevee, curiosity taking his movements. "Hi! What are you? What's your name? Why do you smell like that?" A stream of questions flowed out of his mouth, his eyes wide with excitement.
Ahroun smiled at Noah purring softly as he was being patted, "What did you mean half of one..? He asked his interest piqued. "Was your father a Flygon and your mother human or ??" He asked his mind running with so many questions. "Are there any more of you? Brothers or sisters? Questions flew from his mouth as soon as he thought of them.

He realized that he may have been asking too many questions so he quieted a little before he heard scratching at the other side of the door. The door opened suddenly as he saw a brown and black Pokemon slip silently through the space. Red tufts stuck out of it's back. "Smells spicy" Ahroun thought to himself. Next thing he knew he was bombarded with questions. As soon as the curious Cyndaquil finished, the Eevee took a deep breath and let it out.

"I'm Ahroun, and I am an Eevee." He stated calmly, he sniffed himself and smelled the aroma of Brighton still on his neck tufts. "Oh, that's right, I'm here with my trainer though we couldn't get a room. It looked like it was going to storm so he said we should just stay here for the night." He said as he sat down his tail wagging from everything going on. "He's a nice guy though he really doesn't say much to other people. He always makes sure I'm taken care of." He said with a smile. "Though before I met him I was caught by a female with hair like the sun. She gave me to him to start his journey, We've been friends ever since."
Delshyk pawed at him curiously, nuzzling his soft fur. He smiled, nudging his side with his nose. "What's an Eevee?" he asked Ahroun. "I haven't been around pokemon since I've been in a testing faci-" he cut himself off mid sentence and slinked off to hide behind Noah's legs. The facility was not something he wanted to bring up.
Noah sighed and rubbed the Cynadquil's back.
"No. I don't know who my parents are. I was... abducted by Team Galactic and they did experiments on me. That's how I'm half Flygon."
He shrugged and rubbed the pokemon's head.
"Hair like the sun, Eh? Sounds alot like an old friend of mine."
An Eevee is me, and I am an Eevee...? He said not quite understanding the question. He got up and walked in a circle. "I see pokemon that use the elements, but I can't. I'm what people call a normal type. I don't know much, I had a big family and no one really looked any different, except my uncle who came back the color of the night. I wonder why that happened." He sat down again and began to paw at a pebble.

Ahroun looked up at Noah and shook his head, "Experiments?" He asked, confused as to what the word meant. "I'm sorry to hear that you were once human, and got changed somehow." Ahroun stopped playing with the pebble and rested his head on his paws. "Wait you knew Bri's friend?" He asked inquisitively.
Noah thought for a moment.
"If her name was... Cynthia, then yes. And thank you for your sympathy."
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