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Lord Dakol

Jun 28, 2009
Hmm... I rarely say this, but I would like to try a three-person roleplay that involves two best friends and a female. The two friends are on opposite sides of the sexual spectrum: one is shy, passionate, and gentle, while the other is dominate, aggressive, and extremely violent. One day, they both come upon a woman (almost any age, from the youngest possible to around the age of 35) and decide to take advantage of her.

After raping her, the woman soon finds that she loves their respective personalities; the one that takes charge and uses her, and the other that had feelings for her...

It would be very possible to incorporate futa into this regarding the other friend with either role. I can take either role, as some people can probably tell you.

Also, it is also possible to have another female for each friend that switch, perhaps.

So tell me what you guys think, and who would be interested in this plot. Will be waiting to hear from you guys!

EDIT: Changed the title, heh.
RE: MxFxMxF, perhaps?

its bit annoying
RE: MxFxMxF, perhaps?

Yep. Makes me refresh my browser every ten seconds, even though I should get a notice if that happens. Drives me insane (if I'm not already there, XP).
RE: MxFxMxF, perhaps?

When I'm done, I immediately get off, so I don't leave people waiting for me to post, thinking that I'll post ANY SECOND.

Hey amaya, are you partial to futa? 'Cause I was thinking that it would be way easier to have a female best friend that is futa.
RE: MxFxMxF, perhaps?

True true, really about the only time I stay on, but I'm away is if my dog needs to be walked, or I needa fix something to eat. Or anything of that sort. : 3 Other then that I normally get off so not to leave my partners wandering.
RE: MxFxMxF, perhaps?

sorry dont like playing futa!
RE: MxFxMxF, perhaps?

I just dont like me to play futa, for other characters to play futa for me it is ok
RE: MxFxMxF, perhaps?

Well, if you're willing to play both the futa and one of the other girls, then that's fine.
RE: MxFxMxF, perhaps?

So would I need to be playing one or two characters? : 3 If two, Jaclyn is normally my futa, while Chelo is my more submissive but cautious character. Unless Amaya you were playing a more submissive character? : O
RE: MxFxMxF, perhaps?

I will try, since I am new I dont have many characters so I will play as myself with some changes.
RE: MxFxMxF, perhaps?

All righty! So only a couple more things to iron out:

Who is going with who? The submissive female going with the sensitive male, and the futa going with the the fighter female, or the other way around?

RE: MxFxMxF, perhaps?

I will let you choose... make it easier.
RE: MxFxMxF, perhaps?

Well, that creates a problem I just thought of: if that happens, then you'll practically be roleplaying with yourself!
UNLESS the fighter is played by amaya.

Gah, this would be simpler is we had four people!
RE: MxFxMxF, perhaps?

well yes that would be a problem
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