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Bleeding Heart (Hat+Minxx)

(( Is this a modern setting? xD I still have yet to figure that out. Oh, and sorry that I'm so meticulous about things making sense. Sometimes my character reacts too literally to flaws in players' logic and it doesn't go well... xD So I apologize if something weird like that happens. ))

Hmm... Maybe it would feel nice to get out of this dress. But I couldn't while he's around, could I? "What, is nudism a part of your apparently distant culture?"

(( Sorry I have more OOC than IC, but... we've begun to branch off into multiple conversations so I'm trying to make it a bit more simple. ><; ))
((Modern, with strangeness. World of Darkness, essentially. And no worries! everything can be worked out. :3 ))

"Not really a part of it. We just didn't care as much." he said, leaning on the mop. "After all, I've been standing here topless this whole time. Now, if you did the same thing, You'd probably feel a bit embarrassed." he set aside the broom. "But only at first. Nudity is only taboo because being clothed is the normal state, if you get my meaning. I come from a much warmer climate."
Where exactly was this guy from, anyway? "But you don't have breasts," she replied. "That's why I would feel a bit strange. And I'm also in the company of another man. If I were with other girls, there would be no such hesitation."
"Breasts?" he chuckled. "I see." he said with a chuckle. "I guess that many years of inhibition..." he shook his head. "It's not like you'd just cast them away as easily as talking. It's an interesting discussion, though... In my land, if a person is hot, then they are hot. Breasts are not associated with sex, mostly." he walked past her. "This storm might last a good while. I'll be in your care for some time, then... Is there anything else you'd like me to do? Anything at all?"

A tiny push like that probably wouldn't have any results... but watching her face as she thought of... anything... might be entertaining.
His culture seemed extremely strange, but she wasn't one to complain. She was growing more comfortable with his presence, more trusting. And with that, a bit less reserved.

"Sure," she said, without much thought. "Entertain me."
Haha! Really now?
"Entertain you? How should I go about doing that? There are so many ways to entertain." he said with a grin, moving closer to her. "If you're not specific, I might just do a striptease!" with that, he let out a laugh.
It was beginning to feel like a game of chicken. "Sure, why not?" she said, a bit teasingly. "Though I'm not sure how you could pull it off, being as you're already half naked, and apparently nudity isn't a very sexual thing for your people."
He laughed.
"Nudity is not. Baring oneself in preparation for the act is. It is all about intent." he leaned closer. "Of course, there is always taking a more direct approach with things." he said quietly.
She felt it, the attraction. It was a bit difficult not to feel it though, when a handsome, shirtless man stood inches away from her face.

"What could possibly be more direct than a striptease?" she joked, her whole composure unbreaking save for the slight blush that crept to her cheeks.
"There are many things." he said, smiling. "A kiss..." he looked into her eyes more directly. "A touch... Some motion... It is all up to you, of course."
Olivia said nothing. Instead, she locked her gaze to his, challenging him to try something. But she wasn't about to lose this game.

She just had this thing about always winning the chicken game. Inexplicable, really.
Oh, man, he loved women like this! So full of vivre, fire! He could hardly wait to take her down a peg or three... watch her burn away her dignity just for his affection. Haha! Soon. Soon he'd mold her into the woman he wanted her to be.

But for now...
He kissed her lips, slow, gentle. His many, many years of experiance and his desire for her played a part in it, but it was short and sweet, then he parted from her, opening his eyes to look into hers again.
She'd practically asked for it, but never mind that -- she was about to be as irrational and volatile as most young women are.

Her eyes opened wide in surprise at his actual kiss, and for a few moments she was frozen in his gaze, but it didn't last long. She shoved him back and took a defensive stance. "You pervert!" she cried out. "You break into my home half naked, offer to cut off your pants to plug the window, and now you're kissing me? Are you here to rape me? Because you've got a pretty roundabout way of handling it!"
"I fell into your house, literally. Your reaction was to tie me to a bed, threaten me with a knife, nearly toss me to the wet and the cold, and continue to treat me like a monster, despite my every move being one of politeness or prompted action." he looked her in the eyes. "DO you want to try force with me?" he asked gently, hands on his hips as he stopped leaning towards her, rising to his full height.

"I really think you should calm down." he said after a moment.
His authoritarian disposition frightened her a bit and she flinched, before trying to settle herself. "Right. I'm sorry. You have been polite," she said, not quite understanding why. Yes, he'd been kind but... This was her home. His character was shady, his background unknown. Didn't she have a reason to be defensive?

She took a deep breath, willing all the bad energy away. What was there to worry about? If he wanted to do anything, he would've done it by now.
"Thank you." he said quietly. Damnit, the mood was gone. "Now we're back to square one. You have so graciously allowed me to stay in your home. How am I to repay you, my lady?" he asked gently. "Please, I do not like owing things to people."

But mostly I need you to actually invite me to stay for more than a few hours...
Olivia frowned in thought. "I really don't have anything for you to do," she said, beginning to shiver -- it was cold enough from the rain and the basement was the coldest part of the house. Her nipples were even beginning to show through her dress. "Please, join me upstairs by the fire, she said. "You must be as cold as I am."
He nodded, walking up the basement stairs and warming himself at the fire. Truth be told, extreme temperatures didn't cause him much discomfort, unless they were actually physically harming him. So he sat next to the fire, humming to himself. What now? Sure, a few more median attempts could possibly do the trick, but... he sighed. This was beginning to prove difficult. But worth it!
Olivia smiled to feel the warmth on her skin, the fire illuminating the both of them. She felt all her previous intimidation melt away -- something about the warm color of the firelight made him seem all the less daunting, less dangerous. She found it difficult now not to feel more trusting.

"I really am sorry about the way I've treated you. I hope that you can understand my wariness around a stranger, and not be offended. I see now that you're not deserving of my harshness."
"It's alright. A thunderstorm, a sudden intruder, suspicious acts... it was all quite justified." he smiled. "That you are willing to apologize is a mark of character." he said, gesturing beside him. "Let us warm ourselves."
Without much thought, Olivia took the invitation, seating herself beside him. Although she enjoyed the fire's warmth, she realized that she'd been extremely rude, regardless of her justified wariness of him. "I should've asked a while ago," she began, "but is there anything you need? I could find you a shirt to wear, more comfortable pants. Something to drink, even."
"I am fine. The fire is warm, and like I said, I prefer going without." he shrugged. "There isn't much I can ask you for. I was halfway through a meal when they found me, so I'm not all that hungry." He looked over at her. "Has anyone told you you are quite beautiful?"
Olivia wanted to hang on that phrase, "when they found me," but she was thrown off nearly instantly by his seamless follow-up statement. "Well..." How was she supposed to respond to this? Flirtatiously? Honestly? "Yes, I've been told that," she admitted, "but I try not to pay much attention to it."
"You should." he said quietly. "The saddest thing about the world is that... time claims all things. People. Cities. Kingdoms." he sighed. "Love... If you do not act in the moment, you will lose some chances forever." he turned to look her in the eye. "Are you going to let more slip away? Or will you take a chance?"
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