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Jugger and nightsorceress


Jan 9, 2009
New York
Aurora was walking through the woods as she did every day. Singing softly her horse following behind her, She hardly rode him more like a friend she took out for walks. She was walking towards the water when she saw something laying in the grass near the water. She was careful as she walked over to the mass. But upon seeing him she knew there was no time for caution. The mass on the ground was a man and he was badly hurt.

She grabbed her horse and with some struggle slung the man over the horses back. she knew she had to get the man to her home fast. She pushed her horse hard taking him to her house. With some stuggle she got him into the house and into her room quickly working on healing him.

She knew she had to be careful and she new she had to fix the major wound first and then hoped he would come to.
After two hours after she had healed him, Nathan began to slowly awaken. There was a buzzing in his ears as his body ached horribly as he laid in a soft bed in a home he was not sure whom it belonged to. When he looked around, he saw a girl, a beautiful one at that. "Hey...are you...did you save me?" He asked wondering if this girl had been his savior. He was ambushed by forest bandits whom stole everything from him, except his weapon and armor. "Wh-where am I...?"
Aurora had been sitting in a chair by the bed, waiting for him to wake, she herself had started to grow tired her eyes kept closing and opening. But then when she heard his voice her eyes open and sat up tiring to look awake for him. "oh good your awake" she said with a smile "my name is Aurora and your in my home, try not to move to much you are badly wounded and will need some rest"
"Your home...?" He said once before looking around the gentle abode he was now staying in for the time being. His head still buzzed, so he laid down groaning a bit to the feeling of uncertainty that his body might go on, though he was sure it would. "Thank you miss...I might'a been a goner if you hadn't found me. I'm in your debt."
Aurora moved from her chair once was settled back down and help to straighten the blanket for him as it got tangled a little. "You owe me nothing, you needed help." moved his head just a little and fixed his pillow leaning closer to him she smelled like sweet vanilla. "are you hungry would you like something to eat? would you like something to drink?"
His stomach growled at the scent of vanilla and the mention of food. He looked to her and smiled as he nodded. "Yes please...I'm starving, I was so hungry after being lost in those blasted woods...thank you.'
Aurora smiled "alright you rest and i will be back shortly with some food." She left the room and headed to the kitchen. She was so gentle and kind, shocking for someone who had spent her life alone in the woods. She returned a little while later with a tray with a big bowl of stew and some bread and water. she set it down then helped him sit up adding pillows behind his back for support she sat on the edge of the bed and put the tray in his lap. "do you need some help?"
He shook his head. "You've done enough for me, thank you madam." He said before sitting up slowly and slightly painfully as he turned to the food. "Thank you again. You've shown me fine hospitality for a stranger." He said before he went ahead and started to engourge himself into the delicious food she had set before him.
Aurora moved over to the chair beside him. "i have more if you would like more" she watched him eat with a soft smile on her lips she was a truly beautiful woman. with a kind heart, the thought never once crossed her mind that he could be a murder or try to hurt in anyone she believed in the good in people she was an innocent soul. "sir may i ask your name?"
Stopping in his meal, he turned to her and smiled. "My name is Nathan Stone, glad to meet you miss." He said before returning to his meal, easily and quickly finishing it off. He laid back, full and tired as he looked to her to have their conversation. "That was delicious miss, I haven't had a home made meal in a looong time."
Aurora moved the tray off his lap and sat in the chair again. "well i glad you enjoyed, and there is plenty more where that came from, i am afraid you will be stuck here for a little while your wounds heal." she wanted to know what happen to him but she did not ask she did not want to be rude to him. She stood from the chair. "i should let you get your rest you want me to move the pillows so you can lay down?"
He shook his head. "No, its perfectly fine madam." He said before nuzzling into the pillows some, laying on his side now rather than his back and his arm laid under the pillow his head rested on. He looked to her with a smile on his face. "Again...I thank you, are you certain there is nothing I can do to repay you?"
Aurora shook her head a little "no, in fact just having you here is nice, I don't ever have anyone to talk to, so having you here while you heal is actually nice" she smiled. "i'll let you rest now, i'll be just down the hall in the living room if you need anything" she went to the door walking through it leaving it open a bit so she could hear him if he were to call.
Though he called out to her before she could leave. "Wait!" He said wanting her to stay. IF she was out here all alone, he would keep her company to make her happy, this is what he would do to help repay his debt to the girl.
Aurora was just outside the door when she heard him call out to her she open the door again standing in the door. "Yes, i am sorry did i forget something?" she questioned she stood ready to meet any request he had.
He shook his head. "I just...wanted to keep you company is all, I'm here so...might as well be interactive with you, yeah?" He said smiling as he looked at her. "You live out here all alone? Why?"
Aurora smiled and moved back inside her bedroom taking a seat in the chair once again. "well thank you, but if you get tired tell me, you need your rest to get better." she grabbed another blanket and wrapped it around herself. "i grew up here with my father, he always said it was to dangerous to live in town. so when he died i stayed here"
"More dangerous to stay in town? At least you have people to talk to and its easier for you to live around...I bet out here you have to hunt for food and pick fruits and berries for things, even grow stuff. Not to mention those sure you're not gonna reconsider?"
"the gathering and hunting my own food does not bother me i have been doing it all my life, and the wolves are not frightening at all and often spend time outside with me, we have formed a trust with each other." she paused a moment. "i guess the only thing i miss is people, And the fact i won't have a chance to meet a man to spend the rest of my life with" she shrugged a little.
"Well...good luck with that one madam, you certainly have the looks to choose any man you want, if he's lucky enough to catch your attention." He said complimenting her. "And those wolves...gah...I bet thats why they attacked me."
Aurora blushed. "I am sure you meet fair prettier woman where you come from, and i am sure your wife would not like you telling another woman she is pretty." she assumed he would have a wife since he seemed like the type of man she would want to be with. "and wolves probably did attack because they were afraid normally people do not come out unless they are going to hunt them"
He shook his head. "I'm not married, and I've hardly met many women interested from the lands I've traveled though. Though there were many beautiful street performers that were just that, performers." He said smiling before laying back. "I mean the wolves might've attacked me whenever I was near you. They attacked me several times but I've never fought back, only ran."
Aurora was almost glad to hear that he was not married but she knew she should not get her hopes up. He would leave as soon as he was well enough but at least for the time she had some one. "I am sure if i introduce you the wolves and they see you are no threat then you will be ok."
"Er...please don't, I'm not good with animals. They all seem to hate me so much, heck...being a soldier wasn't even my first know what it was? My uncle's pet shop and oh god how horrible it was..." He shuddered to the memories.
Aurora laughed. "animals are not horrible, and you just have to treat them kindly. I am sure after you are well if you were to meet the wolves you would be ok." Aurora smiled "how long have you been a soldier?"
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