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Torrid x Jugger

Tanna turned under the table to see Mercy cursing and muttering, she looked at the water pail and frowned. Where the hell had that thought come from, Mercy wouldn't throw water on her. And she definitely wouldn't do anything that would amuse Darian. She shook her head and went back to scrubbing, she was going crazy.
Nathan pointed the radar at Mercy. "You want to throw water on Tanna...she wants you to wrestle with her in it, all for Darian's amusement so he'll give you the tips you deserve as a beautiful bar it, and you will not regret the money you will receive." He wondered how a human would take this, rather than an elf as demanding, yet erotic as Tanna.
Mercy slipped out from underneath the table dragging the bucket behind her. She looked down at the soapy water and then at Tanna, she didn't know why but she dumped the water over Tanna's head.

Tanna screamed as the water poured over her, she was pissed. She shoved Mercy back onto her ass and turned storming out the door and up the stairs. She didn't give a shit if the girl wanted to wrestle. It'd serve them all right if she didn't come back tonight.
Darian jumped hearing a scream but his head hit the underside of the table hard. Leaning up, he saw Tanna leave. He looked at Mercy and saw the water on the ground. "What'd you do?" Nathan frowned seeing the reaction. He didn't actually think that Mercy would do it..."Guess I overestimated humans..." He went back into his wardrobe and hid the machine before coming out. "What happened?"
Mercy sat on her ass in the pool of water, looking at her hands and down at the bucket. "I.. don't know." She looked at Darian, and then at Nathan. "I don't know why I did that." She stood up slowly, and went to get the mop. Sopping up the water she'd dumped over Tanna, what had she been thinking?

Tanna sat soaking wet on a bench three blocks away from the bar. What she wanted to do was, go back to the bar and smack that little blond bimbo for dumping water over her head.
Nathan sighed and shook his head. Though it was amusing, he felt bad for hurting Tanna like this. Perhaps next time it should be on Darian. "Do you know where she went Mercy??" Darian stood up and went for the door. "I'll go find two can clean up here." He left and began to walk through town. As he walked, he soon came upon her. He sighed and took off his coat and wrapped it around Tanna. "You must be freezing...out here in the snow, wet and without a, the snow and wet anyway. Are you alright?"
Tanna turned on Darian "Of course I'm fine, I'm just soaked to the bone because some little bitch decided to dump water over my head." She tugged the coat he laid over her and wrapped it tight. "I don't know why she did that. I thought we were getting along."
"I don't know what went on while I was asleep but...I did wake up when you screamed. I also saw you leave....Mercy seemed kinda down when you freaked out...maybe she wasn't trying to do any harm by it...perhaps it was simply...friendly human pranking? We elves, well...some of them anyway...some of us can't comprehend why humans do things...maybe you're just one of those elves...maybe if you go back and talk to her about it, things might be set straight....if not, we'll just have to prank her back harder right?"
"I don't want to talk to that woman right now. She'd be eating a mouth full of my fist." She slid him his coat back. "You can go back. Tell Nathan I'll be back in time for work." She slid from the bench and began to walk. How weird was it, that she'd had that thought about Mercy dumping the water over her head and then having her actually do it.
Darian sighed and rushed over to her. "Keep the coat, don't need you getting sick out here." He put it over her and began to walk back toward the bar. When there, Nathan and Mercy already finished cleaning up the place. "She's gonna be back before the bar opens. Mercy, try and stray from her tonight alright? She seems...pissed. Why'd you dump the bucket over her head?"
Mercy just looked at him and shook her head "I don't know! I don't" She thought about it hard, she just remembered pulling the bucket out from the table with her and dumping it over her head. And she felt horrible for it.

Tanna kicked snow as she walked back to the bar, she was wet and cold and cranky. The cold was her fault, she shouldn't have stormed out of the bar. Walking down the stairs, and into the bar. She shrugged out of Darian's coat and walked into the bedroom without a word to anyone and got herself into a hot shower.
Nathan and Darian watched her enter, but it was clear she was still pissed as she didn't say anything to anyone. Nathan turned and went into the bedroom and knocked on the bathroom door. "Hey alright in there? I was worried for you."

Darian sighed and sat on the booth again. "Cmon Mercy...think...why did you do it? You have to try harder...think about it."
Tanna opened the door, towel wrapped around her as she walked out "I'm fine." Was all she said as she reached up and patted his cheek.

"I don't know Darian.. All of the sudden the thought was in my head, I had been thinking about ways to stop your snoring and then the thought was in my head. Dump the bucket on Tanna's head.. and I don't know why.. I'd never have done it." She looked confused as she looked up at him.
"Well, look on the bright side...You stopped my snoring right? Haha..." He chuckled but laid back down on the table booth before lulling off to sleep again...his snoring began to come back.

Nathan smiled at her but it hid the shame that he had been the cause of this. In his mind, he made a note not to make Mercy do anything like that anymore because she might actually do it, so his only subjects would be Tanna or Darian...though he'd redirect any consequences away from Tanna. "Shall we get ready?"
Tanna nodded as she dried herself off, and slid into her outfit. "Can you lace me up Stone?" She said as she turned her back towards him.

Back in the bar Mercy sighed. "Yeah, not for long enough" she mumbled as she heard his snoring resume. She was going to get stuck sleeping next to this.

(i'm heading for bed)

Nathan nodded as he went behind her. He grabbed her laces and pulled them to where he had them the first two nights. He tied them up in a good knot and turned her around to see her face to face. "Y'know...if you want, we can change the dress code so you wear what you want...I'm not saying you have to, but I bet you'd get a lot more tips if you wear that green see-through shirt you bought...y'know?"
She looked up at him, when he turned her towards him. "Why don't we try that tomorrow then?" she said before placing a kiss on his lips and heading out into the bar.

As Tanna walked out, Mercy walked in. Still frowning she changed into her barmaids outfit, she knew that Darian was right, she should avoid Tanna until the elf approached her. But she still had no clue how to explain what had happened.
Nathan saw Mercy and an idea of good hatched in his head. Perhaps, he could use the same machine on Tanna to make her forgive Mercy? Though he'd have to be continuous about the persuasion because Tanna seemed to have a slight resistance, though it was obvious she could hear it. "Mercy, come here please. I have something to ask of you."
Mercy looked at Nathan and walked over to him "What is it?" she asked curiously. The first thing that ran through her head was that he was going to ask her to leave because of what she'd done to Tanna. She really didn't want to have to leave.

Out in the bar, Tanna was poking Darian with her toe "Will you wake up already? We have work to do tonight"
Darian grumbled but the word 'work' woke him up. He sat up and looked around before yawning. "Work this late....I didn't think he was serious...."

Nathan sighed and placed a hand on Mercy's shoulder. "I know this may sound like a...weird request but...I need you to work the counter tonight, alright? I'm not coming to work today, I'll pay you extra...I kinda had to do something and it tired me out, even that little sleep I had is still having me work the counter, and...try and stay away from Tanna, alright?"
She grumbled something that sounded like I'd rather take my chances with Tanna than work with Darian. But she nodded anyway and agreed "That's fine. I can handle the counter, but won't Tanna get overworked?"

Out in the bar Tanna laughed at Darian "Are you dense? he's a vampire. So the bar is only open at night, get used to it if you want the job. You should go in and see if he's got a uniform for you."
"Tanna will be fine, she's worked one day before you and she seemed just fine with just two people, but now there's two people at the counter and she's working the tables. It'll be fine. You should go on now."

Darian sighed. "I'd rather just wear this...I'm not getting dressed up for some stupid job..." He yawned again before laying down.
"Alright, whatever you say" with a shrug Mercy left the room and took up a spot behind the bar, noticing that Darian was still asleep and that Tanna was trying to wake him.

Tanna noticed Mercy behind the bar, and the fact that Nathan had yet to come out of the back. "Darian you better wake up and get behind that bar, if I have to deal with Mercy all night I'm going to kill someone and it'll be you if you don't move your ass."
Nathan went into the back and grabbed the machine, though he waited a bit. The bar would open in a matter of moments but now wasn't the time to use it. He had to do it when Tanna was busy.

Darian sighed and sat up. "Fine, but I'm not dressing up." He got up and went behind the bar but pulled a chair over. He seemed to be sleepy as he sat there and then the bar officially opened.
Tanna smiled as customers started filing in, taking up seats at table and booths as well as the bar. Energy thrummed through her veins. When Nathan had first offered her the job, she never realized how much she'd come to like it. She began to recognize some of the customers, and when there was a lull she'd even have short conversations with them. And because she was so friendly, and because she flirted like a pro the tips were good.

She noted that Mercy seemed to work behind the bar better than she did as a waitress. She plopped the tray down infront of Darian. "Wake up. I need five beers, 3 whiskeys, 1 shot of vodka and a scotch on the rocks" She had a tendency to pile up orders so everyone got their drinks in one go. Nathan handled it fine, she wondered how Darian would do.
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