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The island of the lost ( open to all)

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Mar 28, 2010
(( OOC info: Time period: modern day-current day Location: an island somewhere in the Bermuda triangle area. Time of year: Spring there may be boat wreckage on the shores of this island as it is explored, maybe even wrecked planes. As well as a cave or two. ))

Jules woke up inside her cabin, water soaking her long tail,the small cabin cruiser was listing heavily to one side and there was water everywhere. She grabbeda life jacket and her backpack putting them both on, she was grateful her adopted mother had told her to pack light,but to be prepared, her backpack contained some power bars, a lighter, some dried fruit and some clothing as well as a camping pocketknife, the knife even had a small saw on it. She also carried her pole arm on her back at all times,one never knew when they may need to protect themselves.

Looking around the ship, Jules trembled, she was entirely alone, the crew had left her behind...there where no more lifeboats and she was not exactly a great swimmer.. She bit her lip frowning and looked around for anything that might float smiling as she spotted a large wooden chest, she pushed it over the deck railing and securing her life vest she jumped into the water holding her life jacket close. Paddling her way to the chest climbing onto it and kicking frantically away from the ship, she panicked briefly as the undertow seemed to drag her backwards with it somewhat.

What seemed like hours but was in reality only twenty some minutes of alternating between kicking and floating Jules spotted an island not far off to the west,slowly paddling that way kicking her feet behind her. When she looked again it was a bit closer. Sighing she took a small break wondering what else to do.Smiling as she got an idea and unstrapped the pole arm from her back..taking the wider end and dipping it in the water using it like a paddle. Slowly making her way towards the island,the island grew closer and closer, finally she was able to make out some of the types of tree's growing near the beach.

Jules sighed as she landed on the shore dragging the chest up onto the shore and attaching her pole arm back on her back.
She looked around, “ oh wow “she muttered to herself. “ I'm so very screwed “Sighing softly Jules started dragging the chest behind her down the beach watching the tree line for any type of clearing or opening.

After about ten minutes of walking along the shore she spotted a narrow path similar to a deer trail and
followed it. The path led her back to a waterfall coming down off the side of a huge face of black and gray marbled rock.Tentatively she dipped a hand into the water to taste it. “ Oh thank heavens, it's fresh water! “ She exclaimed aloud to herself and smiled.

Jules looked around again finding a small clearing near the waterfall she tugged the chest to it.
Leaving the chest in the clearing Jules took her pole arm and wandered along the edge of the small water hole around the falls. She picked up several fallen palm branches and took them with her to the clearing draping them over and leaning them against a tree and the chest. She laid down closing her eyes under the makeshift shelter. Today had definitely not been her day. Sitting up briefly she fished out a power bar from her bag, broke it in half and ate half of it, she would have to ration her limited food supply. At least until she figured out what else to do for food.
As he was walking down the beach to the cove a few miles from his cabin, which was next to a cave, which he used for storage, Eragon happens to look out to the sea, and saw a ship far out, near the horizon, but close enough that a signal fire would be seen. He immediately lights his always ready huge pile of wood, in the hopes of rescue, and watches as the boat slowly sinks, and lets the fire die out, his hopes gone. After retrieving some fish from his traps, he goes back to his home and goes to bed. The next day, he goes and looks for survivors.
Jules woke up her tail wrapped around herself, she stretched catlike and sat up, looking around her head hurt, she barely remembered where she was. Then it hit her, oh yeah, the boat sank..she was trapped here on this island, alone or perhaps not.She would find out eventually..Staying sitting she looked around observing her temporary home. Palm tree's and brush, light colored sand, hmm that looked like a banana tree to the west..and coconuts, she had found fresh water the night before, sure she could rig her pole arm to catch fish she knew she would not go hungry nor thirsty. Jules wondered what was in the chest she had floated to the island on, so she stood up slowly to her full five feet two inches in height yes she was short but she could climb like a cat, she was neko after all. She mewed softly and started towards the water looking to clean up, smiling as she spotted a beautiful water fall set back a bit on the fresh water lake she ambled slowly towards the falls. Her long black fluffy tail swishing behind her. Jules had a tenancy to get sidetracked easily much like a cat with a toy. She spotted a brightly colored red and blue bird and watched it forgetting for a time about the falls.

Jules shook her head when her stomach growled and finished her trek to the falls, looking up she spotted smoke coming from a ledge near the top of the falls area and shrugged ducking behind the water and rock ledge, soaking herself head to toe, her white shirt dripping wet and her black shorts clinging to her body. She rubbed her hands over herself slowly to rinse away the salt water that was drying her skin. Slowly she untied the bands holding her hair back and let it fall down to her tail nearly. rinsing the salt and sand from her hair as well. When she was satisfied with her 'bath' she stretched and dove into the water swimming back towards her small makeshift camp.

Jules splashed her way out of the water and shimmied up the banana tree, snagging herself a few banana's and sliding back down carefully. looking around the camp she decided she needed a better shelter, just in case of rain. Biting her lip she looked around for anything she could use. She spotted a tropical plant ( ) with large flat narrow leaves. She could use those and some palm fronds and string and make a semi decent shelter. She dug around in her bag and found her sewing kit that her mother insisted she would need and giggled softly.She gathered about seven palm fronds and sat down working how to tie them together and make a roof. She tied them at angles and then looking around she gathered several pieces of wood that where three to four feet in length and one to two inches in diameter. She tied them at angles and made a square tent like frame. Then proceed to attach the palm fronds to the sides and top making a small square shelter She sat back and looked it over smiling softly, then layering the smooth narrow leaves over the palm fronds to make it a bit drier.

Jules tilted her head listening to the sounds around her, then stretching, she grabbed some more of her power bar and ate it while trying to think of a way to catch some fish and rig a fire pit, with no shovel. Perhaps she could improvise a flat rock or something. For now she peeled a banana and ate it along with the power bar. She needed to explore a tad more, so she started off towards the east slowly making sure she stayed in sight of her camp as she wandered. She did not wish to get lost.
As he begins to look along the shore for anything that he could use, that might have washed up over night. When he begins to see pieces of wood, and some bits of cloth, and wonder if a ship went down, or something. He turns and looks inland, looking for any signs of life, and continues down the shore, and works his way inland, eventually coming to a waterfall of fresh water, which is in such a location that he can see the smoke from his own home. He calls out, "Hello, is anyone there? Hello?" continuing to call out as he searches the area.

(sorry that I am not getting 2 paragraphs, but once it picks up I will be able to)
Jules bit her lip and smiled as she looked around, she could make a decent fire pit now she had come across some rocks and an old metal spoon in her explorations, so she could dig with the spoon then make a ring of rocks. One by one she started to slowly carry rocks back towards the small encampment, until she had about eight total. Then she knelt down, she could still see the smoke on the top of the waterfall but could not see what it was. Jules shrugged and spoke softly to herself. " Well maybe I can explore up that way later." Had anyone been near the shore of the freshwater lake that surrounded the falls they could likely see her small encampment.
Eragon continues looking and searching for any survivors as well as, upon finding the tracks of a human, or at least very close to human shaped-footprint, and begins to follow them, calling out, "hello! is there anyone here?" Soon, he reaches a section of shore near where he knows that there is a freshwater pool and waterfall, and he makes his way towards it, and soon spots a small camp, and calls out even louder, "Hello! Is there anyone there? I am a friend, just trying to see if anyone needs help, or whatever."
Jules spotted and approached some berries and inspected them the looked edible so she gathered some up and put them in her shirt carefully. She slowly carried them back to her small campsite and set them on top of the chest. Then she walked around gathering bits of wood and tinder lining the area around the pit with sand from the beach making several trips using her shirt to carry the sand. She spread it out around the pit as well as lined the pit with it. She did not want to start a wildfire.
Jules smiled a bit, proud of herself before she noticed how dirty dirty she was again she made a face and she went back towards the falls area to wash off. When she got to the water's edge she noticed tracks in the soft mud, then spotting a fish swimming just below the water surface. She licked her lips and attempted to catch the fish in her pole arm Surprised when she missed, she tried again. Catching the fish this time she held it up. It was small.. just about three inches long but it would be better than nothing. Looking around for a way to cook it possibly she smiled spotting a flat rock about eight inches across and five inches wide and just two inches thick. She carried it and the fish back to the camp site.Frowning now wondering how to make a fire she remembered that she had a lighter in her bag. She fished the lighter out of her backpack and sat cross legged on the ground by her fire pit using the wood and tinder and bits of dry grass like material. Flicking the lighter she ignited the tinder and small twigs and setting the rock somewhat in the middle of the flames being careful not to singe herself.
Jules set the fish on the rock to cook and decided to wait on the berries until later. The smell of the cooking fish filled the air and she licked her lips waiting. Jules used a stick to poke at the fish stabbing it and spearing it after it was cooked. She blew on it before nibbling it gently sitting back against a tree under her makeshift shelter. Her ears perked hearing someone calling out.
Spotting more tracks, all over a small area of the beach he looks in the air, and after a while, Eragon smells fish cooking, and follows the scent, now completely ignoring the tracks and anything else he might have looked at. Eragon follows the scent, calling, "Hello! Please, is anyone there? I can smell fish." He continues searching for more, eventually nearing the campsite, seeing more and more signs of someone nearby, and fresh tracks, eventually coming upon the camp, and spotting the woman sitting there making the fish, and says, "HI. I'm Eragon. Don't worry, I am a friend, or hope that I can consider myself one. At the very least I don't mean any harm to you. So, how did you manage to be here on this island?"
Jules looked up with a start, cowering a bit into her makeshift home. She looked up at the one who was approaching unable to see what he looked like, ( a description of yourself would help) She ducked her head shyly hiding behind her dark hair. " My ship sunk yesterday, then I rode the chest here paddling my way towards the only land I could;d see.." She peeked up at him her catlike ears twitching slightly. " My name is Jules, where did you come from and how long have you been here?" She was actually half wondering if she had gone crazy already and was talking to an imaginary friend. Maybe he was not even real..then again maybe this was all just a bad dream.
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