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Laird of the Land (buttefly0408/kolath)

Everything was set as Kael hid in the deep shadows of the nearby trees. He had set up everything with Flynn beforehand so he knew which way they would run. He set himself in their path waiting for them to run before placing himself in the path of Blair. He made sure that they would run into each other moving to intercept her whichever way she moved knowing that saying her caught Blair would be enough reason for Flynn to stay.
Peaking her head around the cart to look at the camp, and Blair knew something was not right here. She could not put her finger on it. Flynn however could sense her hesitation and it would not be long before she realized there were a few extra people around the fire that did not belong with the cart caravan. He took her hand and tugged it to bring her attention to him. Pointing to a spot in the woods, "We run there. It's away from the group and closest to the cart. Let's go..." he said as he started to move.

Blair was about to move when she heard a hearty laugh from the fire site and turned her head. There, she say Angus sitting and she knew that Kael could not be far. How had this happened? Angus and Kael's group went north! The carts went South. She tried to reach out to stop Flynn but he was already to far from her reach. "Wait! Flynn!" she whispered and moved to follow him, dashing towards the cover of the woods.
Kael stepped right into her path feeling her hit his chest. His arms grabbed her shoulders as though to brace her from falling over. “Sorry I didn…wait?” he slowly drug her back holding tight to her arm pulling her into the light. “Blair Ross? What are you doing here?” he was doing his best to keep to the part that he was meant to be playing. It was a little bit hard to keep his part but he was able to keep the shock and surprise of finding her on his face.
There was just as much shock on her face as she found on his. More even for hers was genuine shock. Her jaw was dropped as she found herself caught up in the arms of the man she was trying to put as far from herself as possible. "What... are YOU doing here?!" was the only thing she could reply back with. A moment later, Flynn reappeared, Nolan having a firm grip in his arm as she brought him into the light. They were both caught good and tight. Nolan frowned and shook his head, "I don't think these two were on their way to come pay us a visit Kael..."
Kael sighed softly shaking his head and looking at Flynn a little disappointment in his face. “No I think they weren’t either. Good thing we changed our mind on hunting grounds, or these two might have gotten away.” He looked at Flynn and then at Blair. “I don’t know what to say right now. However its too late to take you back tonight so you will just have to stay out here with us till morning till we can escort you back.” He sighed and gently passed Blair to Angus. “See that they don’t escape again.” And turned walking away into the darkness. Even though he had known that Blair was going to try and escape seeing her doing it hurt a little. Hadn’t he treated her well? Hadn’t he done what ever he could to make sure they were comfortable in their lives?
Angus shook his head a little as he took Blair, holding onto her arm firmly but not causing her any pain. As they walked from Kael, taking the pair towards the fire, there were more looks of shock for the appearance of the Ross siblings. Angus pushed her to sit and sighed as he took a seat next to her, "I might have to bind your hand Blair. But you would deserve such a thing. What were you thinking?"

She bit her lip and looked away. Not knowing what she had been thinking was a poor thing to say at the moment. Really it was more what Flynn was thinking. They could have gotten away if only they had waited until nightfall. And now she sat at the fire looking as if she was a child that had done something naughty and waited to be scolded for her actions. Perhaps she was just that. Angus held a length of rope though he did not bind her hands with it while they sat there. He felt a soft spot for her and would wait to do it until it was needed of Kael ordered it so.
Kael remained apart from them for a long time before coming back after sunset and going right over to her. He reached down taking her arm, “Come with me.” He gave her no option in this at all just started to pull her with him off into the darkness. He didn’t go far but far enough so they would be mostly alone. He pinned her back against a tree and looked into her eyes by the light of the moon and stars. “I don’t know where to begin…what were you thinking?”
She met his gaze for only a moment before she turned her eyes away, unable to handle the intense anger she saw in them, "I was thinking that it was time we be on our way. Your hospitality has been lovely, but we do not belong with your people, we belong with our own. You have given us no indication of what was to become of us. We grew tired of waiting and wished to go. You never would have let us go, so we just walked away...." it was a poor excuse she knew, but it was all she could come up with.
He gently slipping his hand under her chin forcing her to look back at him. there was intense anger in his eyes but also something else that he was trying his best to hide. “You really think that horrid excuse will be believed? Please I know whats really going on.” he suddenly kissed her again pressing close against her pouring all the emotion into the kiss using all his skill to sweep her off her feet in that moment with just the kiss. “You are running from me, you can’t get that kiss out of your mind no matter how hard you try. If you are wanting to escape me that bad, you should have tried harder, because now you are going to be stuck with me, I will always be right there at your side even if you don’t want me there.” He smirked brushing his hand over her cheek, “And when you are ready we will explore what you were running from tonight.”
The last thing she anticipated in this moment was such a kiss from him. It was the kind that was laced with possession. He was staking a claim upon her lips. Even she, a girl who had only ever been kissed by one man, could feel it. Her hands took a moment to react, leaving him to just kiss her for a few seconds that seemed to last forever, before her hands finally rose to push against his chest. He was already pulling away when she started her struggling. He left her mouth hanging ajar as her gasped a little for the air he had stolen from her with his kiss."

"You think highly of yourself once again..." she finally replied, her voice no higher then a whisper. "There is nothing to explore between us but hate. I will not be your whore, I suggest you look elsewhere for what you want."
He smirked and held her so she couldn’t get away from him. his hand brushed over her cheek lightly, shaking his head. “You don’t understand. I will never make you my whore, all the pleasure I’m going to share with you is beyond the dreams of a common whore.” He lifted her chin looking into her eyes his own heavy with lust and need his breath heavily brushing over her lips. “That is why you will come to me, of your own free will, and you will be begging me to take you on that night.” He kissed her again softly, but still the deeper possessiveness came through.
A shiver coursed through her. Something about the way he spoke his words touching her all the way down to her core and sent a chill through her whole being. He caught her off guard once again but her reaction was a bit swifter and soon she was pushing him away, squiggling and squirming from his grasp, "You will be waiting a long time for such a thing to happen. I will NEVER warm your bed!"
He smirked pressing his entire body up against hers. His hard firm body pressing against her soft womanly curves. “Not only will you warm my bed, but you are already giving in and wanting to be there.” He pulled back and took her hand pulling her back toward the fire. “But until then, you are going to have to be dealt with differently then I have been.”
"What is that suppose to mean?" she asked, referring to the second part of what he said, choosing to not give him the pleasure of her responding to his statements about her and his bed. Taking her seat again by the fire, a few people rose and walked away, foreseeing a possible confrontation about to happen and avoiding being caught up in it. Angus and Flynn remained. Flynn since it was his place to stay where he was put, Angus to catch the amusing show. "And just how do you intended to treat me? Back to the dungeons again?"
He sat not far from her looking across at her and shaking his head. “I am not my cousin. I would never treat a person of noble birth like that unless their actions demanded it. Yours do not. You will find out the meaning of what I said when we get back to the castle but as for tonight you will not be leaving my side no matter what.” He sighed taking some of the food from the fire and settling in for the night.
She frowned and crossed her arms, "You can't mean EVERY moment. What about when we have to... well... you know..." she blushed a little meaning of course re-leaving themselves but a lady did not speak of things like that. Everyone around her was already eating and picking at their food and while her mouth water to eat something herself, she was in full protest mode. "That's not at all appropriate."
He looked up at her slowly chewing the mouthful he had before he spoke. “I don’t care. you have left me little choice. I will allow you as much privacy as I can but my order still stands. And if you keep objecting I might just tie you up on my horse again like I did on the first day and leave you like that till we get back to the castle its your choice.”
She narrowed her eyes in a challenge, "You wouldn't dare...."

"Here Blair!" Her brother interrupted before she really would force Kael to carry out his threat just to prove his point to her. He shoved a small plate with some food upon it into her hands, "Eat. We have not had anything all day long."

"Aye lass," Angus chimed in with a smile on his face. "You'll need your strength if the laird decides to toss you over his saddle once again." That comment got a small laugh from everyone around them, except for Blair who just glared.

A few moments later, she spoke up again, "What are you doing there? You were suppose to be going hunting in the North. Last time I checked this was not the North."
He sighed once again having to stop eating to answer her question. She was really starting to get on his nerves and he wasn’t hiding his frustration. “Just because we started out hunting up north doesn’t mean we would stay there. We saw tracks that said a large herd of dear were down south so we came to hunt them. Now are you going to continue asking questions that serve no purpose or will you let me eat my meal in peace?”
She looked down at the food in front of her, then back at him as she smirked, "You must be a poor hunter, since we are eating the food from the carts..." she commented before lifting the meat to her lips and taking a bite. She only said it to jab a bit at him. Angus could not help but laugh a little at her smart comment.
Angus and others might have thought that funny but Kael was really getting annoyed with her antics. “Now listen closely lassie if you keep acting like a child I am going to have on other choice but to treat you as one. Now just stay quiet and eat like a lady.” He sighed shaking his head feeling like he was talking to a ten year old not a grown woman that could arouse such desire in him.
Flynn tried to stop her from challenging Kael any further, but he had a mouth full of food and could not get it down and distract his sister before she responded. "Oh really and just what will you do?" she ended up sticking her tongue out at him before turning her attention to her plate again.
He growled and stood coming around the fire and grabbing her arm. “You really want to see that badly. Fine!” he drug her up not caring anything for what she had been doing. He pulled her over toward one of the carts just out of the light of the fire he bent her over the side of it and before anything could be said his hand came down hard on her skirted ass three times.
"Stop!" rang out a voice, but it was not Blair's. It was her brother, whom when he heard his sister cry out in shock and pain from the sting of his hits upon her. Her hands moved to try and cover the area he was currently assaulting. She had not been spanked in years, not since she was little and her father paid enough attention to her to do anything about her stepping out of line. They were harsh enough times to teach her not to do anything to have her father do it to her again.

"Get your hands off my sister!" Flynn screamed, the whole camp's attention drawn to them now, "You swore! On your honor!"

By the third one, Blair's eyes were teary, but she did not cry. Only braced herself for another one to come.
There was no more to come as Kael pulled her back off the cart and over to the fire letting her go inside the fire’s glow. “I swore she would come to no harm, not to protect her from her own foolishness. She hasn’t been harmed in anyway.” He sat down on the log again and reached for his plate of food again his senses on high alert in case Flynn tried anything.
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