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Lost and Found {Kolath and Kanna}

He watched her and could clearly see that she was sacred of him for some reason. He shifted in his chair putting one leg up on the seat looked at her as he turned his back to rest against the door. “What’s wrong? You look like I have just grown a second head?” the city passed outside as they headed out into a little more of a rural area turning up a long driveway leading to a large gate which opened for them.
She sighed and looked back toward him, missing the view of the outskirts of the town. "I-I don't really know you..." she blushed and hugged her knees. "You're not what I would have expected from anyone that came by to help me." She raked her teeth against her lip for a moment before she looked straight ahead. "No one I know has a limo, and everyone I can think of with a limo wouldn't bother to walk through that part of town late at night, much less help a girl like me." She rested her forehead against her knees and took a deep breath to hold back the tears before she continued. "I'm not worth being taken care of if I can't take care of myself. I had that drilled into me since I was five. I couldn't do it tonight...and I'm not worth so much of the attention you've given me. But thank you."
He laughed softly and held his hand out too her, “Well lets start with this. My name is Myles, and don’t go believing all that stuff you just said about not being worth what I’m doing for you. It isn’t true, you are a human being and that makes you worth a lot more then I have paid so far. And you are a beautiful woman that makes you worth even more. add on that you are a kind and caring person and you become priceless so don’t feel bad that I’m doing things for you or that you owe me anything. You don’t.” the car stopped and the driver opened her door for her letting her out in front of a large mansion.
She blushed and stayed silent as he spoke about her. Alena couldn't see how she was anything that he said. With these bruises and cuts all over her face, not to mention elsewhere on her body, she failed to see how she was beautiful, much less worth as much as he said. She was glad the car stopped when it did, since she didn't have the opportunity to reply to his statements. She slid out of the car as the driver opened her door, holding the larger shirt tighter around her as she looked up at his house. It was huge! And she wasn't quite so sure that she was ready to go inside. However, she didn't have much of a choice. The door opened to let her and Myles in, so she slowly stepped inside and looked around. The entry hall was huge, clean, and very well decorated. A lot of it seemed so old that she didn't want to touch anything. She glanced back toward Myles and slowly stepped inside out of the doorway.
He was right beside her slipping out the other side of the limo and coming up to her at the door. He walked her in and smiled, “Welcome to my home. I know that it’s a bit bigger then you are probably used too but I promise it’s not as impressive as it looks.” He helped her over to one of the chairs helping her sit down as a elderly man clearly used to the medical life came over to her and smiled. “Hello my dear, let me have a look at the chart the doctor sent home and I will let you get some rest.” He was handed the chart and looked over it and then over her nodding slowly.
She glanced up at Myles before she sat down, letting the doctor do his job in looking her over. So the man had his own doctor to take care of him whenever he needed it...and now he was lending his services to her. It was all she could to not curl up in the chair under the scrutiny, but she did wrap his shirt tighter around her smaller, battered frame. She sighed and squirmed slightly and bit her lip. She was so tired of being poked and prodded by everyone.
The doctor was very gentle and didn’t take too long finishing up quickly before smiling and patting her hand lightly. “You will be fine my dear, these new doctors rely so much on these new technologies that they have forgotten how to tell when someone is hurt. You don’t need to worry but you do need to rest.” He smiled and packed up his stuff before speaking to Myles for a moment before leaving.

Myles came over to her and smiled. “You ready to sleep finally?”
She nodded, grateful for the man to actually say she was okay, while the other doctors had been so quick to say there was something wrong with her. If only all doctors were that nice, then she wouldn't have so much trouble seeing them. But then again, no one could be so perfect, and med school was easily a newly discovered circle of hell. People only made it out with book knowledge, losing all human emotion in the place of the books that were crammed into a person's head.

As soon as Myles came over to speak with her, Alena had to stifle a yawn. Too much had happened tonight, and it was pushing quickly toward dawn. Of course she was exhausted, and beyond ready for sleep. She sighed and nodded, quickly standing to follow him.
Myles smiled and gently took her hand lifting her up and supporting her up the stairs. Slowly he took her to a guest room closer to his. He opened the door for her and half led half carried her over to the large queen size four poster bed. He gently sat her down and then knelt in front of her slowly untying her shoes before taking them off. “There, you are, there is a a nightgown hanging behind that changing screen if you want to change into it. if you need anything my room is just across the hall don’t hesitate to come and ask.” He turned to the door preparing to leave.
She smiled as he helped her up the stairs and led her to one of the bedrooms. She blushed when he sat her down on the bed and knelt to take her shoes off, not expecting him to do this. He was a wealthy man, who should be married, raising a family, not taking in an abused rape victim. She sighed and nodded, half listening to him speaking. Alena stood slowly and moved behind the screen and slowly took her clothes off, being careful of her bruises and sore spots. It felt strange to be nude in someone else's house, but she quickly pulled on the night gown. "Th-thank you...Myles..." She folded her clothes, but wrapped his shirt around herself again. Even she didn't want to see the bruises on her body, and his shirt covering her arms helped. Alena stepped out from behind the screen, before she moved to the bed and curled up on it.
He had already left closing the door behind him. he sighed deeply shaking his head as he moved over to his room and settled down on the bed himself. He felt so sorry for her wishing that there was something that he could do for her to help her get over what she had been through but didn’t know what it was that he could do. He pulled off his shirt and shoes turning off his light and laying back under the covers. He was doing all he could and right now that was everything the he knew to do.
Alena curled up on the bed, but she couldn't seem to fall asleep. For an hour and a half, she tossed and turned, jumping at every little shadow that fell across the floor and bed. She bit her lip and even pulled the covers over her head, but that was even worse. Finally, she got out of bed and stepped outside of her room. The house seemed dark and sinister, and Alena couldn't cross the hallway fast enough for her own fragile mind. She made her way to Myles's room and opened the door quietly. She could see his shape under the covers, and she quickly made her way to his bed to curl up beside him.
Myles wasn’t asleep thinking about her and how she must be feeling right now. He sighed and was about to get out of bed and go to check on her when he saw her form coming into his room. He reached over and clicked on a light. He couldn’t help but like the look of her body in the night gown but did his best to ignore it. “Alena? Whats wrong? Are you ok?” his face a mask of worry and concern for her and what was happening in her mind.
She bit her lip, her whole body shaking, once again seeming to disappear under his shirt. She moved closer to him, but not quite close enough to touch him unless he reached out to her. "I-I don't wanna sleep alone..." She didn't know how she looked to him, but just the warmth of his nearby body heat was enough to make her relax a little. Alena didn't know why she trusted him so much, but she needed him near her now. It didn't take long before she fell asleep, hugging her pillow close.
He did reach out for her and after she fell asleep holding her pillow close he smiled and pulled her close against his chest just letting her sleep against his chest. That had been what he needed the feel of her comfortably sleeping and knowing that she was safe. He soon joined her in the realm of sleep just holding her close against his chest and kissing her hair lightly.
She snuggled close to him in her sleep, enjoying the feel of his body pressed against hers. She sighed softly in her sleep, not moving until well into the next day. There was no reason for her to get up, anyway, since he had brought her here, and was willing to help her as best he could. It wasn't until after noon that she even began to stir. When she opened her eyes, she jumped a bit, taking several minutes to figure out where she was. She had forgotten where she was for the night, though the memories were something she could have done without. At the moment, she felt slightly ill as those memories came forth.
He hadn’t moved from the spot he had fallen asleep in even after he woke. He just laid there holding her close while she slept. He felt her stir around noon and just smiled slightly kissing her hair. “Good morning, how are you feeling today?” he was worried that she might have some trouble with being overly sore today and possibly even sick from the memories of what had happened to her.
Alena didn't realize just how he was laying next to her, at least until she finally moved enough to feel his arm resting against a very painful cut, and or bruise on her side. She whimpered softly, the rest of her body also being made painfully aware of a soreness that did nothing to diminish her memories of last night. Just the memory was one thing, but the memory with the pain was a whole other creature entirely. She sat upright quickly, taking a deep breath to keep her stomach down where it belonged. "W-where is the bathroom?" she asked softly.
He smiled and pointed to a door not far away that led to his private bath. He knew that the next week would be hard for her and so did everything that he could to make her as comfortable as he could. He let her sleep with her all week and made sure she wanted for nothing. His doctor saw her every day and checked up on her. when he heard about her vomiting every morning he took a blood sample and came back the next morning to tell her that the rapist had made her pregnant. She had just moved back into her apartment when she got the news and her boyfriend had wanted to spend the night together.
A week of being almost constantly ill, hardly able to eat much of anything, the only means of reprieve being sleep was almost too much for her. She had lost more weight than she should have, but she didn't really care. At least Myles was accommodating to her, and getting her anything she needed while she stayed there. Apparently, she had worn out her welcome there, and, once everything necessary had been replaced, she moved back into her apartment. She hated being alone in there, but she knew she couldn't always sleep beside someone, though she made sure she had Myles's number handy, as he told her that she could call him when she needed him. But when she found out that she was pregnant from the doctor, she felt a whole new level of ill. On top of that, the fact that her boyfriend wanted to spend the night, and she knew she needed to tell him. Hopefully he would be understanding...
Her boyfriend came over at about eight that night with some take out for them to share. He slipped his arms around her and kissed her softly brushing his hand over her cheek. “How is my girl after all that you have been through?” he smiled holding her closer while he laid out their dinner for them. they had been holding back on doing anything sexual because of her wanting to be a virgin on her wedding night, but recently he had been pressuring her to not wait slowly using his seduction on her.
She sighed as he wrapped his arms around her, trying to relax into his touches. "I don't really know how I'm doing right now. I guess I'm still trying to process everything." She tried to stay calm, since she had to tell him that she was pregnant. She glanced over at the food and cringed. Normally, she liked the food that he brought over, but she didn't really feel like she could stomach it right now. Alena shivered and got a little food, knowing that she would have to eat something eventually. Once she got her food, she kissed his cheek and moved back over to the couch to nibble on what she had gotten.
Her boyfriend came over with some more of the food and sat down next to her lightly snuggling her against his chest. He smiled and kissed her hair lightly brushing his hand over it softly. “I’m sorry that I wasn’t there to help you that day. I’m just glad that you are ok now.” He held her close his hands rubbing her arms and sides lightly.
"It-it's all right...You can't always walk me home from work on those sudden, emergency calls." She sighed and set the plate of food down before she pulled back out of his arms. "Baby, I'm not really feeling all that great right now." She folded her hands and glanced down at them, willing what little food she had eaten to stay down so she could tell him what he needed to know. The most she could hope for was for him to support her. There was no way she was going to get an abortion, since it was still her own baby. "I need to tell you something...I'm...pregnant."
Her boyfriend had been about to go into the argument that he had been working on ever since he had found out she had been raped. There was no need to wait since she wasn’t a virgin anymore and that maybe this had been a gift to them so that they could be closer. But when she said that she was pregnant he froze just looking at her in shock. “You can’t be serious?” he stood up brushing his hand through his hair sighing deeply. “Well when are you going to get it taken care of?”
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