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[Reggie and Death] Office Hours.


The girl cocked her eyebrows, grinning. â??Hm? Teasing you? I did no such thing,â? she chuckled, watching him. He seemed to be in a strangely bad mood. â??Oh, I see,â? she replied slowly, thinking. So, she would have to eventually replace the brain, andâ?¦become the charm? She sighed, rather annoyed by the thought. Standing up, she stretched out slightly, walking about the office once again. Somehow, it looked better at night.

Trailing her finger along the aquarium, she looked back at him with a smile. â??You donâ??t look so comfortable,â? she started slowly. â??Itâ??s hot, maybe you should take a part of that suit off,â? she finished casually, taking a seat on the edge of his desk to be able to observe him.
“Actually I have my own personal washroom over there” He pointed to a closed door behind his desk. “If you wouldn’t mind waiting I could perhaps change into just a t shirt and a pair of jeans. You’ll have to pardon the dress code though he said moving to a small closet and getting some clothes out of it while continue his way to the washroom. It was strange when he was flirty and showed he was interested in her she seemed completely put off by the thought. However tonight she seemed to have taken on his role and his her’s.

While he was in the washroom he changed into a light brown shirt with a pair of worn out jeans. He kept a pair of spare clothes in case he decided to leave work early and go to the beach or some other form of entertainment however he hadn’t been able to leave work early recently and the clothes seemed a little small. He frowned looking at his reflection. He still was in shape but as he got older he put on a little weight. Aging, it happens he thought shrugging it off and returned to Selena.

Selena watched the fish slowly travel through the water. Aimless, empty. Their existence seemed so futile. Lost in her thoughts, she didnâ??t even notice when he came back. Her dark gaze empty, she shifted her attention to the door, trying to remember what time exactly her father went to lunch. Glancing down at her blackberry, she frowned. Time seemed to pass by quite fast, and her break was swiftly coming to an end. Suddenly, the phone vibrated. Noticing her fatherâ??s number, she winced. â??Yeah?â? She answered, listening to the words on the other end. â??Yeah, Iâ??m not too far, why?â? She wondered, biting on her lower lip with a concerned expression. â??Alright, Iâ??ll be there in a few,â? she finished, hanging up.

Turning around, she found herself facing David. â??Oh, youâ??re back,â? she mumbled absently. â??I was just about to leave,â? the girl stated, standing up to straighten her dress.
"Oh, your leaving already?" He asked with a disappointed look on your face. He got the door for her and waved into the hallway. "Sorry you couldn't stay longer but I guess some of us have to work around here" he said trying to muster out a quiet laugh. Yet again his plan had failed. He was going to have to face it she wasn't interested. He was on the verge of giving up. There were plenty of other fish in the sea, a phrase that had been used for years and he agreed with it however there were fish more well suited to himself than the sea full of others. "Any time you want to drop by you're welcome to, I'll stop pestering you in your office so you can actually start getting work done" he assured her as they went into the hallway. "Thanks again" he shouted as he closed the door softly behind him.

David opened up his laptop and scrolled through some emails. Some new client wanted to meet his partner. What a delight he thought to himself. He had respect for the old man but he was a bit too old fashioned. David looked at himself as a play hard work hard guy but his partner didn't have time for fun and games, he was all business. He could imagine the evening with the new client would be, bored out of his skull. Then David read a disturbing email that was meant to be set for the old man however it seemed like they got the two of them confused. The email was some adviser from the stock holders. The email stated that they were a bit concerned that the company was being left to David since he had no family or steady relationship with any woman. The adviser suggested that his partner should find someone with kids and at very least a wife. Someone the stock holders could relate to not some wealthy spoiled playboy who inherited his dad's fortune.

David slammed the laptop down and stormed over to the window overlooking the city. He rested his forehead on the back of his head leaning on the window. He wasn't sure what to do. This business was David's only future really and he didn't want someone taking it away. He wasn't sure to confront the old man about this or what to do. An idea crossed his mind, perhaps he could get a girl to go along with his to the dinner. The only person he wanted to ask just left. He looked down at all the tiny little people and busy streets below.
Selena arched her eyebrows as he spoke, rather surprised that he didnâ??t attempt to stop her. It seemed that it was about time to spin things around; otherwise she would lose all chances to ever get with him. After all, what did she have to lose? Certainly, there was her fatherâ??s trust, her summer job and so forth, but those things were rather insignificant. â??Sure, Iâ??ll see you later,â? she smiled, walking off to her fatherâ??s office. Entering the office, she found herself thrown off by the sudden happiness her father displayed. After a brief conversation, she discovered that an important deal has been concluded.

Speaking to her father, she ended up discovering that David bothered her fatherâ??s advisors that considered that he was rather useless â?? young, attractive and quite a womanizer. Frowning slightly, she sighed, wondering how her father would have reacted to her being with him. For some reason, it made things a lot more exciting. Exiting her fatherâ??s office once the conversation was over, she returned downstairs. Working through the rest of the day, she concentrated on the papers and ended up finishing most of the things she had to do for the week â?? considering that the week was close to over. Once the day was over, she stayed over for a few more moments, waiting for the people to exit the building.

Carefully making her way upstairs, she made sure that her father wasnâ??t around before sliding into Davidâ??s office with a grin. â??Good afternoon, are you busy?â? She wondered, shutting the door behind her.
David had gone through his contact book to phone every single ex girlfriend he had ever been with and asked them if they wanted to go to the dinner. They were all taken, not in the area, or married. He collapsed in frustration on the couch. He was a mess. There was about two solutions he could figure. One was to call a local call girl agency to see if he could persuade one of the girls to pretend to be his long term girlfriend and if not fiance. No one would be the wiser he kept his personal life away from the old man. However with this plan someone would no doubt find out about the call girl with David's luck. He'd be made into a scandal. Front page of all the local newspapers and wouldn't be able to work in the business ever again. Although short term it sounded good. He had a beautiful girl on his arm and the evening would be quite enjoyable for him but the long term affect was not worth it.

The second option was quite the opposite. He half decided to choose it. He would simply quit his job. Everyone would think he was too good for the company and with David's contacts he could easily get a high paying position somewhere else. Although he liked his current job, the co workers, the clients, his office, everything. He had heard that if they hadn't find a perfect match who was the "family man" they were looking for the daughter of his partner would be considered. That thought confused him, she would be younger than him and definitely not married. Perhaps she was more professional. He laughed at the idea, he was the one with the experience unless she had her own business somewhere else. He hadn't even noticed her at the many parties he attended while younger for his father. How dare they consider anyone but David to have the position?

His thought were interrupted by an unexpected by a wonderful surprise. Selena knocking on the door. "I'm never too busy for a fellow co worker" He lied but he wasn't ever too busy for this one. "Come on in" said with a welcoming wave. He frowned noticing that it was clear he was starting to pack away his things. There was suitcases half full all over and the office which was typically somewhat neat seemed to be a complete disaster. He didn't want to explain anything to her or anyone else until he made his final decision and gave the official word of his departure.
The girl entered the office, giving him an absent smile because she noted the presence of a suitcase on the floor. Frowning slightly, she bit on her lower lip, trying to figure out what was going on. Perhaps he has been informed by the decision the investors were considering, yet did that mean that he was simply leaving? No, she told herself, figuring that he was far too persistent to simply quit without even trying to prove to the rest of the world what he was truly worth. Her hand slid over the handle, turning the lock to prevent anyone else from entering the office. She realized how it looked but didnâ??t want to be found with him â?? talking or doing anything else.

â??I hope youâ??re not waiting for anyone,â? she grinned, moving further into the office, surprised by how messy it is. Whatever was happening she had to find a way to prevent him from making a mistake â?? without revealing who she really was. Walking across the room to reach him, she paused when inches separated the two, her worried pools of eyes searching his. â??Whatâ??s going on?â? She wondered, genuinely concerned. Her hand slid up to rest on his chest, Selena taking another step forth. â??Are you counting on leaving?â? she wondered softly, her voice growing lower.
"I'm not waiting for anyone and apparently no one is waiting for me." His voice was filled with hopelessness and a hint of bitterness to add to it. He felt her hand creep up to rest on his chest. It made him feel better, she made him feel much better as a whole. She looked concern but she had nothing to concern herself about. He put his hand over hers and patted it. "Sometimes you just gotta move on. I've gotten too big for this company or it's gotten too big for me I'm not sure which but it doesn't matter." David pulled away from Selena and looked away towards his bags. He continued packing emptying his fridge and putting it into the cooler than putting all his suits and clothing into another suitcase. "It's been nice meeting you Selena, you're quite the young lady."

He did a swift and quick job within a few minutes a couple suitcases were full and half his office was empty. He returned to Selena. "This office is much bigger than I remember, now to move this fish tank" He said to no one imparticular trying to muster a fake smile. All that remained was his big things like the TV and the tank and the desk. He would book a moving van the following day and look for a new job the following week taking the weekend to reflect on his decision. Whether it was good or bad he didn't know if he was going to regret it later on. There was something else he'd regret if he didn't do. He rested his hands on Selena's waist and pulled her into him for a quick kiss. Nothing too romantic, just a quick peak. "I have to say, I like the cut of your jib kid, not being seduced by some rich spoiled playboy."
Selena listened to his words and watched him move around, collecting his things and talking into the emptiness. At that very moment, his years seemed to have caught up on him and took quite a toll. Shaking her head as he suddenly pulled her closer to him, she merely allowed him to kiss her without responding. Her eyes, however, lit up in a strange fire, filled with anger, affection and several other emotions. â??No, youâ??re wrong on that one,â? she replied with a bemused expression, without elaborating since she deemed her words obvious. Sliding her arms around his neck, she moved closer to him, her frail body pressed against his strong built. She didnâ??t want him to leave, and for some odd reason the strangled expression on his face made her want to hold him until everything else didnâ??t matter.

â??Donâ??t leave, you canâ??t just give up like that,â? she shook her head. â??Think of how it will look, are you just going to lose to the old man?â? She questioned, her hand sliding lower along his cheek and jaw line. â??Besides, a part of the company belongs to you, why give it up? Your father worked on it his entire life,â? she continued, standing on her tiptoes to deliver him a light kiss on the lips, quickly pulling away out of fear that he would decide that he didnâ??t appreciate her affection.
As she kissed him and heard her speak he smiled genuinely this time. As she pulled away from him he pulled her back in for another quick kiss but after this one he didn't let go of her. He held Selena close to him by her waist. He could feel her breath on his flesh and he was sure she could feel his own. "Oh really?" He asked with an amused smirk starting to regain his confidence and perhaps some of his youth. "You seemed very stand offish before, you're no secretary Selena. If I wanted a quick fling I could have had it, but I want you and I want to keep you" he whispered to her has he moved some of her hair out of her eyes with his hand brushing her cheek softly.

"I don't want to leave. I like my office and what I do here and I especially like you." He said emphasizing that last bit of why he wanted to stay. "But I don't know what I should do they're going to kick me out because I'm not responsible or whatever for the job, I've done all I can do really I think this is the only way to keep my pride." He motioned towards the bags. He could either say he left the company with dignity or he was squashed by someone lower in the business world because he wasn't able to handle the responsibility. He preferred the first option.
Selena smiled back, content to see him confident once again. â??Mhm, good luck on keeping me,â? she replied, shivers running down her spine as she felt his hot breath break against her lips due to the proximity they were in. She sighed as she heard his further words however. â??They canâ??t kick you out,â? she replied, rather confused. â??You own those shares, no?â? She questioned, thinking. Perhaps she didnâ??t fully understand the way things functioned yet.

â??Look, whatever it is,â? she shook her head, dismissing the topic. â??Listenâ?¦You should think about it, you might regret it after,â? she whispered, her gaze remaining fixated on his one. â??Pride can always be preserved, if you try hard enough,â? she stated, leaning forward once again. Her lips brushed against his ones, briefly trapping his lower lip between her own, before the kiss increased in intensity. â??Kiss me instead,â? she offered with a grin, her expression similar to that of a hunting feline.
"Indeed, why should I worry about it now when I have a lovely girl in my arms?" He asked rhetorically as he pushed the stress out his mind. He moved in for another kiss this one much longer. He reached his own tongue out in search of hers when finding it he tangled them together enjoying the taste of her lips on his own and enjoy feeling her body heat and her heart beat as their chests were pushed together. He had been wanting to do this for a long time ever since he laid eyes onto her the first day in the cafeteria when he had his headache and she handed him the pills to cured what ailed him. It seemed so long ago. Some much had seemed to happened since her arrival, his life was not the same ever since.

Feeling her body heat and her breasts pushed against his chest, feeling her lips upon his and private office made him want to do more. However as he mentioned to her Selena was not one of the secretaries. He didn't want to push her so hard it would push her away. Plus the adventure of taking his time with her was while worth the wait even if things didn't move any faster than this point. He pulled away from the kiss for a moment then pressed his lips just under her ear lope soft kissing down her neck. "You're so beautiful" he gasped the words in between the tastes of her neck he took.
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