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Digimon Adventure 03 (cerberus_xiii, Niki-Gale, me ONLY)

"Uh Misa, Ryu... something is about to hit us. So stop what you doing..."




"Shit!" Ryu yelled as he ran out from the bushes. "It's gotta be powerful if Misa's going into a frenzy. Kit, where's Rene? Kit?" Ryu started to look around, but couldn't sense his partner anywhere near them. "Fuck! Sora, Rika, go find Kit and Rene! We're gonna need everyone here for this one." 'I should've noticed it when she started to drag me away. She doesn't care that much about other's watching when she's really drunk.' Ryu thought as his teammates left.
"Ani0Chan!!" Aina called out, and Ovan came running, Kratenmon at his heels.

When the twins were side by side, Takuya stood back to back with Kenichi.

"Kenichi, I don't think this is going to be an ordinary enemy. Shinka. If need be, we'll have to use that form."

"Hai. And if it comes to that?"

Takuya didn't answer, and Kenichi stood his ground as a Digicode streamed around him.


Kenichi now appeared as a quadrepedal feline with a mane of ice blue fire. A few sparks of flame and tiny crystals of ice flickered when he swung his tail.


Takuya drew his katana and stood ready.
"Misa, you need to calm down!"Ryu said, holding on to her as she was thrashing about.

"Misa!!!" Rene yelled, flashing into view with Kit by her side. "Misa calm the hell down!"

"It hurts!!!" Misa said right before passing out from the pain in her head.


"Ryu... it's here" Kai said.
There was a loud roar that was reminiscent of a T-Rex, followed by the tell-tale whistle of a missile.


Takuya re-sheathed his blade, grabbed Aina, and dove under GentouHisakimon, who braced for impact. After the collision with the ground and resulting dust cloud from the explosion, it seemed too quiet, then Aina looked up and screamed in fear. Standing before them was a large, rather dead-looking Digimon. He resembled a SkullGreymon, but it was jet black, and its eyes glowed crimson. A low growl issued forth from its bony jaw, and GentouHisakimon roared at it in anger.


A silver-blue flame shot forth from GentouHisakimon's jaws, scorching the viral undead Digimon Ginkotsumon, engulfing it in flames and a shell of black ice. It wouldn't hold the beast back for long, and Takuya knew that once it broke free, they would be in trouble, especially if Ginkotsumon used its 'hirakotsu rib' to strike back. HE feared he would have to resort to his one last secret about his Digimon partner that he didn't want to reveal, but if he had no choice.......
"Kit..." Ryu turned to his partner after laying Misa on the ground.

"Right." Kit was surrounded by a pillar of light. After it disappeared in his place was a purple quadruped fox with nine tails, with the tail tips and its paws surrounded by an orange flame. "Youkomon."

"BlackGreymon." said a dark skin tyrannosaurus as another pillar of light faded from where Atsuko's partner was.

"Ikkakumon." said a white furred walrus from next to Kai

"Airdramon."said a dragon-like creature from Sora's side.

"Togemon." said a giant cactus from behind Rika.

"Ryu, go ahead and help. I'll watch over Misa." Rene said, unable to change because her partner was unconscious.

"Right. Get her out of here when we make an opening." Ryu said, and she nodded in agreement.
Ken stood back "Kaily you go and help,I'mgonna help protect your brother's" Kaily ran over "I'm ready to guys" "As am I" said Kyohei as he landed now turned into "Aquailmon" Kaily stood next to Ryu with her partner ready to fight with them.
"Yo Tenchi, you and Patamon gonna join in, or are me and Kit gonna have all the fun?" Ryu asked his brother.

"What do you think?" Tenchi said as a pillar of light faded from next to him revealing his Leppamon partner.
Ryu pointed to the Digimon that just attacked. "THAT is what were up against. Hey, Takayu, what did your partner say that thing was?"

"He said Ginkotsumon." Kai answered him.

"Right, right." Ryu said, as Youkomon sent a volley of orange fireballs towards the creature, followed by Airdramon let loose his 'spinning needle' attack, firing numerous air spears. "If you two wanna help, I suggest doing what my team is doing and attack with no let up." he yelled over Ikkakumon's 'Harpoon Torpedo' launching at the enemy.

"Misa? You alright?" Rene asked as her partner started to stir.

"Yeah... just have a small headache. I'm guessing..."

"Yep. Would you like me to go?" Rene asked, and was answered with a nod. A pillar of light surrounded her breifly, then she appeared as a yellow version of Youkomon, with blue flames in place of his orange. "Kyuubimon."
Ginkotsumon shrugged off the attacks as if they were nothing, and both Takuya and Kenichi looked more pissed than before.

"NIGHTMARE ZERO." Ginkotsumon said. and the large black piranha missile launched out of its back and sent a scattershot of sharp bullet-type objects raining down into the group.

Takuya and Kenichi dove backwards, dodging almost all of the shots. One, though, struck Takuya in the chest.

"Shit. Kenichi! We have no choice!"


The two of them stood side by side, and as they focused, a soft silver aura forged itself around and between them. They spoke in unison.


When the light that surrounded them vanished, they were gone. In their place stood a large, metallic canine with a rather large jet black DigiChromazoid cannon on his back was standing where they had been. He glared at Ginkotsumon as if the look alone would kill, and the sunlight made his black armor shine.

"If you think you can stop me, Ginkotsumon, you are sorely mistaken. I, ShadowZeedGarurumon, along with my friends and companions, shall end your existance! Everyone, TO ME!!"

Aina and Alkaid were among the first to rally next to him, Alkaid having Slide Evolved to ShadowWereGarurumon.
"Ryu..." Kit started to say

"Might as well if he's doing it." Ryu replied as Kit landed next to him, devolving.

A black aura surrounded the two as they started to merge as well. When they were done, they got a funny look from the group of people that have never seen them like this.

"Don't ask why." Kuzuhamon said, sounding like both human and digimon, with a slight femine sound to it.

"I don't think they will." said Sakuyamon, sounding like Misa and Rene. "Not until after this hell is done."

"I still think it's funny." said Chaosdramon, sounding like Sora and Tsukaimon. "But right now, head in the game. HYPER MUGEN CANNON!" he called as he shot a energy blast from the cannons on his back towards the enemy.
"SHADOW CANNON!!" ShadowZeedGarurumon cried, firing a silver-black laser from the cannon, aimed right at Ginkotsumon.

Aina and Alkaid wanted to join in the fight, so with a quick fist-tap (like what I do in greeting), Alkaid leaped into battle as well.



Karatenmon fired a dark emerald green laser towards Ginkotsumon's face, and as the attacks converged on the black skeletal Digimon, he let out a single cry.


Most of the attacks stopped short on the shield, but the Shadow Cannon shattered the shield, allowing Alkaid's attack to connect.
Rika and Lillymon were both waiting for thy right time to attack, while the others were sending their most powerful attacks at the black skeleton digimon.

SkullGreymon was firing her own versions of what was being thrown at them, countering the attacks. Unfortunately, she was starting to get tired and knew she would soon devolve from exaustion. Suddenly, a giant fireball came from behind, hitting her target as she was about to be hit by an attack she wouldn't have been able to counter.

"Dad!" Atsuko said, as a man with messy brown hair came running beside her, with his WarGreymon in tow.

"Uncle Taichi!" Kuzuhamon said, noticing what his cousin said.
Kaily shouted to her partner "Keep it going Kyohei" Kyohei flew in the sky shooting from different angels "Right. Stealth Quarrel" Ken and Yolie and Kaily's two brothers all saw that she was great. Ken had his digimon block attacks as it was to dangerous for them to move.

ShadowZeedGarurumon called out, using Takuya's title for Taichi, who'd taught the boy soccer. Aina and Ovan both waved, and Alkaid bowed politely. Karatenmon simply held up a single blade in greeting.

"Taichi! Glad you could make it! Good to see you too, WarGreymon!" Yamato called. MetalGarurumon raised a paw in greeting as well.

"Talk about nostalgic! Feel like bringing down an evil Mega, just like in the old days?"

There wasn't time to answer as Ovan called out to the group, shoving Aina underneath ShadowZeedGarurumon for protection.

"Take Cover! There's another wave of Nightmare Missles inbound!!"
Ken and Yolie stood with the boys near them. Yolie shouted "Kaily honey go to the next level" Ken shouted "Hey Tai long time no see" Kaily nodded to her mom and shouted "Kyohei" Kyohei nodded and digivolved into his ultimate "Karasumon" Now in his ultimate Kyohei used his new attack "Haguro(black feathers)" and got a hit on the enemy's back then landed next to Kaily and her family keeping an eye on the fight. Kaily sighed "How much longer do we have to attack damn" Kyohei flew up for more attacks at the enemy.
"Rika..." Lillymon called out.

"Lets do it" Rika replied. Lillymon landed next to her after shooting off a 'Flower Cannon' attack. The two were surrounded by a green aura and they fused. "Rosemon" before a second passed, though, she started glowing again. "Mode Shift! Rosemon Burst Mode!"

"Vikemon!" said Kai and Gomamon in unison, going to their final form

"We can't do it right now, guys. Sorry." Atsuko said as her partner devolved, using up most of her energy countering Ginkotsumon's attacks from before.
Kaily stood by Atsuko "Hey dont worry we still have plenty of digimon who can fight. I'm impressed with how much you did anyway" she said smiling at the girl. Kyohei was firing off attacks left and right trying to get damage done to beat the enemy.

It's too confusing on what is going on due to the fact that Niki-Gale is messing both me and Lunar up on the storyline. However, me and Lunar will be doing another one of this one, just me and him though.

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