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Chained Sky Out of Character

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Oh yeah, I'm here too :D
Edit: I generally go for around ten players when I start a game, or leave it limitless. =p
Shadow, refrain from posts like that. The people here don't like it.

01) This subforum is solely for the purpose of RP discussion. Random conversation and spam is not meant for here. If conversation starts to drift and is no longer pertinent to the RP, bring such things to PMs.

02) It is not necessary for all Group RPs to have an OOC Chatter thread, but each one is welcome to create one.

03) Only ONE OOC Chatter thread per RP. All others will be merged into the originally created OOC Chatter thread.

04) If a Group RP is closed due to lack of inactivity (or for any other reason), but sudden interest in starting it back up occurs, this is the place to mention that. Though please also PM BlackWingAngel regarding the interest or posing questions if it's not understood why a thread has been closed.

05) Disregarding these rules will result in consequences for those causing problems. This can also eventually lead to a temporary lockdown of the Group RP's OOC Chatter thread.

06) If you have any questions or problems, please bring them to either darkangel76 or BlackWingAngel.

I don't know the exact grounds for this here, but I don't want to risk it :3
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