The Monster School Profiles

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Jul 23, 2010
Blue Moon of Georgia
Monster School Thread
Monster School OOC

Account Name- Jugger82
Name- Nathan Stone
Age- 19
Gender- Male
Sexuality- Straight

Position- Student
Race- Shapeshifter
Weapon(s)- (Depends on the form shaped into)
Image/Description- Avatar
Special Ability- Ability to shapeshift into anything...with some minor differences.

Biography- He has come to this school to learn to perfect his shapeshifting as well as cause a chaotic time between students.
Kinks- (Signature)
Dislikes- Incest, scat, things going into his ass.
Is a- Switch


Account Name- Jugger82
Name- Ichiro Hatake
Age- 24
Gender- Male
Sexuality- Straight

Position- Teacher
Race- Human (Enhanced with some potions)
Weapon(s)- Handgun
Special Ability- A he can create a variety of potions...

Biography- He is the chemical teacher of the school as well as one of the founders. He's been there the longest, the island anyway, making chems out of herbs and spices as well as other ingredients. When the government wanted the island, he wanted access to chems from around the world with free access to them all.
Kinks- (Signature)
Dislikes- (Signature)
Is a- Dom
Other- Come to him if you want something specifically made...
Account Name-
Name- Mao WindWalker
Age- 1224
Gender- female
Sexuality- BI

Position- Teacher
Race- furborn
Weapon(s)-sage rod
Special Ability- knowledge of a thousand generations
Biography-Is a sage that Was around before the School was around watching the world change watching over the drazal
flower with many powerful properties that only grows on the island and wont let anyone get near it is vary fond of it treat
it like a rich person prized roses hidden on the island in the lunar glade the flower has kept her alive for a long time
Is a Switch
Other- will teach you something if she likes you and is in a good mood.
Account Name- AlexsSketches
Name- Oliver Greene
Age- 19
Gender- Male
Sexuality- Gay

Position- Student
Race- Mutant (Human)
Weapon(s)- N/A
Image/Description- Oliver Greene is a boy who stands at about 5'7", he has brown hair and eyes to match. Depending on his mood he can look more skater boy or prep, because he decides to style his hair differently. He normally wears jeans and a flannel button up or band-tees. He is in good shape because he loves to run around constantly making his body type that of a runner. He has a scar on his right knee, from a biking accident, he fell off the bike and hit his knee on a piece of glass.
Special Ability- He is able to control light. Not the lights in a room, but natural light. The most he is able to do/will be able to do with this power is bend the light around him, making him invisible. The least amount he can do, is form balls of light to trow at people.

Biography- Oliver was born to two very loving parents, when they found out he had this ability to control light, they grew very concerned. Out of fear they sent him to the island after they heard about it. They wanted to make sure that he would be able to control his power, and thus keep it secret from society.
Kinks- F-list
Dislikes- Dishonest people, pineapples, and the dark (he's not scared of it, he just doesn't like it)
Is a- Sub
Other- a bit of a slut, he likes to fool around, safely as possible, but fool around none-the-less.
Account Name- wildkat
Name- Jean Johnson
Age- 17
Gender- female
Sexuality- Straight

Position- Student
Race- Hybrid she is half human and half werewolf.
Weapon(s)- in her hybrid form she has claws and teeth and her strength so she does not use any weapons.
her human form. When she is in her werewolf form she looks like her human form but her skin is blue and she has longer teeth and claws and her hair is black. for those of you who have seen the underworld movie she looks like Micheal the boy who gets bit by a werewolf and later by salina who is a vampire.
Special Ability- She can turn into a hybrid form of the werewolf that makes her stronger then in her vampire form.

Biography- She was sent to the school to learn how to control herself when in her hybrid form for she has killed too many of her kind as well as the lycans when she rages.
Kinks- she loves to be dominated by a male . she likes a male to force himself on her. She also likes oral sex. she likes foreplay.
Dislikes- Incest, scat, things going into her but ,anything were she gets cut up and abused.
Is a- sub
Other-She known to be a trouble maker and is seen with a flask all the time drinking animals blood.
Account Name- Wolf_demon
Name- Valdemar Reic
Age- Looks 30
Gender- Male
Sexuality- Striaght

Position- (Teacher)
Race- (Wolf Demon)
Weapon(s)- (Chains of the Abyss) - A set of incredible tough chains that wrap around the forearms used for blocking other weapons.

Image/Description- He stands at about 6 feet tall and has a dark purple fur around his body which blends him into the night perfectly. His right eye has a scar over it a souvenir from one of the battle he was in a long time ago. His eyes are a deep blue color. His body build is very tone not to muscular not to skinny. His hair isn't very long.

Special Ability- Shadow Manipulation - Allows him to control the shadows around him. Also allows him to tap into the power of the shadow realm.

Shadow Imitation - Can copy any attack that he seen within the last half an hour, there not as strong as the original, but there made of shadow element copies.

Shadow Blink - Allows him to disappear to the shadow realm and reappear in another position with five feet of where he is standing. He can also do this to objects around him, or people holding onto him, but not those not touching him

Shadows Illusion - Those within the range of his aura when this is active, if there will power is weaker then his or just low are made to see and hear what he wants and show them.

Shadow Oblivion Ball - Concentrated shadow realm energy which is form in a shape of a ball.

Biography- Valdemar for the most part is teaching now, because he doesn't like the place he was before and he wishes for a somewhat normal life at time, At other times he can be very mischievous and like to show student the error of there ways unless he doesn't like them. He seen many thing along his journey.

Kinks- Organism Control, giving anal, sometimes sexual torture.
Dislikes- Anything to do with body fluids, pegging.
Is a- (Dom)

Account Name- Wolf_demon
Name- Zendi Moco
Age- Looks 18
Gender- Female
Sexuality- Bi

Position- (Student)
Race- (Vampire)
Weapon(s)- (None)

Special Ability-

Ice User - Her vampire clan has the affinity towards Ice magic, she still doesn't have full control over it.

Vampire Rage - When Angry her strength increases to certain point.

Regeneration - She can heal on her own, but when she drinks blood this healing process is excel a bit more then normal.

Flight - Self Explanatory

Biography- Coming from a line of Noble vampires, she is coming to school for more education to better lead her clan in the future. Can come across as stuck up some time, she doesn't like it when things do not go her way.

Kinks- Taking/Giving Anal, Woman, rough sex.
Dislikes- Gentle Sex, scat, golden shower.
Is a- (Dom)
Account Name- Felixia Luna

Name- Sylvia Darkroots

Age- 16

Gender- Female

Sexuality- Experimental

Position- Student

Race- Human

Weapon(s)- A magical staff and spells

Special Ability- She is just starting to understand that she has magical powers, and thus doesn't know fully what she can do. She has shown aptitude for creating plants and increasing their growth.

Biography- Growing up in a small village in Germany, she wasn't exposed to the outside world often, and so when she started to experience magical qualities, she thought everyone went through the same changes. When the village elder learned of her changes, he told her to hide them unless the other villagers deemed her a witch. As she grew, she began to openly show her powers, harmless though they were, such as will-o-wisps and sparks. She was driven from the village and forced into hiding, were the elder sent a request to the principle of the school to help her. She was recruited and taught how to control her talent.

Kinks-She likes being told what to do, gifts, and nature.

Dislikes- Hitting, name calling, being treated like an animal, or being left alone for long.

Is a- Sub

Other- Whenever she has strong emotions, she may cast spells without thinking. Etc; Getting a kiss and sparks flaring out from her. Sylvia Darkroots
Account Name-Loveraiden
Name- Aiden Leigh
Age- unknown, looks 17
Gender- Male
Sexuality- Straight

Position- Student
Race- half angel, half demon.
Weapon(s)- When he is in his angel form he has a spirit bow, when in demon form it’s an ebony blade
Image/Description- Demon form Angel form
Special Ability- Shift between forms (although not gaurenteed and someties works on its own accord depending on stress and other factors.)
Fast reflexes
Ability to fly (can’t maintain flight for longer than an hour, can glide for slightly more)

Biography- Aiden grew up in the middle of a war, pure good and pure bad both wished to control him, wanting him as their fore front of their armies. His parents, forced into hiding for their love affair decided that the best thing to do for their son was to send him away. There, they hope that he can control his power over his forms.
Kinks- Angel form: romantic, candle lights, foreplay Demon form: biting, scratching, rough sex, bondage
Dislikes- opposites of likes depending on form
Is a- Dom as Demon, Switch to Sub as Angel
Other- Aiden has a problem controlling the two opposite personalities in his head and can accidently shift from one form to another with any strong emotion.
Account Name- Snowe
Name- Alexis 'Ally' Laughlan [Alex in male form]
Age- 15
Gender- Female
Sexuality- Bisexual

Position- Student
Race- Human
Weapon(s)- N/A


Special Ability- Shapeshifting and animal mimicry [The ability to mimic an animals ability; For example a birds wings or a vipers venom spitting] though mainly her powers are related to her form. Her female form can shapeshift and her male form can mimic animals. Eventually her souls are destined to form into one predetermined genders meaning that either Alexis or Alex will disappear forever and the other will be granted both powers. They can switch between Alex and Alexis at will.

Biography- Alexis and Alex were originally twins in the womb of their mother, a female shapeshifter of great power. When the woman was nearing birth she was struck with a powerful curse by her greatest enemy, an evil witch who had always until then been bested by the woman. Eventually the mother gave birth to a single healthy girl, but a short time later when she checked the child after resting off the effects of childbirth she found that the child was now a boy. Over the course of the next few years both Alex and Alexis grew and their powers began to unhinged; At least one of their powerful parents were on guard at all times of day and night to make sure that neither of them hurt any innocents or themselves too much.

After a few years they realised that the only place safe for their children would be a small school in the middle of nowhere designed specifically for this type of child was the best location for the child to grow up, and as such at the age of fifteen Alexis was placed perminently into the programme to help her harness her powers.
Kinks- Well...basically everything. Just ask ^_^
Dislikes- Urm, nothing much; Scat and vore is a no, otherwise..nothing.
Is a- Switch
Other- Alexis/Alex Laughlan
Account Name- Silver117
Name- Simon Rose
Age- 18
Gender- Male
Sexuality- Stright

Position- Student
Race- human
Weapon(s)- none
Special Ability- Perfect 20/20: He can see things from up to 500 feet.

Inner Thought: By looking into someones eyes, he can read their mind.

Mind games: He can produce optial illusions against his opponents.

Biography- Born on the beach coast. He loves to live a lazy life. Often makes friends and hangs out on the rooftop of the school. He is there for one simple goal. He can't control his powers normaly as he used to. The last thing he wants to do is to have his powers cause harm to himself, espically his eyes.
Kinks- Anything goes...well...up to some limits. Pm me if you need to.
Dislikes- Scat, urine, blood, gore.
Is a- Switch
Account Name: PrincessManaMi-Ai
Name: Aine Dioptase
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bi

Position: Student
Race: Witch
Weapon: Staff of Nature- Her main source of power Aine uses the staff to control different aspects of nature to her advantage.
Special Ability: While she can do nature magic she specializes in healing.

Biograhy: Growing up in a prestegious family Aine is expected to be the best or else her families riches will pass on to her little sister. But it's not money that concerns Aine, she is a kind and considerate young girl. Innocence radiates throughout her entire soul, and is apperant in her soft features.
Kinks: None
Dislikes: None
Other: She has a strange hunger for battling.
Account Name: "Weed"
Name: Zasso
Age: Late 20s (28)
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Omni

Position: Teacher
Race: Ent
Weapon: Brute force
Description: Standing at 10ft tall and weighing some 321lbs, he is truly a force to be reckoned with. His form is that of a human male's except for the fact that he is covered, completely, in vegetation. (Like a giant in a ghillie suit.)
Special Ability: Limited regeneration / (Minor) Plant manipulation/ Camouflage

Biograhy: Zasso is, in short, Mother nature's guardian. He was created in response to the recent pollution caused by mankind. Being mostly a creature of botanical make up, he can regenerate(to an extent), control nearby plant life, and shift his mossy exterior to match the foliage that surrounds him.
Kinks: Footdom(Females only) and watersports.
Is a: Switch
Dislikes: Human Males
Other: He teaches Botany.
Account Name- DarkWolf2986
Age- 25
Gender- Male
Sexuality- Straight

Position- Student
Race- Human
Weapon(s)- Sword

kinks: Bondage and Whips.
Dislikes: Nothing really besides Anal type things being done to him
Position: Dominant

Biography- Malachi had began his training to be a warrior the moment he turned thirteen. Yet, war came and killed his mentor and teacher which was his father. He struggled to cope with the loss and vowed to continue to learn the way of the sword. He soon ventured into lands beyond his home village. There he ran across many other warriors and they taught him the rest of what he needed to know about swordsmanship. Now he searches for more teachers and for people like himself.
Account Name- king_bakal
Name- Zed Whitewynd
Age- 20
Gender- Male
Sexuality- Straight

Position- Student
Race- Mutant
Weapon(s)- Plasma
Image/Description- 6'0" 200lbs. Black hair, green eyes, athletic build. He doesn't have a costume and never wears spandex. He just goes around town in his normal "human" clothes.
Special Ability- He is able to generate plasma blasts and shockwaves. He also has the ability to form plasma swords, plasma daggers, and other types of smashing, slashing, and stabbing weapons but for a limited time. Imbuing a metal weapon with plasma is something that he wants to try but he always ends up with ashes afterwards.
Biography- Unlike other gifted people, upon discovery of his powers, rather than be confused or scared, the first thing he said was "Cool!" He was proud of what he is and he didn't keep it a secret. Everyone accepted him for what he is. He enrolled at the Monster School because he seeks improvement and he wants to be able to master his powers. He wants full control of it and put it into good use.
Kinks- (see sig)
Dislikes- things going into his ass, mutilation, yaoi, scat, unhygenic toilet stuff.
Is a- Switch
Other- strict heterosexual
It's pretty much free for all at the moment...alot of the people who started have dropped. I and Wolf along with the other girl are the only original's left.
Thanks. I guess, I just need to know when to jump in. I read in the main post that there is an order for replying and it seems at the moment, there is some intense action going between you and weed
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