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[M Seeking Anyone] [M/F] [F/F]

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Oct 31, 2009
Some facts about me--
---I use dashes instead of parentheses, semicolons, and in some places, colons.
---I am nineteen.
---My main academic interests are history, linguistics, and what I guess you can call gender studies.
---I am online very often.
---I was going to write something else here, but I forgot what it was.

I have been roleplaying -- on sites like this, actually -- since I was fourteen or so. I consider myself literate.

I don't have any specific kinks. All I know is that there are some things I don't really like. I don't like bodily fluids or wastes. Just ask me if you'd like to know how I would feel about certain plot elements.

If we're going to play together, I would like it if you were literate. That means, proper punctuation and no run-on sentences and such. I'm not an expert grammarian myself, so I won't throw a hissy fit if you spell a word wrong. I also would like it if you kept an eye on your PM box. I've had people completely stop discussing a potential roleplay with me, for no reason, while still being active on the site. I end up thinking that I said something offensive. If you have other things to do, I understand.

Your actual sex does not matter to me. I prefer playing males, but in an F/F plot I can play a female. I could even play a female in an M/F plot if I find it acceptable.

I don't fuss over post length. I feel that sometimes, a certain part of a roleplay may call for short posts, such as in dialogue or sex scenes. Such short posts can allow a roleplay to flow better. I don't like having to pad my posts, and I don't expect you to do so.

Don't judge me by my posting history. The level of quality in my posts is proportional to my interest and the "seriousness" of the plot.

In a way, I'm submissive in consensual/romantic roles, but more dominant in other roles.

I like plots that are unique and thought-out. Send me a PM, and perhaps we can come up with a plot together if you don't like any of my ideas.



The backstory for this is fairly well-developed, so if you don't like playing pre-made characters, this probably won't be your thing. Besides the backstory and the initial scenes, I don't have any of the plot solidly thought out, so do not be afraid. This can either be set in a contemporary setting, or within my conworld if you'd like, which it was originally made for. There's a lot more to the plot than what I describe here.

Anna is a delinquent teenage girl, with a tragic past. She lives with her aunt. She hangs out with her drug-dealer ex-boyfriend and a group of other unsavory characters. She gets arrested, and her ex-boyfriend winds up being sent away for a long time, while she only gets probation. Her friends accuse her of ratting him out, and shun her. Three of her former friends trick her into violating her probation to hang out with them one night -- she is raped and/or beaten up instead. She has to leave soon after. She calls the only person who can help her -- her previously insignificant Internet friend -- a misanthropic young male who lives nearby, named Kalvin.

Send me a PM if your intrigued, and I'll go into greater detail.

The story would begin with her being arrested.

I would prefer doing this by PMs. If you're fine with doing this by email, that would be lovely. However, if you'd prefer threads, I can manage.

Not Technically Incest

Thi -- pronounced like tea, not thee -- was adopted from Vietnam at an early age.

When she was nine, her parents died. She was left in the care of Kel, her older brother.

Kel never liked her, and when she was left in his care, he started to really not like her. He blamed her for ruining his plans to go away and go to college and re-invent himself. He is a very cold, antisocial person -- he didn't even feel bad when his parents died. He can be civil with people, but he is quick to anger and never lets things go, especially with Thi.

Thi is the exact opposite. She has a friendly, bubbly personality. And she loves her brother very much, even though he doesn't seem to reciprocate her love.

The plot begins with Thi, now anywhere from thirteen to sixteen, in the shower. Her hair is very long, and so she spends a lot of time in the bathroom, washing it and taking care of it. Kel had warned her the previous day about taking a long time in the shower, but she couldn't help taking a long time that particular day. It didn't even occur to her how long she took, before Kel barges in -- there isn't a lock on the door -- berates her, and smacks her across the face.

He tells Thi to go straight to her room when she gets back from work. It's Saturday, and she has to work at a restaurant on weekends to make money for lunch at school, clothes, and other things. But when she gets home, she defies his orders, to apologize for earlier. His response is to punish her in some way, and send her to her room. Then, he plots to break her sweet personality.

The plot can be as extreme as you'd feel comfortable with.

Pretentious Snobby Bitch!

Katarina -- known often as Kat -- came to the United States from Sweden in her late twenties. She is now in her early thirties, and she has been studying art at a community college for a few years now. She doesn't act like how you'd expect a woman her age to act. She considers herself mature and all, but she dresses like a hipster-punk. She spends a lot of her free time going to local indie-band concerts, and at school she will often have iPod ear-buds jammed in her ears. She is a very caring person -- she supports animal-welfare and environmentalist causes. She is single, and lives alone in an apartment.

Kalvin is nineteen, and lives in the suburbs with his parents. He goes to the same college as Kat, but he has no intention of graduating from there and going to another college. He hates his life the way it is, and wants to move away and re-invent himself. But, he often feels helpless.

He had a class with Kat a year ago. He developed a friend-crush on her, for reasons he later called stupid. He wanted to talk to her, and be friends with her. He talked to her a few times, and then lost interest -- not because of her, but because of his own weirdness.

Even though he didn't want to even be friends with her, he felt sick with nervousness whenever he saw her. He had mixed feelings about her, until a month prior to the beginning of the plot. He suddenly wanted to be friends with her again -- but for little reason except for that he thought she could help him in some way with his plans to leave the city, if he befriended her.

He wrote her a letter, and hand-delivered it to her on campus. In the letter, he explained himself a bit, and also wrote his email address, prompting her to send him an email.

A week later, she emailed him -- but it was not what he was hoping for. She said she didn't have time for another friend or chat-buddy -- but that wasn't what bothered him the most. What enraged him was when she brought up their age difference, and how she seemed -- to him -- to be condescending to him because of his age.

A week after she sent him the email, she received a reply -- him at the door to her apartment, with a knife.

Kalvin wouldn't rape her. He doesn't have any interest in penetrative sex. He would start out by yelling at her, smacking her around, some other things depending on what you'd be comfortable with, and forcing her to strip naked, in order to humiliate her. However, in a position of control, he'll be more comfortable "exploring," and forcing her to do things involving his penis.

He'd be moving in to her apartment. He would use threats of violence against her, himself, and her neighbors to keep her compliant and going to school and work without telling anyone.

I am leaving the reason behind her behavior ambiguous, for us to decide.

Is she what Kal thinks she is? That is, is she a mean snob who thinks Kal is in some way beneath her because he's a teenager and doesn't act like her or her friends?

Or is she sympathetic to him, but just doesn't think anything between them could work because of the age difference?

Or is there some other, deeper reason why she gave him that response?

The reasons why she even came to America, started studying art, and dresses like a hipster-punk, I am also leaving ambiguous, for us to decide. Is she seeking to re-invent herself after some sort of tragedy, sort of like Kal? Or is she having some kind of mid-life crisis? Or is she just adventurous and young at heart?

The rest of the plot depends on these decisions. Either he just gets more and more enraged with her, or he calms down and they start to understand one-another, maybe with her taking more of a maternal sort of role with him.

I'd ideally like to do this by email. But if you'd prefer threads or PMs, that's fine.

Prepare Your Anus (Working Title)

This is something of a humorous plot. It would star a celebrity -- a fictional one, or a real one. Ideally the latter if you're okay with that. Don't judge me ಠ_ಠ.

Kyl -- pronounced like kill, I like unique names -- is a male in his early to mid twenties. He is running a campaign for mayor of Los Angeles. But even he acknowledges that he has no chance, as a write-in candidate, and his campaign isn't really serious. He's basically out to mock the system. And his antics get him a lot of media attention.

The celebrity became involved, after Kyl said he had a crush on her -- playing it like a joke -- during an interview on a morning radio show. She is either apolitical or a closet supporter of his cause. She starts appearing with him in public, and partaking in his antics, mostly to increase eachother's media attention, and play a kind of fun joke on the media. But they aren't quite friends. She is busy, and he appears to be a bit shy.

He contacts her, and lures her to some secluded location, perhaps under the guise of a public event. When she gets there and sees that she was lied to, she's pissed off. He tells her it was his way of asking her out, and maybe he calms her down. Anyways, from then on they form some sort of relationship, and they definitely fuck.

Kyl is very young at heart, with a kind of childish, crude sense of humor. Hence the title.

Things could get more romantic and "serious" later on, or they can become more absurd, with him actually winning the election, with his famous partner becoming the city's "first lady" of sorts, and dressing like Jackie Kennedy at public events.


I'd be up for doing a plot involving real-life celebrities, if you may so desire. Again, don't judge me!

A few names that come to mind...

Alice Glass
Katy Perry
Kim Kardashian

Take Me Home (Working Title)

Kal is nineteen. He left home, and is now tramping across North America. He's in -- perhaps -- the Midwest, where he is hitchhiking.

An older woman pulls over, and picks him up. She is in her forties. She offers to take him home and let him stay for a while.

She does this because she had a son his age, who was a lot like him, who died many years ago, leading her to become very lonely. She feels a kind of maternalistic drive to take care of him. And, he seems harmless enough -- he looks as if she could kick his ass.

Everything is fine and non-sexual for a while, until for whatever reason she decides to come on to him. We can discuss the details.

PM me if interested.

RE: FM's Plots 'N Stuff [M Seeking F]

I have updated my latest plot idea. What I had written before wasn't really appetizing.
RE: FM's Plots 'N Stuff [M Seeking F]

Updated. Currently craving Pretentious Snobby Bitch! or Not Technically Incest, or of course one of my cravings at the bottom.
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