The Cat's Meow Brothel (Please read the rules in the first post before continuing!)

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Oct 15, 2009
IC Description and Guidelines

In the business section of the city there is a building, much like an apartment complex, of simple red brick. A sign hangs at the entrance that reads "The Cat's Meow" among a plain looking exterior. The windows all have thick curtains that are always closed, making it impossible to see inside. Upon entering the building, one is greeted by quite a different sight than the plain looking exterior.

Past the greeting station just inside the door, hardwood floors and expensive carpets lead to a nicely decorated bar, fully stocked with any drink that is legal (and a few that aren't) with several stools bolted to the floor in front of it. Behind the bar is a door marked "Employees Only" which always has the blinds pulled down over the window in the top half of it. There are booths lining the walls of the bar area for people to sit and enjoy a meal and a drink if they wish, as well as a few pictures hanging in various places of the bar employees with golden name plates at the bottom.

Beyond the red velvet curtains that separate the bar from the main room, the place is exquisite. A large, circular couch of red velvet sits in the center of the room, with several others lining the walls. There is a stage in the center with a pole for dancers, and pictures lining the walls similar to those in the bar, but of the brothel workers instead of the bar employees. A staircase leads upstairs to the private rooms, as well as the themed rooms, and an elevator for those who prefer it can be found beside the stairs.

On the center section of the back wall is a large plaque with the rules engraved on it for patrons of the brothel. The rules are as follows.

1. The customer may not buy, only rent the services of a worker for a specified time.
2. Respect the workers. Any abuse or disrespect will result in your immediate removal.
3. Payment for services is made up front. No exceptions.
4. After purchasing private services, please move to a private room.
5. The rules may be subject to change or alteration without notice.

OOC Rules for the Thread

1. You must have a profile created for your character in the Character Profiles section of the Open RP forum before you can partake in the activities in here. And you must include a link to your profile in your first post.
2. Please attempt to keep correct spelling, capitalization, and punctuation. People make mistakes, and this is understood, but at least showing some effort to keep your posts literate would be very much appreciated.
3. When moving to a private room, please take your RP to either the Semiprivate RP forum or to PM so it doesn't interrupt the flow of the RP in the brothel, and the brothel posts don't interrupt the flow of your RP.
4. We reserve the right to refuse anyone if we feel they wouldn't work well with what we've established here. This is nothing personal, but we are trying to keep this thread respectable and would prefer people who show at least a measure of literacy and competence.
5. The most important rule is, enjoy yourselves. This thread is meant for people to have fun, and it is highly encouraged for you to get in there and use your imagination to help us create a fun and friendly atmosphere.
Re: The Cat's Meow Brothel ~always hiring~

The Employees of the Cat's Meow

Kelly Luna - Mistress of the Brothel (Candira)
Eli Brisco - Master of the Brothel (Scotty Rage)

Lorie Will - Manager, Support Staff, Female Escort (Candira)
Keane Conrad - Manager, Support Staff, Male Escort (Scotty Rage)

Lizzy Ellis - Head Bartender (DrivingMissDaisy)
Leon - Head of Security (theknightofold)

Eloise Stone - Brothel Worker/Female Escort (DrivingMissDaisy)
Adrian Fujimoto - Brothel Worker/Male Escort (Shadow_of_the_Azure)
Wildkat - Brothel Worker/Female Escort (wildkat)
Elle - Brothel Worker/Female Escort (grendelsblueichor)
Re: The Cat's Meow Brothel ~always hiring~

Walking down the staircase a young man appearing in his early 20's takes a long look around his new place of business. He runs a hand through his hair and stretches with a grin. "It's good to be back after such a long vacation. And in a great location too."

Quite pleased he walks over to the front door and opens it to the public. "Wonder what I'll do about the workers though", pondering the thought for a bit.
Re: The Cat's Meow Brothel ~always hiring~

Coming in from the front, she walked through the room with the circular couch down the hall into the bar, pulling her long coat off along the way. The place seemed dead for the moment but who knew what could happen in the next few minutes or even hours. Walking to the back to the staff room she left her coat hung up in a cubby of sorts and grabbed her note pad and walked back out to the bar.
Re: The Cat's Meow Brothel ~always hiring~

He yawns and stretches as he walks up the stairs calling it a night.
Re: The Cat's Meow Brothel ~always hiring~

Walking down the stairs, Shadow throws on his coat and buttons it up. Walking into an empty room, he sighs. "Brothels really are a difficult business to run with no women." Speaking to no one ofcourse, he might as well get used to talking to himself.

He strolls over to a place behind the bar and mixes himself a drink, and contemplates his options. "Maybe I could burn down the other brothels....level the competition. Still the issue of the women though. Or men depending on the clientele we're going to attract. What to do, what to do.....", sipping at his drink ideas and gears are turning.
Re: The Cat's Meow Brothel ~always hiring~

She only caught some of what he said as she walked in. "Burning down the other brothel's will only cause more trouble than it's worth. Don't you think so boss." She glanced towards him smirking a bit as she pulled her coat off. Once she left it in the back she came back out and sat at the bar in front of him. Course the place was dead but that didn't mean it wouldn't liven up at some point. You can't really rush things and only causing mishap would just cause the police to get involved in whats happened.

Then that would mean investigations and it would be very bad for business. "Why not just spread some nasty rumor's around about the other places who know you may get more workers and clientele coming in."
Re: The Cat's Meow Brothel ~always hiring~

"Rumors are too soft for me, and we both know I never shied away from trouble, it brings up so many interesting events and people to my feet. It's much too dull, and I hate it." He finishes off his drink than grabs the bottle to pour himself a fresh one. His face cringes as he looks around the empty room.

"Would appreciate atleast one girl to work for the special clients since this is supposedly a brothel." He finished his drink again than set it down.
Re: The Cat's Meow Brothel ~always hiring~

Her claws came out for a moment before retracting, she glanced towards him and grinned a bit. "I'd entertain but who knows what I'll do with these claws of mine, which is why I'm nothing but a waitress. You wouldn't want your important clients all scratched up and a bloody mess, though if it's trouble you want for the other brothel's I'd be more than willing enough to go and cause that trouble for you."

She snatched the bottle away from him eyeing it for a moment, "Say boss don't you ever feel like having some fun of your own? Don't you have a girl that's caught your eye and want to have just a little taste." Course she was just teasing him at the moment it was just in her nature to want to cause a bit of trouble even if it was the boss.
Re: The Cat's Meow Brothel ~always hiring~

"Too many too count, but too much grief too forget sweetie. And you've known me long enough to have an idea about my history with women. Fun, but, yeah you know the rest. Gets old."

He grabs the bottle back and pours himself a full glass. "And as for the customers, you never know who'd like a few scratches"
Re: The Cat's Meow Brothel ~always hiring~

She couldn't help but purr a bit, true she knew him better than she cared to, but that just goes to show that they're on good terms if you wanna say something. "Really, then I can't be held responsible if I end up killing them. You know me, I don't like anyone to touch me unless I say it's oky. I'm sure there would be a few that wouldn't follow that rule since there all pigs and only know how to think with lust. Not that I'm saying it's a bad thing but you know how humans can get."

She snatched his glass up and drank what was in it before setting it back down.
Re: The Cat's Meow Brothel ~always hiring~

"Not a trait exclusive to humans darling", grabs the bottle and takes a swig.
Re: The Cat's Meow Brothel ~always hiring~

She started laughing and fingered the rim of the glass a bit. "True, that is true." Standing up a bit she leaned over the bar towards him. "Say boss since it's still dead would you indulge me for a bit."
Re: The Cat's Meow Brothel ~always hiring~

"Depends. What's this indulgence? If I don't like it I might pin on some fee's for my time." He leaned back against one of the brick walls watching her expressions.
Re: The Cat's Meow Brothel ~always hiring~

"Oh really, well then what I want is a kiss from those lips of your. Or is that just too much for you to even handle."
Re: The Cat's Meow Brothel ~always hiring~

"Taunting me isn't going to help your request", waving a finger at her. He than takes another swig of his bottle.
Re: The Cat's Meow Brothel ~always hiring~

"Awe but boss, this is just how I am. If I don't tease and taunt, then I don't get what I want half the time." She tapped her lips with her finger and smirked a bit. "So may I have that kiss now please."
Re: The Cat's Meow Brothel ~always hiring~

"Hmmm, perhaps"

He puts down the bottle and puts the cap back on.
Re: The Cat's Meow Brothel ~always hiring~

"Now who's being the tease." She sat back down and pouted a bit, perhaps her joke had gone on long enough. She ran a finger over the rim of the same glass again, glancing at him from time to time, since it was boring at the moment.
Re: The Cat's Meow Brothel ~always hiring~

"Now I said you were taunting me, not exactly a tease."

He grabs a cloth and starts tediously wiping down the bar top.
Re: The Cat's Meow Brothel ~always hiring~

"That's just mean boss, taunting is what I'm best at." Sighing she rested her head down on the counter top of the bar, watching him. "Anything I can do boss?"
Re: The Cat's Meow Brothel ~always hiring~

"Find some girls that don't mind making money for sex", blunt and quick with his response. He wets the cloth and goes back to cleaning the bar top. Not much to do at all.
Re: The Cat's Meow Brothel ~always hiring~

"That's easier said than done boss, most either don't want to do it or they already have job's at other brothels." Leaning over the counter top she reached for one of the bottles under the counter top. "But I'll see what I can do for you, and if I can get another person in here I want that kiss."
Re: The Cat's Meow Brothel ~always hiring~

"We'll see", not looking up and continuing his cleaning. He sighs heavily, "Hate this god damn silence"
Re: The Cat's Meow Brothel ~always hiring~

"Play a little music then, just cause no ones here doesn't mean you don't have to keep it so quiet in here." Getting a bottle she poured the contains into the glass and sipped at it.
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