XxXXX | cнɾιѕтoρнεɾ ғlynт χαvιεɾ
ever since flynt could remember, life wasn't something that the average american boy would, on a common basis, be able to compare to. instead of growing up in a town, or a city, he was raised on a homestead by his mother, and his mother's family. they were settled in the green mountains that stretched along vermont's border to massachusetts, and owned a relatively large amount of land that they used to live off of. as such, even from a young age, flynt was taught how to fend for himself and take care of things around the farm; tending to the litter things and watching his elders with harder tasks when he was younger, to handling a lot of stuff on his own in his teen years.
with the absence of his father, - a story he'd had to beg to learn the truth about from his mother - he became the young man of the house at a relatively young age. it wasn't necessarily expected of him, but his family couldn't help but feel proud of their youngest man, always eager for a task. because of this, he was taught how to track, and hunt at a younger age than anticipated. he proved to be proficient from afar, able to angle his shots with the elements around him, but when it came to close combat.. he lacked, and was more than poor at putting a wounded animal out of its misery.
it took him several years to be able to look a deer in the face, and sooth the animal as he brought it's soul release. he couldn't bear to look in the eyes of that gentle beast up close, and watch it's life depart from its body. even with the knowledge of knowing that it was a necessary evil; that the deer was in more pain if you left it to wither away slowly, than to give it mercy as quick and painless as possible. a necessary evil that continued to feed his family, and continue the circle of life.
homestead life wasn't the only side of flynt, however. as much as his elders hated it, there was american blood flowing within his veins. homeschooling had gotten to a point where flynt felt he wasn't learning all he wanted to know. there was more out there, there had to be. and, after a brave talk to his elders and mother, he convinced them to consider letting him venture further into the world. something that didn't work out all that well, a nineteen year old flynt came to find out relatively quick. they had no intention of willingly saying yes to his idea of leaving to see how life in a town, or worse, a city was like. they came up with multiple excuses to keep him firmly planted where he'd stayed all seventeen years of his life; he was the strongest and most capable for longer treks on their property; he dealt with most of the locals that ventured around because he had a better way with people and knew the language better; and they'd worry an exceptionally large amount if he were to leave. things that all of them could deal without, if he were to leave, but didn't want to have to overcome.
over the course of a few weeks, the stir crazy buzz that had started fizzing around in his head began to grow. it got to the point that he began staying out on his hunting trips longer, purposely taking more time out in the woods to start getting his family used to being without him for several hours on end. eventually, they did notice, and his grandfather made a fuss about it, fully knowing the reasoning behind his disappearing acts. it caused an uproar, and flynt stormed out in a huff, nothing with him but his hunting gear that'd been still been strapped to him. no one came after him, assuming that he'd just go for a walk to cool off, and he'd return before sun up.
but flynt didn't go back before sun up. at first, he didn't know where he was going, but he didn't bother looking over his shoulder, or turning back. his feet carried him forward, stopping only when he needed to. interacting with people was a nice change, considering they didn't have too many encounters with people from the towns near their settlement. and, just like the few back home, the ones he met while travelling weren't that hard to sweet talk - something that came extremely handy in several situations regarding money, food, or a place to rest for the poorer weather. it wasn't too long before he'd gathered up quite a lump sum of bills, keeping it all split between his two shoes. purchasing some 'modern' attire, as the retailer had called them, came soon after he acquired a good amount of money. next came the job.
a hunting store in massachusetts had been the only place to even look at flynt without a resume, or any identification. it wasn't the best employment, but for what he had to work with, flynt couldn't really complain in the beginning. hunters came and went, their jokes lingered for only a matter of minutes before it'd air out and silence would once again settle in the shop. flynt lasted about a year and a half, almost running the business for his boss and still getting berated by him, and then to be berated at work from the customers who streamed in. he'd been close to threatening to quit, but his boss must have seen it in his eyes, because before flynt could even start to part his lips, the older man was whipping out a wild card. if flynt quit, he'd call the authorities; flynt still didn't have any identification, and his boss was convinced that he must have been there illegally. flynt wasn't all that aware of the laws around america, considering he was accustomed to his family's land, so he refrained from stirring that pot any further, just in case. the last thing he wanted was to be taken back to his family in the back of a police car after almost two years.
life moved on for flynt, fortunately. even with an asshole boss, he managed to find things to help cope with the disadvantages of working the job he was. he met a woman named genevieve shortly after he turned twenty-eight; a petite woman with scarlet red hair, ivory skin, and spotted freckles that covered every inch of her being. she was a violinist, an environmentalist, and what flynt thought was the love of his life. she shared his beliefs on so many things that had to deal with the way the earth, animals, and beings were being treated; how to manage their money; growing their own food.. every step, she was right there with him, and it wasn't because he was forcing her, or asking. she was naturally there on her own path as well, which made it uncontrollably hard for him not to fall madly in love with her
a year and a half was spent with this embodiment of his perfect other half, nothing but the usual tiff here and there in the line of arguments. an engagement ring had been purchased, a plan in the works on how to perfectly propose to her. but the universe had cold feet. it wasn't even a month after he'd purchased the ring when the news started broadcasting some obscurities. at first, naturally, they'd shrugged most of it off as silly news and thought nothing more of it. until the broadcasts were getting more urgent, and then, all together, stopped completely from their original sources, and were picked up on other stations and channels. that's when he began to panic, and gene wasn't far behind.
his tracking and hunting skills came in use once the world went to shit, luckily. gene wasn't the best at fending anything, or anyone off, so flynt did the majority of protecting. somehow, they'd managed to survive a few months in, flynt leaving her at home while he left to salvage around their residency for leftover supplies. they were usually quick, in and out tasks. it left less room for error, less time to run into anything alive or dead-alive, and gene didn't worry as much if he wasn't gone that long.
one of his trips wasn't that quick, however. on a raid to try and find some medical supplies, flynt was stopped by a group of five. they'd been surviving since the beginning as well, having grouped up over the span of the first few months. it took a lot of thinking, but flynt finally convinced himself to find use in these people, and invited them back to his place to introduce them to his almost-fiance. she was nervous at first, unsettled by the amount of new faces, especially with them all being armed. but she eventually warmed up to the idea of joining them.. after a few persuading lines from her dearest boyfriend.
the line of direction wasn't particularly all that important to the two, leaving the group's leaders to decide that information. flynt just maintained his initial task in protecting genevieve from the new horrors of the world. something that he was able to maintain a firm grasp on all the way from where they'd started, in massachusetts, to san francisco. many vehicles, and a lot of walking was done over the course of the year, searching for other survivors, and safe, peaceful communities still around. unfortunately, nothing came up; not until they'd reached the borders of california, and word had struck that there was a group of survivors in san francisco, inhabiting the old alcatraz island. it'd given them a all a sense of relief, to know that they possibly didn't venture all that way for nothing.
the island wasn't that easy to get to, however. they had to make several safehouses along the way, mostly trying to stick to the lesser crowded neighborhoods, but it wasn't always easy to do such a thing. if they'd been able to find a secure house with a fenced in yard on their last safe house run, then perhaps the events that took place wouldn't have happened. but.. for better or for worse, the house they'd decided on taking refugee in had barely any protection within the yard against stragglers from roaming in. at first, the night was quiet; getting things set up so that the windows were covered, and no light could possibly seek through to attract any unwanted attention, and then settling down with their belongings, and getting comfortable. a raid of the house had surfaced a nearly untouched bottle of rum, something that most of the group couldn't resist taking part in trying. flynt and gene were two of the few who passed on the offer, and continued doing their daily tasks to keep their group ahead in the game.
everything went on as it normally did for a short while after the bottle had been broken into. the cooking was initiated in the living room of the house, with everyone in their selected spots as they enjoyed their narcotic fix. but eventually, that alcohol had to be released. and with the bathroom on the main level being too caked with god-only-knew, the only option was to go upstairs to use the facility up there. which, for the first few cases of bathroom breaks, had been carried out swiftly, and without foul. until it came to one of the more reckless members of the group, a man called henry. he was scared of falling in the dark because of the amount of alcohol he'd consumed. so, naturally, his response was to bring a flashlight upstairs with him. a flashlight in which he'd set down on the window frame of the bathroom, pointed slightly into the glass, in order to use the bathroom, and then forget.
nearly half an hour passed since henry had used the bathroom, the living room getting slightly uppity with the alcohol coursing well enough through enough bodies to raise the volume of the room. it made it extremely hard to hear the scratching on the side of the house when it began, and to their dismay, didn't hear until there were several zees attempting to gain entry to the light, and the noise within. it was only icing on the cake that the small crowd of biters around the house attracted other walkers to join in on the cause.
it wasn't long before the supports on the doors were being pushed too heavily upon. the group did their best to take out the zees that proved to be more likely to cause problems, but there was only so much they could do without causing more noise and bringing even more attention to their location. which is exactly why flynt knew that it was inevitable; them trying to keep the walkers at bay. they weren't going to stop, not unless something really distracting whisked their attention away. but the chances of that happening wasn't exactly high, and he wasn't comfortable leaving that up to a gamble.
a brief, brisk plan had been proposition. flynt would go out, and lead the stragglers from the house. it'd give them enough time to retreat from the house to find another, or to round behind the crowd of followers he'd have accumulated in order to take them out, and then reestablish order on the property they were already on. either way, someone needed to divert the attention, and flynt wasn't about to expect anyone to jump at the chance. genevieve put up a fight, but she wasn't on the winning end of that argument, with the extra promise that nothing was going to happen to him.
armed with an ice axe, flynt forced his way through the back entrance to the porch, throwing two undead off their balance in order to gain his departure. as soon as he was down those steps, however, he nearly reeled back on his feet and tripped right back up them. most of the back yard was filled, freshly rotting corpses all heading for him. barely snapping to in time, flynt tried to bob and weave back towards the house, but the crowd thickened around him too much to succeed. and it didn't matter how many he took, there was always another one to replace the one that just fell. he was running out of room, and he was running out of stamina, when his eyes spotted a rather large shed, it's doors open halfway. that was the only invitation he needed to go barreling towards it, shoving and dodging his way there. a fool-proof plan, all up until he was trying to slam the shed doors closed behind him, and a set of teeth sunk into his forearm.
the holler that he sounded off echoed, and it wasn't long before he heard genevieve's strained voice, calling out to him from the house. the horde that had been attempting to gain further entry into the shed was slowly starting to lose interest once the other survivors attempted to restrain genevieve from dashing out to get her boyfriend. immediately, the adrenaline was matched up with the need to keep her protected. the thirty year old burst out of the shed and raised his voice as high as his vocal cords could allow, bellowing out to the lurking rotters. and, much to an unprepared flynt, it worked relatively well. their sights were re-targeted back on him, and their decent upon him continued. only, this time, he didn't try and keep them from entering the shed. he was already bitten - he'd be one of them in a matter of minutes, if not sooner. so, the new plan? trap as many of those bastards as he could from getting his almost wife.
this plan went off without a hitch. other than the fact that flynt didn't die. oh, no. after he'd taken care of every other body that had shuffled into that now cramped shed with him, sporting multiple bites and missing chunks from the ordeal, he'd waited. and waited. only to find nothing; there was a black moment that he doesn't really remember, but when he came to.. everything was still the way he'd left it. only, the sun had started to glow around the cracks of the doors. and it wasn't long before those doors were being opened from the outside.
a cautious genevieve opened the door, only to gasp and nearly scream as her eyes fell upon flynt's hunched over body, leaned up against the wall of the shed, surrounded by the multitude of bodies. the gasp had started him awake from his half-sleep, half-trance, the blood he'd lost starting to take a toll on him. instantly, he forced himself to his feet, and called for her. she refused to believe it was truly him. even when he'd proved it, listing off things that only they would know, she refused to accept him. her boyfriend had died when he left the house; the man standing before her was a walking chew-toy. a danger to them. nothing but a freak.
those words still, to this day, echo in flynt's mind occasionally. even after becoming self-aware of the pros to being a carrier, and carrying out his revenge on the same group that left him for dead after his sacrifice. chill his dreams, as he sees his almost-wife's skin torn from over her ribs. but he doesn't mind.. not in the least. because she opened his mind to a new way of life. and now he didn't have to stray from who he really was anymore. he was technically a 'man-eater' from his native heritage. why not embrace the relative similarities that he now lived.
⌠i know, i know - flynt's history is a bit of a fucking mouthful, but there he is. hopefully, you have a chance to read through it all - it defines him as a character, everything that he's gone through, and is the main reason why he acts the way he does now. i made him about a year, maybe a year and a bit, ago for another site that i admined on. he was originally intended for the help, i'm alive! plot, but i can fit him anywhere zombie-related. like most of my characters, nothing's set in stone about him, and i don't mind negotiating changes.⌡
нoѕтιlε ○ cɾαғтѕмαn ○ wαɾy oғ 'norмαl' ѕυɾvιvoɾѕ ○ lιαɾ
αgε xx ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ xx 30.
ѕεттιng xx ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ xx intended for zombie / horror plots.
ɾαсε xx ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ xxx carrier / infected.
oɾιεnтαтιon xx ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ xx heterosexual.
εтнnιcιтy xx ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ xxx american-native.
ғαcε clαιм xx ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ xx norman reedus (can be negotiated). 
ғιɾѕт мιddlε lαѕт
coming soon!
⌠side notes go here.⌡
trait ○ trait ○ trait ○ trait
αgε xx ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ xx self explanatory.
ѕεттιng xx ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ xx intended for realistic/horror/fantasy/etc. plots
oɾιεnтαтιon xx ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ xx sexual preference.
εтнnιcιтy xx ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ xxx self explanatory.
ғαcε clαιм xx ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ xx model for this character.
ѕαмρlε xx ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ xxx [x] 
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