The Xinxth
The Xinxth are an alien species. They are distributed throughout the system, settling either as individuals or in small colonies. While biologically adapted to life in sylvan or mountainous terrain, they have adapted to many habitats, and seem to thrive in many human dominated cities.
Their alien appearance, clannish outlook, and exotic customs make some view them as monstrous, but they are (mostly) quite peaceful and have even some success in gaining wealth and influence amongst other species.
Physical description
Xinxth are roughly humanoid, but larger than most humans. A Xinxth that has reached full size (usually sometime between 25-40 years old) will usually weigh between 120 to 200 kilogram, with some exceptional individuals being larger. Most have 4 eyes, but certain subspecies with 2 or 6 exists.
Xinxth have two sets of arms.
Their bodies as quite hairy, and elders (especially males) sometimes sport long beards. A current fashion is to periodically trim the rougher, outer layers of their body hair, leaving the smoother and softer hair beneath it.
Unlike humans, Xinxth are not born with a set gender, but are instead hermaphrodites. As they mature, they will typically favour one gender aspect, developing the characteristics of that one gender while the other set remains underdeveloped, often atrophying altogether. In some instances, both sets are developed, creating a true hermaphrodite, or none develops, the Xinxth effectively becoming neuter.
The exact mechanisms for gender development are not known, but are connected to population size and availability of food and space. Abundant resources and space usually means more females will develop, while cramped conditions will result in more males. Urban populations are often heavily male dominated, causing males to seek mates elsewhere.
Xinxth sexual organs are usually retracted into the lower abdomen, and will emerge only when sexually aroused. Male aspected Xinxth have more than one reproductive organ. Both genders have a set of genital tentacles used to arouse their partners.
Xinxth young develop in eggs stored in abdominal sacks. When the eggs are ready to hatch, the sack will burst, and get eaten by the young. Newly hatched Xinxth are about the size of furry basketballs with big eyes and six limbs, but they grow steadily from there.
Society and customs
While Xinxth in general have learned to adapt to human society (although to varying degrees), there are differences both in psyche and culture. Xinxth have a reputation for being somewhat callous. This is perhaps because they place great value upon acting rationally, being focused on their tasks and not making decisions based on whims or moments of great emotion. This makes them seem somewhat cold at times, but they are far from unemotional. Rather, Xinxth seek to understand and contemplate their emotions and desires first, then seek to fulfil them in the best manner, often thinking long term.
To many humans, Xinxth customs and social structure appears both confusing and baroque. Xinxth society is governed by multiple bonds between individuals and groups, based on family relations, experience, services rendered, obligations, gift giving, reputation and seniority. Xinxth language has many terms and titles relating to such relations, making it easy for them to understand who has what relationship to whom. They also have a multitude of traditions and customs to mark such bonds, or even to transfer a set of relations to one another.
This network of bonds and obligations serve as social services and a financial framework for Xinxth society. E.G., Xinxth starting up a business or trade will usually meet other Xinxth they have relations with and tell them of their plans. These might then volunteer to help with financial aid or practical help, and if they cannot provide any they will contact other individuals they are bonded with to request aid. If these cannot help, they will instead find someone who owes them and so on. Few Xinxth are ever really poor. Even if they possess no money, their position within their social framework usually ensures that someone will take care of them.
This has proven a rather effective system amongst the Xinxth, but it is somewhat opaque to outsiders, who will have no idea whom to talk to. Often, a Xinxth with experience with outsiders will be designated to be the one to deal with non Xinxth, often being given a fancy title so the even dimmer humans will know who to talk to, such as High Chairman of the Thalassan Human-Xinxth Friendship Society (Equatorian Chapter).
In a few cases, non-Xinxth will be considered part of the same system, usually because of good relationships with an influential Xinxth. Marrying into, or being adopted into the extended Xinxth family is possible, but very rare.
Marriage, or choosing a Primary Mate is a serious but joyful affair amongst Xinxth. They usually marry for life, divorce and remarrying being quite uncommon. Since it is an important decision, many Xinxth do not marry until late in life, or do not marry at all. Incidentally, the notion of marital fidelity is a bit different from what many humans practise. Primary means just that, the first and foremost in your affections and loyalties, it does not necessary exclude other liaisons. In fact, occasionally having sexual intercourse with friends, business partners and associates of your spouse is sometimes seen as a friendly thing to do. This has on some occasions led to rather embarrassing situations when married Xinxth deal with outsiders, but most know that the average human is not attracted to Xinxth, and thus waive that clause to avoid awkwardness.
Polygamy is only practised by a few communities, usually only by a member who has accumulated both exceptional honor and has the wealth to support multiple spouses. In this case, they will be known as Secondary Mate, Tertiary mate and so on.
Xinxth prefer to police their own, seeing their customs as more important than outsider law. Formal trials or punishments are rare, often an informal rebuke or a reminder of mutual bonds is enough. Sometimes, a miscreant can be deemed so untrustworthy that bonds and obligations are considered void. This is a severe punishment, but working one's way back in is possible. Xinxth prefer 'Euthanasia' to 'Death Penalty'. Punishment is supposed to teach a lesion to the punished and others, and death makes that hard, but in rare cases an individual Xinxth is seen to be so well beyond redemption that it would be better for everyone if they are put out of their misery as quickly as possible. The offender is then killed in their sleep,or an assassin might be hired to take them out as discreetly as possible. When the Xinxth want to make an example of another, the punishment is either exile or being handed over to outsider authorities.
When an outsider wrongs a Xinxth, the offence might be ignored, reported to the authorities, or dealt with by the Xinxth or a hired bounty hunter, depending on what is deemed most gainful in a given situation.
Population and distribution.
The Xinxth population is not very large. No official consensus exists, but estimates are less than 10 000 in the entire system. The three out-most planets have the largest populations. Equatoria on Thalassa is home to about 24 adults, and about 3 times as many resides on the rest of the planet.
Note: When searching for visual representations for Xinxth, I found that extreme close ups of the faces of spiders does the trick (I suppose moths and bumblebees might work as well).