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Conventional Discoveries (Ahnyes x OneNightNinja)


Apr 10, 2015
United States
There were people everywhere, and Jenna loved it. She had been stopped more than once for a picture of her Black Mage costume, and she had only been here for no more than an hour. She was getting plenty of attention from both guys and gals, and Jenna was not complaining in the least. She rounded a corner, still taking in the sights and trying to make sure she had found everything she needed, when she stopped dead in her tracks.

There was a girl standing down the hall, wearing probably the sexiest Sheik outfit she had ever seen. The girl in the costume wasn't half bad either, but there was an air of familiarity that Jenna for the most part ignored. She assumed this girl just had one of those faces. She approached, walking slowly, watching the girl. She didn't want to interrupt anything, and as soon as she saw an opening, she approached.

"Hey there, love your costume. Mind if I get a pic?" She showed her phone, to show she was serious about taking the picture. This close, Jenna couldn't help but think this girl was just plain hot.
The last year or so, Bridget had been working out, trying to get her body in proper shape. All for a costume. But it was worth it. Today, she'd wriggled into her Sheik costume, and found that it just brought out all those little curves and toned muscles she'd been working so hard on. It made her feel so good. She'd not been terribly fit before the con, so having people admiring her was absolutely fantastic at boosting her normally frail ego.

It did make it hard to get around the con though, as everyone wanted pictures. Still, the confidence was showing through, and she was happy to pose and strut for people, inevitably taking pictures with a lot of Links and a few Zeldas. So when the girl in the black mage costume wanted a picture, she simply nodded. "Of course." The bandages muffled her voice a little.

"How do you want me?"
"I'll take a pretty little thing like you any way," Jenna replied, smiling behind her mask. She wasn't normally this forward, but something about hiding behind her Black Mage mask made it so that she didn't fear being so forward. She wondered how the girl would take it, and hope it wouldn't be ill recieved. "But, for the picture," Jenna added after a moment of silence. "Just stand next to me. That's all."

She moved around, closer to the Sheik cosplayer, and raising her phone up after turning on the camera. "Say, 'Link!'" Jenna said, giving a small count of 1-2-3 before snapping the picture. She stepped back half-reluctantly afterwards, smiling at the girl. She held out her hand. "Name's Jenna," she said. "Your resident Black Mage."
Despite the bandaging mask, it was clear that the comment had brought a blush to the ninja princess' cheeks. While her body confidence had gone up, she wasn't too used to being hit on. Though she had to admit she was curious. After all, it wasn't every day someone she couldn't see made an advance. Sure, plenty of others, mostly guys, had hit on her too, but there was an air of mystery about this girl. And maybe Bridget was a bit curious about girl on girl too.

Still, they needed to take a selfie together, so Bridget got in close, wrapping her arm around the mage's waist. She was no hover-hander. Told to say Link, she gave a little playful grin, not that it could be seen. On three, she cheerfully exclaimed "Impa!" Just to mess with it a little bit... And maybe to hint that she was a little interested in the ladies herself. "Nice to meet you, Sorceress." She took the hand when Jenna introduced herself. It was kind of funny, as she had a sister with that name. But it wasn't exactly an uncommon name. "Just Call me Sheik." She replied, preferring to stick to character at least a little bit.
Jenna giggled. "Sheik, eh? All right, then." Jenna glanced around, taking in the sights for a moment. There were several other good costumes mingling about, but for now this girl had Jenna's full attention. She watched as a fairly good Link walked by, and she remembered that her sister was a pretty big Legend of Zelda fan. She might have squealed at the sight of the Link. For now, Jenna looked back to 'Sheik'.

"Haven't been here long myself. How do you like it so far? I'm mainly waiting for the LoL tournament tomorrow." Jenna rambled a little, channeling a little more of her normal self at this point.
Sheik managed to contain herself at the sight of the Link. While she loved the games, she was more into the other characters, as each game made a ton of imaginative side characters. "It's been good. Haven't seen much yet, on account of all the pictures. I got invited to a photoshoot for Zelda cosplayers later on today. I'm mostly here to check out the upcoming games. There's an expansion for Guild Wars 2. An Overwatch demo, though the line for that is absolutely ridiculous. And there's some cool indie stuff." She commented, realizing that Jenna was going to be playing in the local LoL LAN tournament. She was more of a Heroes of the Storm girl herself. "Good luck in the tournament though. I'll be cheering for you."
Jenna beamed at the girl, even though it was mostly hidden behind the mask. "Yeah. I'm mostly here for League, really. Came with a lot of my friends from college." Jenna shifted her weight a bit, again looking around. "Getting swarmed for pictures, though, eh? I'm surprised I had a chance to get one with you. I mean look at you, damn girl. You're probably the sexiest thing here." Jenna nodded, appraising Sheik from behind the mask. What she wouldn't do to get at her.

"Might have to claim you before any of the guys do," she added, almost as an afterthought, grinning behind her mask. She wasn't sure what her game was yet with this girl, if she wanted to press it or not. I mean, the girl was hot, but did she even swing for Jenna's team? That was always the question.
"Yeah. I think I have some time to breathe though." Just as she said that, another person came up asking for her picture. So she gave them a pose, holding some of her prop needles, the guy slipping around to take a photo from her backside, and thus getting a perfect view of her rump, which left the ninja lady blushing a bit as he practically ran off.

"Maybe there's a panel or something we can go sit down at. Get out of people's sight for a while." She suggested, not exactly meaning what it might have sounded like to Jenna after she'd mentioned claiming the ninja princess for herself.
Jenna couldn't help but giggle, but couldn't quite figure out if Sheik meant what she thought she meant. She nodded, either way. "I think there is a room down the hall where a bunch of people are playing Marvel vs Capcom. They got it kinda dim in there, plus they're all watching the screens. Maybe they'll leave us alone there." Jenna's mind was suddenly racing with all the possibilities. Was this girl agreeing to go somewhere private with Jenna or not? Just in case, she had suggested the MvC room, but she knew it was dark enough in there no one would notice if a hand slipped under some clothing.
"That's a great idea. I love MvC. Best Deadpool game to date." She joked a little, motioning with her arms a bit to indicate she'd follow. "I'm yours to lead, Sorceress. I'll follow alongside you." She had missed the implication, of course, but she seemed playful enough. In fact, she was planning on asking for maybe something along the lines of a date. Jenna had been fun so far, even if it was awkward that she shared a name with her sister.
Jenna smiled behind the mask. "Oh, definitely the best Deadpool game." She laughed a little, taking Sheik's hand and leading her down the hallway. It wasn't far away; Jenna had just discovered the room right before finding Sheik. She slid into the room, pulling Sheik behind her, finding a spot in the back. The two playing the game were very good, it was obvious they had spent most of their time practicing the game. Most everyone in the room was busy watching the screen, they would pay no mind to the two women in the back. Even if they did, Jenna didn't exactly mind. As Jenna sat down, she looked at Sheik. "You may sit," she said with a pseudo-bossy voice.

"At least these guys are good," Jenna said, referencing the game. "When I found this place, they were total noobs."
"Oh? Getting bossy, hmm?" She teased a little, though she did sit, as they'd taken the back corner. Leaning back, she let out a small groan. It was nice to get off her feet, and not worry about pictures. She wasn't much of a fighting game player, as she was more a single-player game sort of person.

"It was probably free-play. Maybe right now they're doing qualifying rounds for a tournament." She shrugged, watching the screen. It was Wesker, Dante, and Phoenix against Iron Man, Dr. Doom, and Phoenix Wright. The picks were interesting, and the use of Phoenix Wright meant that the guy must have been really into it.
"Maybe," Jenna said, watching the screen. She knew that good players could use Pheonix Wright like nobodies business, but she didn't know much about the other pics. Jenna herself usually used Wright, Dante, and Viewtiful Joe. She watched the screen quietly for a moment, the player using Wesker proving himself obviously superior in skill to the other. After a few moments of silence, Jenna returned her gaze to the beautiful girl right next to her.

"So, tell me Shiek, did you come with a boyfriend?" It was a two way question, find out if she's single, and then maybe find out if she is interested in women.
"No. I've been single for a while now. Haven't done much dating before, really." She admitted. None too confident in herself before the con, she had kept away from dating. "You?" She asked back, not terribly invested in the fight itself. Though it did look fantastic to watch, she just didn't quite know the depth of mechanics that went into those kinds of games.
Jenna shook her head. "I broke up with my girlfriend shortly before I came here." She paused for a moment, letting that sink in. "And I don't believe you didn't date much! You are so damned gorgeous! How did you keep the boys off of you?" It was half flirt, half serious question. "Unless you just aren't interested in boys." She giggled, playing it off as a joke, watching the screen. The other guy had one, and someone else had taken his space. The new player, a girl, picked Wesker, Zero, and Deadpool.
"Aww, that's a bummer." She pouted a little, sympathetic for the woman. Sure, it may have been a break-up for the best, but it was still lonely. "I haven't been in great shape for a long time. I was always kinda pudgy until a few months ago. I've been really working out because I just really wanted to do this cosplay. As for guys, I've been a little interested, but I'm thinking of trying out the other side sometime. I am in college... So it's a proper time to experiment, right?"
Not only did she look great, but she was willing to experiment. God, did Jenna hit the jackpot or what? Her story of wanting to get fit starting a couple of months ago reminded Jenna of her sister, Bridget, but she didn't think too much about it. "College is the proper time! And game conventions are the proper place! Think about it, you find a hot chick, you bang her, and you never have to see her again." Jenna got quiet for a moment thinking.

"If you want, I could be that hot chick. All I ask is we keep the masks on..." Jenna asked this quietly, and her breathe was coming sharply. She was nervous, anxious suddenly over the girls reactions to Jenna's sudden proposition. Jenna turned her whole body to face Sheik, one of her hands gently landing on Sheik's thigh. "All that working out seemed to work for you." She giggled, just a little.
She blushed at the raunchy turn of events. Just bing, bang, done? It sounded a little crazy. She'd never had proper sex, let alone a one-night stand. But... It did kind of make sense. Then Jenna leaned in close, being a little quiet with her proposition. A proposition that got Sheik red and flustered in the face so visibly that not even her mask could hide it. Then there was contact, as a hand landed on her thigh, which she looked down at. All of a sudden, she was back to the timid old Bridget. "Uh well... Um... Geeze... I-I've never... You know... Before..."
Even in the darkness, Jenna could see how bright red Sheik was. She giggled, twirling her hand on Sheik's thigh. "If you don't want to, I understand. The first time is always scary." She lightly let her hand fall into Sheik's inner thigh, travelling up toward the top of her legs, before suddenly switching course and resting at a safe distance. "But, I would be a good teacher. Then you would know if you liked it, and there would be no strings attached." At this point, Jenna wasn't even sure what she was saying. She was NEVER like this. She was always the one who let others come to her, but here she was, hands on the thighs of a girl she just met.
Would it really be so bad? It'd just be kissing. And licking... and fondling. It'd be more like third base than full on sex. So it couldn't be that scary, right? And seeing something under those robes was rather tantalizing too. "W-Well... A-All right. Just take it slow so I don't get too confused. I'm a slow learner." She blushed, looking down at her feet, and seeing that hand, meaning it was impossible for her to escape either the mage's gaze or the sexual situation she was now it. Not without looking in some really odd direction and drawing attention to them.
Jenna was grinning behind her mask, so happy Sheik had agreed. She started massaging Sheik's thigh with the one hand, slowly working inward and up, teasingly working slow. "Slow I can do," Jenna whispered, wrapping her other arm around Sheik and scooting in close. Jenna knew that if anyone looked back here it would be obvious what was happening, and she didn't really care right now. She had become entranced by this beauty who had opened herself up to Jenna. Leaning in close, Jenna's warmth breathe could be felt through the mask against Sheik's ear. "Please me enough and maybe I'll take you back to see my 'magic wands'..."

Jenna grinned behind her mask, her hand finally reaching between Sheik's legs. She gently massaged Sheik's pussy through the fabric, and Jenna could feel her own pussy tingle. She couldn't wait to feel this newbie's hands on her, and she knew this newbie would have to enjoy herself. "Touch me wherever you like, darling. Just make sure to be quiet...wouldn't want any of their attention, would we?" She was whispering, quietly, into Sheik's ear.
She was all blushing when Jenna came in close and wasted no time in starting to touch and stroke the shyer girl. She couldn't tell, but her body was instantly ready, heating up and dampening in all the right places as Jenna's fingers worked inward more. And what was that about magic wands? Her hips bucked slightly as she felt the fingers brush over her nethers, in something that felt way more intense than her own fingers ever had. "B-But we're... I-in public..." She whispered urgently, not expecting for things to have escalated like this right here and now.
Jenna paused for a second, starting to think about what Sheik had said. They were in public, and the old Jenna was starting to come back, she was starting to rethink this. However, that little nugget came back: She was wearing a mask. No one knew who she was, and the warmth in her hand as she massaged Sheik's pussy was magnificent. "Exciting, isn't it?" Jenna said, but she leaned back none the less. Her hand continued to dance over the fabric covering Sheik's snatch, and she massaged harder. "Let's play a game," Jenna offered. This was something her ex-girlfriend used to do to Jenna, and Jenna had loved it.

"You can decide what we do. Where we go, how we do it. But for everything you choose, I get to make the rules. Like, if you want to leave here, we can....but you'll have to take your pants off first."
"I-I can't just take off my pants and walk around. It's a public place..." She whimpered, despite the fact that they could just simply not play the game. So as she felt her nethers being rubbed more, her toes curled, making her wriggle in her seat. "F-Fine... Y-You can do this here..." She gave up a little, letting the woman keep playing with her despite it being in such a place. Things were quickly getting out of her control. But what rules would Jenna start making up?
Jenna smiled, pulling away briefly to lift up the fabric o her face mask, revealing her thin, red lips. She smiled. "Good choice. Rule here is you can't make noise. You make any noise, and you lose an article of clothing." Jenna didn't wait, sliding closer again. Her hand found Sheik's bare stomach, gently sliding south, as Jenna leaned over and kissed Sheik's shoulder. Slowly and quietly, Jenna kissed up Sheik's shoulder to her neck, damn near sliding out of her seat to get closer. With one hand wrapped around the shy girl, holding her close, Jenna slipped her other hand down the hem of Sheik's pants, sliding over the fabric of her panties.

As Jenna resumed massaging Sheik's pussy, even closer to the skin now, she raised up and whispered into Sheik's ear. "You do well in this game, and it becomes your turn. You set the rules and I decide what we do." Jenna grinned, nipping at Sheik's earlobes.
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