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The Professor With the Thorn in His Side (PassTheHatchet & dearestdarling)

Jan 20, 2015
Good morning university students and faculty! I hope I'm the first to welcome you all back for what will surely be a wonderful spring semester. As we trudge on into a new term, many of you on the homestretch to graduation while just as many look forward to finally tucking your first year of college under your belts, I must once again suggest a quick perusal of your handbooks. I anticipate that most have likely been misplaced or discarded by now, so I have attached to this email a few sections we should all be familiar with. Please reacquaint yourselves with our university's substance abuse, parking, and cultural sensitivity guidelines. Also, a friendly reminder to keep all faculty/student relationships strictly academic and professional. Please direct any questions or concerns to your Resident Advisors, and remember, my door is always open.
Dr. Peter Clark, Dean of Students
Go Eagles!

"Hypocrite." The first word of the morning from Adam Blunt was quietly laughed into the stillness of his office as he clapped his laptop's screen closed. He couldn't help but wonder if the dean's "friendly reminder" email was his way of passively suggesting he stuck to the rules he was such a stickler for.

Not 12 hours ago, Adam had passed a coed with disheveled hair tiptoeing away from Dr. Clark's office, guilt smearing a deep blush across her cheeks. He had come to return a borrowed book, and had to ignore the two wine-stained glasses on the desk. "Shall I just drop this on the floor with the rest?" he had thought with a quick glance at the papers and pens scattered near one end of the desk.
Adam was still inwardly scoffing as he watched students fill the lecture hall. As if he needed reminding to keep his hands off, he thought to himself as he noted how many still wore their frumpy pajama bottoms while others barely wore anything at all. Not interested.

His last lecture of the day would begin in seconds. Adam leaned back with his fingers curved over the edge of his desk behind him and waited patiently for the seats to be filled, deep blues scanning the faces staring back at him. Some of them were familiar. One in particular was more memorable than the rest, but not just because he happened to find it prettier than the others (though he would never admit it). Last semester she had nearly driven him to burst into a rambling rant that might have included things like, "Come to my class, sit, listen, discuss, and leave. Ask questions when you must, but remember that you're here to learn from me, not the other way around."

At 35 he was among the university's youngest professors, but it was quickly learned by his students that he took his work very seriously. He acted as professional as he looked; tall with a commanding presence, broad-shouldered and sharply dressed. His dirty blonde hair had a slight wave that always kept it from looking perfectly in order. Most days he wouldn't even loosen his tie until he stepped back through the door of his own home.

Today was no different. The red knot held its place beneath the pale blue collar of his shirt. Adam rolled his shoulders to straighten his twill blazer, then cleared his throat.

"Welcome!" His sonorous voice finally hushed the low din in the room as he turned on his heel to tap a projector to life. Today would just be the course outline and expectations, but he was already looking forward to getting home and shifting back to his usual casual self.
Audrey Woods had always looked forward to the first day of classes. At 20 years old, she was finally feeling as though she had her life together; she was starting her second year of college, and over the summer she had moved out of her dorm and into her first apartment, a tiny little thing just off of campus. It wasn't the most glamorous of living spaces, but it was hers, and she was finally rid of her irritating, goodie two shoes roommate that always complained when her music was too loud, or she came home too late.

Her freshman year had been marked by plenty of parties and debauchery, but unlike some of her friends, she wasn't at school just to have a good time. She really did love her school work, and in her journey to becoming a cultural anthropologist, there were many nights she needed to spend pouring over books, her long, chocolate-y hair tossed up in messy bun, glasses that she only needed for reading perched in front of her bright hazel eyes. She loved hanging out with her friends, but her true moments of happiness were those she spent alone, working hard to actualize her academic dreams.

Most of her first day back was spent in general education classes: calculus, life sciences, a history class that was unrelated to her major. But her last class, she had been both looking forward to and dreading all day. She loved the subject matter and the sense of discovery she felt, learning about different cultures from all over the world... but her professor had no sense of humor, and didn't like her input on his lessons, admittedly unasked for that it was. She was going to have to learn how to keep her opinions to herself, however, because this particular professor taught many of the classes that she would need to complete her degree... Staying on his good side was key.

She waited until the last possible moment to enter the humanities building, enjoying the last of the summer sun on her bare legs and arms. She didn't dress quite as scantily as some of the sorority girls she would hang around with occasionally, but she liked her body, and felt comfortable in shorts and a tank top. After all, this wasn't the 1800s! No need for tightly-buttoned blouses and skirts that covered scandalous ankles. She was just a little on the short side, and her body was lean and toned, but not muscular. She had the curves of a woman just cresting adulthood, her skin light and fair, despite spending the summer on the beach. She didn't feel that she flaunted her body, but why hide it away in uncomfortable clothing, with some lofty sense of propriety?

Her phone pinged as she pulled her phone from her pocket to check the time, and as she walked to class, she skimmed the email from the dean she'd received. Just the usual blather about obeying the rules, she concluded, and slipped her phone back into her pocket. Maybe she had picked the wrong school to attend; she wasn't a troublemaker, but education should be interactive! Not stuffy, old, traditional...

She made it into the lecture hall just in time, having to take one of the empty seats in the first row. Her professor, Adam Blunt, was fussing around with a projector, with a tie around his neck that looked so tight it could choke him. He wasn't unattractive by a long shot, but he dressed in a way that Audrey found very unflattering for his young age. After all, her poetry teacher wore jeans and a tshirt, like most of her students! But Professor Blunt seemed very attached to the sense of decorum and respect that his profession demanded. Just last semester, he had admonished her for speaking up in class, insisting that she shouldn't challenge his ideas and lessons, but Audrey didn't know if she could sit and listen, like he wanted her to. She couldn't help but feel passionately about her favorite subject.

He addressed the class and she sank into her seat, hoping he wouldn't notice. Despite their tumultuous relationship as a student and teacher, she really wanted to put her best foot forward this year. Taking out a pen and notepad, she jotted down information from the slides, her head resting on a hand she had propped on the desk.
Any student paying even the slightest attention could tell it had been a long first day for Professor Blunt. Ten minutes into the lecture, after slapping the projector awake at least a dozen times, he finally gave up and unplugged the machine with a sharp tug on its cord.

"Didn't they raise your tuition this year?" he asked the class with his back to the room as he pulled the cap from a marker and began scribbling the rest of his notes in neat blue script across the white board. "I guess it'll have to go up a little more before I can get something that actually works in here." Wonderful, not even a day into the semester and he was already giving the nearly insane head of the psychology department some competition for the crankiest guy on campus. Adam took a slow, deep breath to summon more patience. 'Two more hours. Slip away for a drink tonight. Start over tomorrow.' He told himself. Mind cleared, he continued.

"Anyway! Where were we?" As if summer had flashed by in the span of a single night, he instinctively expected Audrey's voice to ring out immediately in answer. The hairs on his arms pricked in anticipation. She was the only student who could do that to him, and he still wasn't sure why. Her interjections were never wrong, he just hated the way she would butt in even though it was obvious that it irritated him. In fact, if she would just keep her thoughts to herself she would probably end up one of his favorite students. She was bright, knew the material almost as well as he did, and even made him laugh once or twice. Luckily, he had kept those laughs well-hidden. Still, he couldn't let himself agree with her while she continued to go against the grain of his conventional classroom demeanor.
Audrey couldn't help but giggle behind a hand as he took his frustration out on the old projector, trying to beat it into submission and failing miserably. Poor guy. She couldn't imagine being so tightly wound all the time, like a spring in constant tension. What was going on in his life to where something as inconsequential as an old projector giving out gave him so much stress? He needed a girlfriend. Or even a friend... Audrey couldn't remember seeing him talk to anyone about something that wasn't related to his class.

Her hip buzzed, and discretely she checked her phone, seeing that she had a new text. Her friends Ashley and Josh wanted her to go out with them that night, to an older bar that most college kids didn't normally visit. It was close to campus, but the vibe suited an older crowd, not the young and fashionable. But the draw to this bar was that they didn't card, and since Audrey was underage and would be for the next few months, she'd grown to appreciate the place. She texted back in the affirmative and tucked her phone away again.

He asked where he'd left off and as if on cue, Audrey raised her hand and began to speak before being called upon. But hey, at least I bothered to raise my hand. Progress! "You were going over our end of term research paper... But, don't you think it's a little silly to pick our topics for us? I think it would be much more beneficial for us to choose them ourselves. We'll write better essays if it's something we care about, and besides, we aren't twelve, Adam. No need to hold our hands." The last bit slipped out of her mouth before she could help herself; many of her professors asked to be referred to by their first names, but somehow, she didn't think that would fly with him. The class fell unusually silent for a beat, all the clicking of pens and scratching of notes pausing in the wake of what their professor would say.
Adam swore he could feel her hand shoot into the air, sending an unwelcome trickle down his spine. He turned again and practiced a few more deep breaths while he listened to her. She's doing it on purpose, I swear. She wants steam to spray from my ears. Even if she did have a point it was moot when she called him by his first name.

"If I let you choose your own topics, Miss Woods, I'd be spending my winter break reading papers on Lady Gaga's influence on anthropology." His tone was just a touch more vexed than he had intended. Hoping to ease the obvious tension in the room, he shrugged and offered what could have been his first compromise ever as a professor. "I'll tell you what. Half way through the semester, anyone riding at 90% or higher can choose a topic and submit it for approval. I know that only leaves you half a semester to write your paper, but to anyone getting an A in this class, that shouldn't be a problem."

Another moment of silence was broken by the tapping of his marker's cap on his heavy oak desk. "And don't forget that we're in a classroom. Your friends will survive an hour without an update." He nodded to her phone when it buzzed again, made eye contact just long enough to let the bright hazel of her's demand another split-second of attention from his, then turned to finish his lecture. He could already smell the cigar smoke cloud that always hung in one corner of his favorite bar, and decided he would definitely be paying The Hideaway visit tonight.
Yikes, so much for turning over a new leaf, she thought, wincing a little as he over-emphasized her name. Calling him Adam in such a casual way might not have been the best way to bend him to her will. Her full lips parted, poised to protest his quick dismissal of her complaint, when he surprised her by coming to a compromise. Making an 'A' wouldn't be a problem for Audrey, as she lived and breathed for this class. She had basically gotten her way, and despite how sure she had been with her interjection, it stunned her that he agreed, if only reluctantly. Maybe raising her hand had helped a little! Her fellow classmates seemed to be just as shocked, looking at her as though she had some kind of magic power. She beamed, a little smug with her triumph, her smile soft and radiant.

"Thanks, Ad-- um, Professor," she replied simply, ducking her head down to hide the blush that bloomed across her cheeks, getting back to her notes. It embarrassed her to know that he had seen her texting in his class... That definitely couldn't happen again. As much as she liked to toy with her poor professor, using her phone in class seemed more disrespectful, somehow. When she was grinding his gears, at least she was giving him proper attention. Something about the way he caught her eye had caused her to feel very self-conscious, and she didn't like it.

She was on her best behavior for the rest of class, trying a new approach of writing down all of the interjections she wanted to say, instead of announcing them to the class. She liked Professor Blunt, despite what he may have thought, but his methodical and by-the-book approach to education frustrated her. She rolled her shoulders a little, trying to shake the weird feeling of vulnerability that the short eye contact had given her.

The rest of the lecture crawled by, and by the end of it, Audrey had already dreamed up a dozen things she could write her research paper on. She was almost more excited for that than the night she had planned with her friends.

Without another incident, she packed up her things when the professor wrapped up his lesson, glad to be done with class for her first day back. Just gotta swing by the apartment, and then it's time to go out! she thought to herself, passing by her professor and giving him a little wink. Despite her attempts to corral her behavior, some things just wouldn't change.
Watching his own handwriting fill the blank board instead of clicking through a PowerPoint presentation turned out to be surprisingly satisfying. Almost therapeutic, even. After dismissing the class, as students shuffled through the door, he scribbled a quick reminder into a notepad on his desk. Buy more markers.

Adam wore the most subtle smile at the thought of something to look forward to, his lips still slightly curled when he looked up just in time to catch Audrey's wink. He wanted to blurt out, "I wasn't smiling at you!" as she hurried away. Maybe the small bone he threw her with the research paper would give her something to gnaw on all semester, he hoped. Such a smart and promising student...and I thought the slackers would be the ones to get under my skin.

Pushing all thoughts of students and lectures and papers aside, he slung an old leather messenger bag over one shoulder and dropped the projector in the trash on his way out of the classroom. He would be home in just minutes, out of these stuffy clothes, and clearing his mind at the bar before he knew it.

He lived just off campus in a recently gentrified neighborhood full of other professors and young families living in remodeled homes. His was modest, a bit modern for his taste, but he was comfortable and happy there. Adam dropped his bag on the table and finally tugged the knot of his tie loose. A sharp whistle echoed from his lips, and a squat basset hound waddled in from the living room.

"Afternoon, Pete!" The dog trotted after his owner, patiently waiting for another pat on the head as the man shrugged his unbuttoned shirt off half way down the hallway. Adam obliged after kicking his slacks into the walk-in closet and sitting on the corner of the bed to pull on his favorite pair of jeans. "I think it'll be bourbon tonight. Sound good, Pete?" He laughed and ruffled his dog's floppy ears before getting up to find a shirt.
Audrey felt positively gleeful as she drove towards her pint-sized apartment, a thick stack of textbooks and binders strapped in the passenger seat beside her. Living on her own was everything she had ever dreamed it to be; she loved having her independence, and not having to appease the expectations of a roommate. She had a habit of leaving her books and notes scattered everywhere. To her, it was her 'system', but to anyone else it just looked like a mess.

Her place, while perfect in her eyes, wasn't in the best shape. The building was old and things broke all the time; she often had to do her laundry at the Wash n Spin, or take a shower at a friend's house. At the moment, everything was under control, but it was only a matter of time before another appliance wore out, or a fuse would blow...

Stripping out of her school clothes, she sifted through her closet for something to wear. It wasn't a date-- she didn't go on those-- and the bar wasn't exactly the most banging spot, so everything glitzy and glittery was out. Flicking through slips of fabric, she finally found something to her liking: a black dress that clung to her lithe body, but covered the essentials. She slipped in on, tugging at the hemline that came down to her mid thigh. She snapped a picture in her vanity mirror, sending it to Ashley with a message, 'Too trampy?' She grinned in anticipation as she waited for her to text back, stepping into black wedges that gave just a bit of height to her petite frame. She heard the buzz of the phone against the wood of her vanity and rushed for it, nearly tripping in her shoes. But the text she received made the smile slip from her lips.

'Sorry, Auds. Josh and I got called in to wait tables!'

Audrey paused before she began to text Ashley back, her good mood dampening considerably. Some first night out, she grumbled to herself, and as if Ashley had read her mind, another text popped up.

'You look great! Go out, you can't waste an outfit like that. We'll catch you some night this week!'

Audrey let go of a breath she didn't know she'd been holding, looking over herself in the mirror. Ashley was right-- she used to go out by herself all the time, why not tonight? She combed through her soft, wavy hair with her fingers, taming the flyaways that had popped up throughout the day. Her homework could wait, none of it was due for another week anyway. With newfound determination, she swiped her keys from the bowl beside her front door, her purse swinging on her shoulder. A few drinks might be good for her... She liked to work hard, but playing hard kept her from going crazy.


The Hideaway was a traditional sort of bar, dimly lit with built in booths of varnished dark wood. Audrey had been a couple times, but never alone. It wasn't much of a party bar, but since she could drink without needing a valid ID, the atmosphere wasn't very important to her. She took a seat at the bar, perched on a barstool so high that her feet didn't touch the ground, and she ordered a seven and seven, which she took graciously from the bartender. The bar wasn't too busy, but Audrey decided to stick it out anyway, sipping her drink until she looked up at the mirror behind the bar, and saw a man approaching her.

He was tall, a burly frat-boy type, but she had never seen him around before. Without a word, he sat down on the stool beside her, propping an arm on the bar and turning to her. Instinctually, she turned toward him, taking in his hulking frame. His platinum blonde hair was disheveled and it seemed dirty to her, his face pocked with acne scars. As soon as he opened his mouth to speak, she could tell that he'd already had a few.

"Hey, sweetheart, you look awfully lonely sitting here by yourself," he muttered, his eyes falling onto her bare legs appreciatively. Audrey shook her head, giving him a humorless smile.

"I'm waiting on some friends," she said shortly, turning back to her drink. The guy smirked, putting a head on her shoulder. Audrey went rigid, folding her arms across her chest, which suddenly felt much too bare, and shrugged his hand off of her skin.

"Hey, let's be friends. Then you won't have to wait on anybody," he said forcefully, his hand remaining firmly on her arm. She slowly slid off of her stool, and his hand fell away. He didn't look happy about that.

"No thanks. Excuse me, I need to use the ladies'." She quickly started walking towards the women's bathroom, with the guy following right behind her. She was a little slower in her wedges, and she noticed the bartender had disappeared into the back room, no where to be seen. Before she could reached the door her grabbed her wrist sharply, pulling her into a dark corner of the bar, out of most of the patrons' line of vision.

"Listen, little skank-- why the attitude? I was just trying to be friendly, and you snub me like some stuck-up bitch," he growled, his voice dark and harsh. Audrey backed up against the wall, nearly frozen in fear. She stuffed her hand blindly into her purse to search for her pepper spray, but she was out of luck. Just as well, he knocked her bag out of her hand and onto the floor, corralling her to the back door.

"Please, let's go back to the bar-- you can drink on my tab--" Audrey choked out, but the man wasn't having it.

"Fuck that. Come on, I've got something for you to see outside. I think you're going to like it," he said with a chuckle, gaining another inch towards the door.
Adam didn't bother to look in the mirror after tugging a black tee over his head and flattening the front with a quick sweep of a hand across his stomach. He combed his fingers through his hair and shrugged. Save for that one lock that always strayed down over his right eyebrow, it felt straight enough. Besides, he knew there would be nobody to impress at the bar. The place was seldom more than half-full, and even then it was an odd crowd of college professors and the random hipster who wandered in hoping to discover the next hot spot.

Late summer was on the cusp of slipping into early autumn. The evenings were still warm, and ones like this wouldn't last much longer, so Adam decided to walk while he still could. He stepped out under a fading blue sky, his sneakers barely making a sound on the sidewalk as he walked and watched the clouds turn bright orange and soft pink. The bar was only a few blocks away, and by the time he arrived the sun was gone and night was setting in.

The room was long and narrow with walls of exposed brick, which made perfect sense when the bartender explained one night how the bar had been built in the wide alley between two existing buildings. Adam pulled up a stool and ordered a drink, only to be joined too quickly by a student who must have ended up there by mistake. One minute of the boy's thick, dumb laugh was all he could take before he nodded a silent 'thanks' to the bartender and slipped away to enjoy the rest of his drink in the quiet of an empty booth.

He took his time, letting each sip slow things down just a little more until nothing was left but an amber drop on the rim of his glass. He was already feeling its subtle effect, but not enough to make him stumble when he got up to use the bathroom.

The restrooms were in the back, down a narrow hallway that lead to the rear exit. A single, barely-living bulb did its best to lift the hallway, but failed for the most part. From inside the bathroom Adam could hear shuffling and dull voices, and figured the bear of a frat-boy was stumbling his way to relieve himself. He dried his hands and turned to make a quick exit but paused when he cracked the door open just enough to see a hulking silhouette coming his way with a much smaller one struggling beside him.

The woman's voice was familiar, but in the nearly nonexistent light Adam couldn't make out a face. He watched and listened for a moment, his heart pounding faster and harder with each beat. She was reaching into her purse...Taze him right between the legs. Adam waited for the guy to get what he had coming, but it never came. All forethought and common sense vanished as the pair drew closer. Just a little closer, you son of a bitch. They were a step from the men's room door and three more to the darkness of the back alley.

"Come on, you know you want it! All you have to do is lift your dr-" The sentence ended with a grunt as the heavy body hit the floor. Adam stood in the doorway, foot extended just enough to trip the bigger of the two. He stepped between the woman and the dumbfounded man on the ground, bent to help him to his feet with a rough grip on his collar. "You'll have to find somewhere else to stick it tonight, ass hole." Adam growled a whisper into the man's ear as his body landed with a thud against the back door, forced it open, then fell again into the alley.

His face was hot with anger and adrenaline when he turned again, hair tousled and eyes wide. "Did he hurt you?" He asked the woman's silhouette. His voice was still a little gruff, but a couple deep breaths calmed him enough to speak more softly. "I thought you had him there for a second." He didn't remember picking it up, but her purse swayed from his extended hand.
Audrey's mind was completely blank with fear as he herded her into the darkness, her eyes welling up with tears. She felt like a deer in the headlights, unable to form an escape plan, despite having taken a couple of self-defense classes the year before. In class, there was light. It was safe. If you messed up, you got another turn. In real life, she was totally screwed. Her arms and legs felt like heavy jelly, unable to form a fist or kick. Her throat was tight as she gasped for help, but the clink of glasses and the hallway walls muffled her too-soft cries for help. She felt as though her knees were about to give out from fright, and it took everything she had to just keep standing.

But like an angel sent down to save her, the men's room door opened in a flash and her attacker fell to the ground hard, nearly jerking Audrey down with him. It all happened almost too quickly to process-- the man who had tripped the creep had grabbed him by the scruff of the neck, his voice rough and forceful as he slung him out the back door, as though he were tossing out a sack of trash. She fell against the brick wall behind her, trying to stabilize herself and comprehend all that had happened in just a few short moments. The tears that had formed in the corners of her eyes trickled down her cheeks, but instead of crying out of fear, she felt nothing but waves of incredible relief.

The man who had saved her had turned back to her, and she hastily wiped away the stray tears that had escaped, taking a ragged breath. Her vision was a little blurry, and she closed her eyes, trying to collect herself. "H-he didn't hurt me. Yet," she breathed, trying to fill her lungs with the air they desperately needed. She felt exhausted, the stress she'd been in was like the equivalent of running a marathon. Her hair was a little mussed from the effort of trying to escape, her face flushed and hot. She thought she could her her savior breathing heavily too, from the effort of hauling the creep away.

He spoke again and her eyes opened, still a bit watery, but there were no fresh tears forming. "I thought I did too. I must've left my pepper spray at home... It's pretty useless, there," she said softly, trying to make out this man in the darkness. Being alone with a stranger in the back was the last thing she wanted now, after what she'd been through. She didn't recognize his voice, though it should have been familiar to her. Maybe because she was still in shock. She slowly lifted herself from the wall, hugging herself tightly.

"I don't know about you, but after that, I need a drink now more than ever," she joked weakly, looking up at his shadowy face. "Come on, I definitely owe you one for saving me...." She took her purse from his outstretched hand, fumbling for her phone and turning on the flashlight app, so she could see where she was going. In the bright little patch of light, she could now make out the guy in the hallway... And she couldn't believe what she was seeing.

"Adam?" she stuttered out, taking a step back on her still-wobbly legs. "Um-- I-- why are you here?" And what are you wearing? Wow, clothes really do make the man. He looked much better in a tshirt and jeans than he ever did in slacks and a tie, but the image did not compute with her. He was the last man on earth she could see going out to drink, especially dressed like a normal person. She realized that she'd called him by the 'wrong' name again, but she wasn't in his classroom... And could he really blame her, under the circumstances?
Adam's heart was still racing, a rhythmic drum pounding in his ears from the inside. Everything sounded like they were under water. The woman was speaking but all he heard was a feminine blur of a voice. Slowly, the adrenaline loosened its grip and he was able to make out her words.

"Right, I bet you won't be forgetting that again." He replied when she mentioned her pepper spray. The last minute was still unfolding in his head, taking its time to settle in and reveal the full weight of what had happened. And what could have happened. An image of a faceless woman sobbing in a dark alley flashed. He didn't want to think about it.

His movement was careful as he took a heavy step closer. The last thing he wanted was to make her think it was about to happen all over again. A sudden bright light turned everything white, making Adam squint and turn his head to the side. He couldn't see the woman's face with her beam aimed directly at his, but apparently she knew him.

His expression turned to confusion until she lowered her phone and he finally saw the familiar face. "Audrey?!" He laughed a one-syllable whispered laugh when she asked what he was doing there as if it was unheard-of for a guy to step out for a drink after a long day. "What are you doing here?" He never bothered to pry into students' personal information, but he was sure she wasn't 21 yet.

He caught her eyes sweeping over him, then let his do the same. Seeing her exposed arms and legs was nothing new, but this He hoped the jerk in the alley wasn't the guy she was hoping to impress with it.

"I guess that drink isn't happening now, is it?" He joked with another quick, forced laugh. Either way, he needed another one. Nodding back out into the more open space of the bar, he suggested, "Let's get out of this hallway. I'm at the booth under the empty picture frame if you'd like to join me." Did I really just inside her to have a drink with me?!
It was so weird to hear him refer to her by her first name, instead of the honorific he usually preferred. Truthfully, she was surprised he even remembered her first name.... Had he ever said it out loud? She couldn't remember. Does it matter? We aren't at school... He's not my professor in this bar, she thought, but it still was strange. With any of her other professors, it wouldn't be, but with him.... It felt different, somehow.

He asked about the drink she offered, and her first reaction was to agree with him, that she probably should take back her offer. But... Why not? He had still helped her out of what would have been a terrible situation, possibly the worst night of her life.... Did the fact that he was her uptight professor lessen what he had done for her? He seemed to be almost disappointed to learn that it was her that he'd rescued... She couldn't quite read his reaction.

She noticed him looking her over, probably just checking to see if the asshole had done any physical damage... She suddenly regretted wearing the dress, and she worried if he thought she deserved what she'd gotten, because of her choice of wardrobe. Her cheeks felt hot as they blossomed into a rosy pink.

Before she even fully thought it through, she nodded in agreement, following his lead out of the darkness. "Sure. Just let me grab another drink... And one for you, too." She wasn't going to snub him, just because he was her professor. My apparently very hot professor, she thought to herself as she made it back to the bar, still in disbelief of what had just transpired. She didn't know what surprised her more, that her professor frequented bars, drank at all, wore jeans and a tshirt, or that he had been the one to save the day... None of it seemed real. She ordered another seven and seven for herself and bourbon for her professor, thinking that was what she smelled on his breath. With a glass in each hand, she met him at his booth, sliding into the seat facing him. She handed the bourbon to him, feeling as though she were in a weird dream, where impossible things happened.

"This is what you're drinking, right? I have a smart nose," she said with a smile, then took a long sip of her drink. She really wanted a buzz, something to take the edge off... The drink from earlier was starting to take effect, pleasantly bubbling in her chest. She set her glass down slowly, licking a stray drop from her plump lip, and took a deep breath.

"So, I really don't know how to say this adequately, but... Thank you, so so much. If it wasn't for you... Well. You know." Her eyes shifted away, then back to his face. "You're seriously my hero."
Having a drink with Audrey Woods. Unbelievable. Perhaps even more unbelievable was that he actually wanted it. Adam slid back into his seat at the booth, the warm cushion reminding him that only minutes had passed. It felt like he had gone home, slept, taught a week's worth of classes, then came back for another drink.

He glanced over to where Audrey stood with her back to him, waiting for their drinks. No longer just a shadowy outline in the dark, what he saw stole all his attention and he couldn't look away. This wasn't the same girl who sat in the front row of his classes. He couldn't believe he was thinking it, but she looked stunning. If Adam had been the type of guy to approach women in bars, Audrey was exactly the type who would have had his attention.

Yet here she was approaching him, his drink in hand. And he actually wanted her to sit. He took the offered glass and sneaked a quick sniff when she asked if she had chosen correctly. "Smart nose is right. Thanks." He took a small sip and welcomed the smoky burn to roll down his throat.

He wasn't sure why, but he was surprised when she thanked him. The word 'hero' drew a small squint, though. He laughed softly and shook his head. "You don't have to call me that. I just did what anybody with half a conscience would have done." He said and took another sip. "But, the thank you is welcome. Just try not to think about what might have happened. If it's making my stomach churn, I can't imagine what it must be doing to you." He kept his gaze straight across the table, swirling his glass in his hands, wondering how he never appreciated how pretty she was.

"I still haven't asked...are you okay? I mean, I know he didn't hurt you...but will you be okay?"
Audrey traced the rim of her glass with a finger, her eyebrow arching when he insisted he wasn't a hero. "Excuse me, I was the one who was rescued, so I think that qualifies me to say who's a hero and who's not." Her tone was lively and playful, a smile still curving her lips upwards. The whole situation will made her head spin, not least of which that she was having a drink with her most stuffy, least agreeable professor that she had. She tucked a stray lock of hair back behind her ear, taking in the sight of him. Would Ashley believe how hot he was, outside of the confines of his classroom? She almost wanted to snap a picture with her phone, but even she knew that was probably inappropriate. The clothes he usually wore to work seemed to age him about 15 years, and with his hair tousled like that... Wow. "You're definitely my hero... No take backs," she said with a grin. Even in her gratitude, she couldn't help but banter with him.

She took a breath as he asked her if she was really alright, and she nodded slowly. "Yeah, I'm okay. I've had some past experiences with assholes like him... Well, none that were so... insistent. But usually I have my pepper spray. I can't believe I left it at home." She frowned as she said that, but after a short moment she looked up at him and smiled. "Maybe I should just hire you as a personal bodyguard... You took pretty good care of me." Her eyes sparked playfully as she teased him, and she reached out to touch his forearm, her fingertips just grazing his skin.

What the hell are you doing? This isn't a date!, the rational part of her squeaked inside, but Audrey was buzzed, sitting across from a seriously hot guy that had just saved her from certain peril. The alcohol that buzzed in her blood seemed to soften the sharp edges between 'student' and 'teacher'... And the touch just felt natural, something she would do with anyone else.

"Sorry if this sounds weird, but you were the last person I expected to see here. You just... kind of seem like the kind of professor that lives in his office, only coming out for coffee and faculty meetings." She hoped she didn't offend him by saying that.
Adam sat with both forearms on the table, leaning forward with his hands still swirling the bourbon to keep its scent teasing each slow breath. He laughed and shook his head when she insisted on branding him a hero, his smile not quite fading completely. "Alright, I guess I have no choice but to let you have this one." he said, feeling his lips twitch into another little smile even as he admitted defeat. "But don't get used it." he laughed again, actually welcoming her teasing. It was much easier to take when it was playful and not the unwanted interruptions he was used to.

Of course, her that smile and those bright eyes, she could easily get away with another jab or two. The alcohol and Audrey's charm were making it easy for him to break down the wall he often hid behind. "I'm just glad there was someone there to take care of you. An odd little coincidence that it was me...but I'm glad a certain know-it-all student drove me to needing a drink tonight." He teased back with a playful glint in his eyes.

The sudden touch drew his eyes downward. Her hand looked so fragile against his strong forearm. Adam inched a little closer to the edge of his seat, letting his warm skin pass under her delicate fingertips just a little more as his eyes found hers again. It wasn't Miss Woods smiling back at him, and he felt nothing like Professor Blunt. His heart still hadn't returned to its normal pace. Now, she was the one who kept it from slowing.

"I guess I just take my job pretty seriously. Too seriously, you're probably thinking." He breathed a slight laugh. "But believe it or not, I do have a life outside of my classroom and office. This just happens to be the first time it has crossed paths with yours." His arm turned under her hand, shifting his palm upward so his fingers could brush the soft skin just below her wrist. "Honestly, I'm not all that surprised to see you here. I don't know why, but I can't see you in those rowdy sports bars or noisy clubs."
She grinned triumphantly as he conceded to her calling him her hero, proud to have won her second battle with him of the day. Two for two... Not bad for a day's work, she thought to herself, feeling quite satisfied. He was so much more likable here, in the intimate booth they shared. If she'd been told even an hour before she'd be laughing over drinks with Professor Blunt, she would not have believed it. But here she was.

She noticed his gaze flicking down to where their skin met, but she didn't move her hand. What was meant to be just a short touch evolved into something more as he turned his arm over, his own fingers brushing the sensitive spot just beneath her small wrist. Was it just that she was a bit tipsy, or did she feel sparks flying? Did he? His teasing smile, his laugh... Her arm tingled where he touched, and despite the drinks she'd had, she wasn't completely unaware of how forbidden this was. She couldn't wait to tell Ashley all about it.

Audrey was so lost in her thoughts that she almost didn't hear what he had said, her eyes still resting where their arms touched. He paused and she looked up quickly, a little embarrassed for zoning out. "Hm? Oh, well yeah. Sports bars are a total drag, and as for clubs... Don't get me wrong, I love going to clubs and just dancing, totally losing control... But quiet nights in a place like this are good too. At least, it was supposed to be a quiet night." She shrugged, taking another sip of her drink. The evening wasn't a total waste... She began tracing soft shapes against his taut skin, knowing that she was going too far. She was curious to see how far she could push him, not so different from what she did in his classroom, but now the stakes were much higher. What she wanted now, she wasn't quite sure yet... But it was fun to push him.

"Honestly, I'm a little surprised you asked me to join you over here. I was under the impression that you didn't like me that much," she taunted, her eyes flashing to his. "If you want, I could let you go... I did drive you to drink today, after all." She grinned, anxious to hear what he would say, and if he would insist that she should stay with him.
Adam's thoughts were everywhere, unable to settle on one idea long enough to finish it. He knew that breaking this rule could lead to disaster. But we're two intelligent adults. I'm sure we can both keep a secret. He knew they had already crossed lines, and that there were others waiting to be crossed. Did he want to step over them? Did she? Or was this all her idea of a joke...a way to stick it to him for being so hard on her? No, this felt too real to be a cruel game.

While his mind went wild he was calm and loose in appearance. He looked down at their hands close to touching. His fingers curled to stroke her wrist while she traced shapes against his skin. For being just halfway through his second drink, he was feeling it more than he should have. He was beginning to wonder if he would be able to even look at her during class, when the alcohol and excitement had worn off. Or would he even regret just a little flirting?

"What would make you think something like that?" he smirked and took another sip. His eyes never broke from hers as he watched over the rim of his glass. "I'm just as surprised that you joined me. There are plenty of reasons why I should be one of your least favorite people." He played along with a laugh, hoping she didn't really think he disliked her. "You should stop thinking that...that I don't like you. I could do without the constant interruptions, but this side of Audrey is alright." The smile that followed was still playful, but just a touch more genuine.

"I don't have anywhere to rush off to." He answered. Even if I did, I don't think I would want to now. Adam let his palm slip down beneath hers, their fingers still at each other's wrists. He felt like he was smiling too much, so he took another sip of bourbon and glanced down to see how much of her drink was left. "Don't let me keep you, though, if you have somewhere to be." He was trying to be rational, trying to keep a firm grip on his actions. But his next words slipped past a filter and came out anyway. "This time I actually want you to stick around, so please don't tell me you have somewhere else to be." And although there may have been a hint of sarcasm in his voice, something told him she knew he meant it.
How far will this go? Friendly conversation had escalated into light flirting so quickly, she was almost afraid to see where it might lead... If she let it. Audrey hadn't been interested in dating for the past couple years, after a bad experience with her ex... But she wasn't opposed to something fun, something casual... But this was her professor. Not just her professor, but one that she would have for the next couple of years, for classes that were essential for her to graduate. Out of any of her teachers, he was the most risky one to try something like this with, but... She felt his fingers on her wrist, stroking it lightly. She didn't know that wrists could be so sensual, but then again, he was her teacher. Only right that she should be learning from him.

The tension between them was thick, as usual, but somehow entirely different. Her hand was so close to his... How long had it been since something as simple as almost holding hands had excited her so much? To anyone passing by, they may have looked like they were on a date... And the possibility of being seen by someone who mattered sent a strange sort of thrill down her spine.

"If I didn't interrupt your class, who would keep you on your toes?" she asked saucily, raising her chin a bit in defiance. Her eyes were still bright, but the drinks she'd had had cast a bit of a glaze on them. She usually didn't have more than two, but after what she'd been through, she felt another was called for. Catching the eye of the bartender, she gestured for another for both of them. She had no intention of leaving, at least not yet.

So he didn't dislike her, after all. She downed the rest of her old drink as the bartender brought them another, and she thanked him softly. Her heart was racing as his skin brushed hers... His cute smirk, that piece of hair that seemed determined to go in its own direction... She couldn't stop looking at him, taking this new side of him in. She started on her new glass, taking a sip as he almost seemed to insist that she stay. She felt like she was in some sort of sexy, mental chess match, and she wasn't too bad at chess. At a painfully slow pace, she skated her fingers into his palm, tracing over a couple of lines before resting her small hand in his. Your move.

"You know, this is a really good look for you. At first I almost didn't recognize you," she said softly, leaning just a bit closer. Her words were much more PG than what she was actually thinking. From what she could see, he had a really nice body... So why did he hide it away, dressing like someone's grandfather?
Adam held the last sip of his drink in his mouth as a little experiment, waiting to see if the dull burning could distract him from Audrey's eyes, the soft touch of her hand, the lulling effect of her voice. He knew their game was getting more and more dangerous. The further he let her pull him in, the harder it would be to back away. But she was even more intoxicating than the alcohol, and so much harder to step away from.

He pushed his second empty glass aside, promising himself it was the last for the night. Now was the time to find his mental footing and start taking small backward steps. But then she spoke again, and suddenly he couldn't get enough of her voice. The bartender set another bourbon on the table, Audrey's fingers slipped into his palm, and all traction he had gained was lost.

"So is that what you're doing now? Trying to keep me on my toes?" His chin tipped upward curiously to mirror her, his eyebrows raised as if to say I dare you. His conscience had shrunk to a small, dying voice, yet Adam could still hear it clearly. Push the drink away. Imagine your next class with her. Back off. Now. He listened and considered it for a moment, even as his hand closed around hers. It had been so long since he had felt such excitement and intimacy in one moment, and deep down he knew he would be kicking himself if he stopped now.

"This?" He asked and glanced down at his tee shirt, then quickly back into her soft eyes. "This isn't a look, is it? It's But thanks." His fingers folded over the back of her hand and began tracing shapes of his own now. Her skin was so soft...he caught himself wondering how it would feel against his lips. "You, though...this pull it off very nicely."

He took the first sip of the third drink, breaking his own promise, and leaned a little closer. What he hell are you doing?! Every small advance would make it harder to leave, he knew this, yet he tiptoed closer to another line. "I hope you're good at keeping secrets." The mere suggestion that there were secrets to keep - or that there could be more - was surprisingly thrilling.
He asked what she up to now, and she found herself stumped. What am I doing? What do I want from this? Her mind was a bit cloudy from drinking, but it was a warm, happy cloud. That part of her that might've tried to reason with her had been silenced a while ago, lost in the wonderful, booze-induced haze she was in. A little more than tipsy, she grinned, tugging at a lock of her long, soft hair. Audrey saw something she wanted, and now, she was going to after it. Damn the consequences.

Despite the spell she was under, she was still almost hyper-aware of the way he slowly inched closer to her, the air between them electric. Hooking up had become so boring that Audrey had taken a break from the game for awhile, but now there was a new excitement, a new game she had never played. He was older, and in a position of authority over her-- both reasons she should leave and not look back-- but it only made his touch more exquisite, and his attention more exciting.

He complimented her outfit and she flushed in spite of herself, biting her plump bottom lip. "You really like it? What about it catches your eye?" she asked demurely, looking up at him through thick lashes. Her heart skipped a beat at what he said next; they were teetering towards a line that once crossed, it could never be undone, and he seemed to be all for it.

"Depends on what the secret is... Some are too juicy to keep." Ashley was definitely going to hear about this, every detail, but she trusted her best friend with everything. "But what secret would that be?" she asked, her eyes dark and curious.
They were testing the tipping point, their actions nudging them closer to upsetting the balance for good while good sense struggled to pull them back to where they should be. Adam feared they had already strayed too far to turn back, but still he kept chasing her lure deeper. Despite the alcohol-enduced numbing of his thoughts, he felt enlivened and dared himself to take just one more step.

When Audrey bit her lip he wondered if she had found a way to search his mind and find small weaknesses to exploit. His chest buzzed with electricity that sent fluttering jolts down through his stomach and left his arms tingling. What about it catches your eye? She had to know how incredible she looked in the dress, and Adam was almost careless enough to touch on every detail about it that made his mind swarm with thoughts he should never have of a student.

Instead, he just smiled a little wider at the mention of secrets and shrugged, raising his eyebrows as he took another sip. "Just be careful who you let in on the more juicy secrets, then." He replied and smirked again, loving the rush that came with suggesting such secrets were possible.

His fingertips drew slow, swirling lines down her palms and along her fingers, all the way to their tips before moving into her hand again. His gaze darted downward, just a quick glitch in eye contact when her question about her dress echoed again. "I really do like it." He said, finally answering her question. "I probably shouldn't be too specific about what catches my eye..." He teased, one corner of his smile tugging upwards. "It's not just how good it looks on you. It's the way it hints that there's so much more to you than I get to see in the much to miss out on by being just an uptight following all the rules." His own words seemed to be trying to convince him to stop worrying about the consequences and just dive in.
Audrey couldn't help but be a little disappointed in his answer; she felt like she was playing cat and mouse with him, but instead of a quick chase, it was a slow, deliberate game that she didn't know the ending to. But she was patient. She could gently bend him to her will.

"Hm. An interesting answer, Professor, but I was hoping you could be more specific." She was teasing him now, poking fun at how he regularly spoke in class. His fingers played on her palm, and she tried not to shiver from the sensitive contact. What would those hands feel like, in other places? But his unsatisfactory answer did give her a valuable insight to what he was thinking, something she could work with.

"You know what they say about rules, though. That they're meant to be broken? Aren't you tired of being so restrained... Don't you want to be free to do what you want to do? Take what you want to take?" Her voice was quiet, and spoke slowly, enunciating every word carefully.

She paused, looking down at the small table between them before she glanced back up at him intently. "I would love to get out of here. Booze always makes me restless, you know?" She grinned, leaning just a bit closer. "Are you busy now? We could have coffee at my place... Or yours, if you want. Or if you're getting tired, I could just head home." The last bit was said with the edge of a taunt, almost like a warning. Here's your last chance to escape... If you want to.
Spurred by her little jab at his classroom demeanor, Adam laughed softly into his glass before finishing his drink. She had never backed down from him in class, and he wasn't about to do so now. With his drink out of the way, he leaned just a little closer to play along. When he spoke again about the dress he could hear his words before thinking them.

"The way it moves with your hips when you move, and just kisses your it has memorized every curve..." All things I would love to do to you. " it reveals just enough to be so tempting to break the rules." His hand was around hers again, their fingers laced almost clumsily together. Although his mind was made up that he wasn't leaving without her, he still heard a feeble say no whispered from the small sober corner that remained.

"My place is just a couple blocks away...shall we go to whoever is closer?" He suggested. The ground felt a bit unstable beneath his feet as he searched for the footing to stand. His hand slipped from hers as he rose from the booth and fished a couple neatly folded bills from his pocket to leave on the table.

Looking down at her, he was faced with his last chance to take it all back and say goodnight. There was a moment of hesitation that never showed in his glossy eyes as they focused on hers. He offered his hand again motioned with a subtle turn of his head toward the front door and the fresh air beyond it.
His second answer was... much nicer. It completely enticed her, stoking the fire that was building behind her wide eyes. He wanted her, she knew that plainly now. She felt a bit smug because of it, and couldn't stop a satisfied grin from curving her full lips. She was seducing her professor! The one that , up until tonight, could hardly stand to be in the same room as her! The possible consequences of whatever would come next never crossed her mind; she was only concerned with this sensual chase, what she wanted, and what it would take to get it.

He mentioned his place and she paused, giving it a quick think. Her apartment, while perfectly fine to her, was a bit of mess. And she was curious to see what he lived like. "Could we go to yours? I drove here, and I don't think it would be smart to try to drive back." She'd never planned on getting smashed, though she didn't regret her decision one bit.

He stood and she took the hand he offered, squeezing it gently. Her legs felt just a bit wobbly, from drink or excitement, she couldn't guess. It took everything she had to walk at a normal pace instead of dragging him out of there. She almost stopped him from leaving the money, as she had already agreed to pay, but a sinful idea blossomed in her mind and she didn't mention it, leading him out of the door and onto the sidewalk, stopping and turning to him. She was so close to him, so deliciously close.... But she needed to be patient.

"Lead the way, Sir," she breathed, her face just inches away from his. Her gaze fell to his lips and she bit hers, but they couldn't, not here where someone could see.
Adam wondered if he had made his growing desire too obvious, but the thought left his mind as quickly as it had come. If the night kept slipping out of his grasp as quickly as it was, it would be much more obvious before long. Hand in hand, the unlikely couple made a stealthy exit to pause under the weak streetlights. Adam was getting his bearings when he felt Audrey turn to him, so warm and so out in the open.

The air in the small space between their bodies seemed to come alive with tension. Adam, getting more comfortable with ignoring the voice of warning in his head, turned to face her and guided a hand across the small of her back. He could smell her sweet, slightly boozy breath and craved just the smallest taste, but refrained. Headlights appeared far off down the street, but he braved a few more seconds of this alluring closeness before turning away again.

"This's not far." He said, tipping his head across the street. His hand skimmed her waistline and fell away from the curve of her hip. Their deep eye contact held until he finally had to check the approaching car's distance. His hand wrapped around hers and held firmly as he stepped off the curb to hurry across the street, the two just a silhouette escaping through the headlight beams and into the seclusion of a quiet side street.

The short run across the street brought him to the edge of his neighborhood, dimly lit and already sleeping. His house was only two blocks away, but he was already feeling the nervous rush of anticipation. It felt like only seconds had passed when their brisk walk halted in the cool lawn outside his house. It's just coffee he lied to himself, hoping to justify bringing one of his students home.

Maybe he would regret it in the morning when he was thinking clearly again. Maybe he would have to avoid eye contact with the girl in the front row for the next year. Maybe it was one of the worst decisions he would ever make. None of that seemed to matter now as he clumsily unlocked the front door and let it swing open, held Audrey's hand a little tighter, and lead her into his home.

The living room greeted them, lit by a single lamp on an end table next to a sofa. Aside from a few books laying opened around the room and a stack of papers on the coffee table, the place was immaculate...decades old but made as modern and comfortable as any brand new home.

"A little more welcoming than the bar, I hope." Adam said, turning to Audrey again. "Less eyes to hide from..." He added with a sly little grin. He could feel himself leaning forward without thinking, and could see her eyes getting blurry as his moved closed. His hand was slipping around her waist again and his lips just paring when a single booming bark startled him upright again.
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