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RE: A bloody fight in the FIre - ForeverMischievous and Me

"She won't come.. Monster.. She's smarter than that.." Udyr panted, taking a few steps away from his attacker, gazing out from under the thick mane of hair on his head. His attacker smirked widely, with a deep and foreboding chuckle, that made even a man like Udyr's blood go cold.
"No, no, my dear man.. You.. Underestimate your relationship with the girl.. Tsk tsk." The tall, marble white man taunted, with a finger wiggling in front of him, before a sharp laughter and a quick stretch of his arm, caused Udyr to groan in pain, as another string of blood was ripped from his body, causing the heavily muscled man to tumble forward a bit. The long string of bright red blood made it's way to the cold attacker, joining the pool of blood hovering above his other hand. "She likes you.. She owes you. You've been friends for a long time, and fought along each other through many hard times. You've saved each other's lives before.. I hope, for your sake, that she decides to save yours once again..." White fangs showed at the corners of a wide, ruthless grin. Udyr grunted a few times, narrowing his eyes as he observed the thin, elegant creature in front of him. Tightening his fists her roared in for another attack, charging the Vampiric figure. A bear spirit roared behind his back, causing the man to rush forward at twice the speed, preparing another punch as he snarled. "I won't let you abuse me, to get to her!" A fist rushed through the air, as another deep chuckle chimed through the air. THe fist hit nothing but a waterfall of blood, dropping down onto the ground bellow Udyr's feet. The huge pool reached Udyr's ankles, leaving him slowed and causing him pain. He tumbled a bit again, as the blood seemed to vanish into a fountain of it, taking shape into Vladimir's tall body, now stabbing his long claws into the bubble of blood above his hand, hissing as he sent a wave of burning warm blood towards Udyr. The victim whimpered as the blood struck at his side, painfully striking at all his nerves in a large circle around the area hit. Vladimir's index finger spun in a circle, causing another string of blood to shoot out of Udyr's body, the large man tumbling backwards towards his attacker again. Vladimir rushed towards his victim, only to be met by a fist to the face, Udyr roaring his last attempts at resistance, leaving Vladimir shocked and dazed for a few seconds, allowing for another punch to land in on his stomach. Vladimir hissed, striking his claws towards Udyr, creating several deep cuts, before swiping over the bubble of blood, sending out another stinging wave of hot blood. This caused Udyr to tumble, yet again, giving Vladimir the chance to rush around him in a wave of blood, piercing his claws through his victims shoulders, leaving Udyr unable to stop the coming fans.

White sparkling digits pierced through Udyr's neck, causing the man to roar out in pain, with his arms hanging down by his sides, immobile doe to the grip on his shoulders. Vladimir's eyes turned a brighter red, the two orbs almost looking like fiery storms. Blood continued to gush out of the white fang's wounds, offering Vladimir even more of the life enriching liquid. Snarling like a wild beast, Vladimir continued to drink from his dying victim, until barely any life was left, Udyr twitching and grunting from his grip. Then, Vladimir released him, letting the man drop to the ground, in a pool of his own blood.

Vladimir, was no hunter. And his newest target, was an excellent runner. He had no hopes of catching her in a fair hunt. So, he had to bring her to him. Ahri. Her blood had enthralled him, ever since the first time he ripped blood from her body in the Summoner's Rift. So sweet. So thin. Not just like candy to a baby, no much, much more than that. Vladimir felt so.. Alive.. Whenever fighting Ahri in the League. And now, he wanted that feeling elsewhere. Everywhere.. Always!
RE: A bloody fight in the FIre - ForeverMischievous and Me

Vladimir's tilted upwards a bit, as his nose sniffed a few times. His eyes closed, and his face broke into a wide smile of grim satisfaction, a sigh rolling across his vocal cords, like the sound of a hacking breeze. He followed it with a mischievous chuckle, as his eyes fell down upon the broken figure next to him, who looked back with blood stained eyes.
"It seems.. You where wrong, gruffy, old man... She's more loyal to you, than you, and to her dept, than you thought." Vladimir grinned, Udyr pinching his eyes with sorrow, his heart heavy that he'd lured Ahri into this. He could not blame the young fox, knowing it was him who should have been wiser. But he had not expected a creature like Vladimir, to be as powerful as he was outside of the Rift. He was even more of a Monster there, than he was in the arena.

The second Ahri stepped through the door to the room, Vladimir still stood next to Udyr, hisleft hand currently controlling the bubble of blood i in front of him, the storm gushing out strains of blood again and again. "What kind of an introduction is that, little fox.. Hardly appropriate for such a lovely Lady..." Vladimir complained at Ahri's first words, a smirk never falling off his lips.
"D.. Don't do it.. Ahri.. J.. Just run. He is.. Much more powerful out here.. Th.. Than I imagined.. D.. Don't do th.." Udyr warned, until Vladimir cut his claws through his bubble, sending a sting of blood down on the wounded man, causing him to gasp in pain again. "Hush, hush now, old man.. The grown- ups are talking..." Vladimir hushed, chuckling again, as Ahri gave another warning, and rushed towards him. Vladimir cut through the bubble of blood again, as he took quick steps to his side. The bubble was still too far away from Ahri to hit her, but it send another sting down on Udyr, causing him to scream out in pain this time, while the bubble created another charge, becoming even more chaotic, the storm inside it intensifying.

Vladimir had fallen for this early rush many a time before, in the Rift, and was not about to do so out here. He took the orb of fire to the side, hissing as he spun around in the air with a jump. He landed on his feet, one side of his red clothing seared by the fire, as the blood red eyes stung towards Ahri. "I heard you... But I choice to ignore the commands.. Of a child!" Vladimir taunted, rushing a few quick steps towards Ahri, before pointing his fingers towards her, and then pulling his arms back in a wavy notion. Ahri would feel a familiar pain, from blood being ripped from her body, but inside the Rift, she was used to him not controlling it. But out here, she got to taste her own blood, as it was pulled out from her throat, and over to Vladimir. That was his strength. Where Ahri could be avoided, her attacks nullified, Vladimir would never miss. Vladimir's deep chuckle rumbled through the room again, as Ahri's blood joined the bubble, and he ut his claws through it again, sending a string of blood into nothingness, but thereby also creating another stack.
"Do you see? That.. Taste. It is irresistible! Do you understand.. Why.. I must have it!?" His voice grew more manic with the word, his expression turning more desperate and blood thirsty, as he stared Ahri down. "Do you see.. How.. I can -not- live without it anymore!?" He hissed with a high pitched voice, as he rushed towards Ahri, cutting through the bubble again, sending a string of stinging warm blood towards Ahri, this time close enough, only to be followed by another rip of blood being pulled from inside herself. Ahri would probably not taste the same as Vladimir did, but rather get the bitter taste she had tried before. If Vladimir got close, he would swing the back of his hand towards her face, trying to strike her, only to follow that with an attempted grab. He did not expect it to be this easy, being far beyond underestimating his opponents, instead expecting her to rush off.
RE: A bloody fight in the FIre - ForeverMischievous and Me

The retaliation hadn't been expected, and ran right through Vladimir, both ways, causing the tall creature to hiss in pain, as he tumbled forward a bit, with a hand to his chest. His gaze was aimed at the ground in front of him for a few seconds, but slowly build up to return on her. A drip of blood was falling from the corner of grinning lips, the same manic expression on the Vampire's face, as he moved his right hand to her lips. His marble white hair had chaotically covered half of his face, one of his red eyes being hidden, but still clearly glowing through the white locks. His lips graced his claws, where a strain of her blood lay. The blood was sucked up, only to cause a shiver through Vladimir's body, his eyes shimmering for a few seconds, before getting their composure back. His entire face seemed to grin down upon her now, as he slowly took a few steps towards her.
"I think.. That was enough games.. It is time to take that ball away from you.. And bring you.. Home.." His voice grew dark, as the bubble of blood in front of him grew even more chaotic, before he cut through it yet again, sending strings of boiling blood in all directions, one straight towards Ahri. To follow it up, even before the attack would have hit, Vladimir pointed a finger towards her, making a ripping notion, causing another river of blood to be ripped from her, this time from the wounds already created, instead of her throat. And to follow the chain of events, he made an underhanded tossing wave with his left hand, throwing the bubble of blood towards her, and the second it landed on the ground, it made a loud hissing scream, as it imploded, only to be followed up by an explosion of blood, spraying in all directions. The blood that hit Ahri, which she would hardly be able to avoid in the sea of blood that gushed out, would instantly flow inside of any orifice it could find, starting to mess with her blood flow. She would feel it burning inside of her, weakening her as it build up in strength. Vladimir then dispersed into a pool of blood, the pool flowing towards her with great haste, slowing her movements as the blood seemed to lash up her ankles. Now, the build up inside of her finally released it's energy, the blood shooting out of her, creating a chaos inside her body, causing her great pain if she was hit in the first place. All this happened, while a deep, eerie chuckle rang through the room with an echo, as the pool seemed to center bellow her.

And finally, Vladimir almost jumped out of his pool, an arm wrapping around her waist, if possible, on the way up, lifting her up with him. Being this close, would probably make it hard to send of any attacks, Vladimir thinking it perfect, as he now had clear view of her beautiful skin. And he would take full advantage of that, hissing as he struck his claws down towards her chest, piercing her silky skin. Vladimir's eyes, if all things went perfect and he finally had her blood, turned in their sockets, as his grip tightened, claws pressing aginst her side, but without piercing. is other hand reached up to grab at Ahri's hair, pulling it lightly to make her arch her back, and unable to bite back, figuring she would probably use that in a desperate defense.
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