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The Island (Lounger x bonzino)


Nov 21, 2013
It was supposed to have been the school trip of a lifetime, the entire class jetting off to another country altogether. Everyone had been excited, from the jocks to the nerds, all couldn't stop talking about the trip. And it had started out just as everyone had expected, the class boarding the plane and taking their seats, friends all sitting together as they continued to excitedly discuss their plans.
In amongst them all, a boy sat by himself, Quinn Sani. He had never been much of a social person, always sitting by himself, never really interacting with anyone socially, but he had been hoping this trip would perhaps change things around a little, give him the opportunity to start and actually get to know people. The thought brought a smile to his lips as he opened his book for takeoff, ignoring the excited squeals of some of his classmates in their first plane takeoff.

For a few hours, the flight went smoothly, a bit of turbulence here and there but nothing major. Despite the journey the general feeling of excitedness never least not until they seemed to hit one particular bit of that also didn't cease.
What happened next was a bit of a blur. The plane had started shaking, then suddenly started to jerk violently in every direction, the g-forces indicating they were now rapidly descending. There was panic, screaming, even prayer....but the end result was assured and inevitable. Before anyone could even ask what was happening or why, there was just cold and wet blackness, the plane seeming to vanish from around people as it broke up on impact with the water, parts and people flying everywhere.

Several hours later, a few of the larger pieces of debris had washed up on a nearby island, one that as far as the world at large was concerned didn't exist. Clinging to that debris, or in some cases simply fortunately laying on or strapped to it, were several of the passengers. Some of those who washed up were already dead, but fortunately some of them were still alive.
Quinn was the first one to wash ashore and awake, taking a deep gasp of air as he woke, clutching his head and slowly standing up on the golden sandy beach and glancing around slowly. When he spotted the others he gasped, but rather than panic he immediately rushed to their aid. Those who were dead, he covered with the large leaves from a nearby palm tree, but those who were alive he pulled away from the water, moving them to a more shaded area.
For years Quinn had been reading books about this....about being stranded, about surviving in the wilderness and taking care of others. It had always been nothing more than an escape from reality....and yet now it was he needed to survive...and help these others to survive.

Once the others had awoken, Quinn had done his best to explain the situation to them, trying to keep them calm and assure them that they were going to be ok. His tone was remarkably authorative and reassuring, and thanks to the years of reading he actually sounded like he knew what was talking about. "Now I want everyone to stay calm ok? I'm going to go and find us some food and then I'll see about getting us some shelter for the night. We all just need to stay calm until we get rescued...ok?"
"Forget that!" One of the surviving girls, who was wearing layers of jackets and shorts, yelled. "We need to work out a sign! Something to tell the people up there we're still alive! They'll probably start looking for us when the plane doesn't get to the airport, that's what always happens!" She said, trying to get approval from the group.

A shirtless boy, wearing only jeans (since he had given his jacket to one of the girls), shook his head. "Having a sign won't be worth shit if we're all dead within the hour!" He told them. "We need to find a way out of here! Take the debris and swim out! I think Australia is nearby, maybe we'll get there if we just put all our strength into it!"

Another girl, who had been surveying the debris, somberly looked over the bodies covered by the leaves. "W-what caused the crash, anyway?... anyone spotted the pilots or the crew?"
It seemed everyone had a different idea of what to do....and all of them were panicking. This wasn't the time for that, panic would only make their situation worse....Quinn had to do something quickly before things got really out of hand.
"Ok, everyone listen up!" Quinn jumped up onto a rock to elevate himself slightly, looking around at the other three. "Now I know you're all scared...I'm scared too, but we can't panic in a situation like this. We have to stay calm and focus. Now, working out a sign right away wont do us any good. The plane wasn't due to land for hours yet, so it's probably going to be nearly a day before anyone really notices we're missing and starts searching. That means we have time that we need to spend focusing on survival first of all" He tried to smile reassuringly to the girl who was wearing so many layers of clothes, probably to warm up from being in the ocean water, but with the sunlight on this island that probably wouldn't take long.
"As for getting out of here, trying to swim for it, or build a raft, is the worst possible thing we can do. We have no real idea where we are, and we don't have any kind of navigation equipment. Ontop of that, with this debris I doubt we can build a seaworthy boat anytime soon" Quinn was trying to sound like he had some kind of authority. He wasn't sure of the boys name, but Quinn was fairly certain the boy was one of the more popular guys at school....maybe on one of the sports teams?

"As for what caused the crash....I don't know I'm afraid. There could have been any number of reasons, but they don't matter right now. All that matters is us, is surviving and doing the best we can until we're rescued. Now I'm not going to pretend I've got real experience for this, but I know what I'm talking about, I've read more than enough books and gone camping enough to give us a fighting chance if you just listen to what I say" Quinn looked around at the three. "Now, first of all, let's introduce ourselves ok? We're going to be here together for a little while at least, so I think we should at least know each others names. I'm Quinn, Quinn Sani"
The boy crossed his arms, glaring at Quinn. "Jeez, why the hell are we listening to this nerd?" He told the rest of the group, which was now made up of the four teenagers, plus a track-suit wearing gingerhead who was sitting far away at the beach. "Sure thing you went camping. You look like you never stepped out of your home! I won a crapload of trophies back when I was a boy scout, if anyone's the best to deal with this, then it's me. And I say we make a raft and head out before night falls!"

"I-I'm Sarah." The blonde girl said, raising her hand. "And I think we should follow what Quinn here said. I saw him reading those books in class... I-I think he has the knowledge needed for this situation!"

The jock scoffed out loud, slinging his arm around the jacket-wearing girl. "Sure thing. Me and my babe here are gonna get on a raft and sail for safety. So when we're safe and sound on land, we'll tell the people out there to search for you guys, and then we'll see who's right."
Quinn had expected that reaction from the jock at least, but he had to stop the boy from going off and getting himself killed and taking the girl with him. "Look, if you try to make a raft it'll just get torn apart. That's not some lake out there, it's the open ocean. You take a raft out there and it's going to get broken apart, or you'll just get washed off it and drown. This isn't a movie where a raft will handle anything and everything, if you take a raft out on that ocean then you'll get yourselves killed" He folded his arms defiantly. "And how will you even navigate? You have no sail to take you in the direction you want to go, you'll just wash around with the currents until you starve"

Quinn stepped down off the rock. "Please, listen to me. The best thing we can all do is stay here and focus on surviving. Our best chance to get rescued is to stay right here. Once they know the plane is missing, they'll go back along the route and start checking the nearby islands, especially when they see debris washed on shore" He motioned to the beach. "We've got almost a ready made sign right here"
The boy hmphed, but he only turned around when his lady whispered some words in his ear. "Fine." He groaned loudly, turning to face Quinn. "We'll listen to your orders. But if we're not out of this island in a day, I'm going to build a raft and sail out of here with my girl without giving a fuck to whatever else you have in mind. Got it?!" He leaned forward, glaring at Quinn. "Now spell it out. What the hell are we supposed to do?"

The other two ladies (including the tracksuit-wearing one) had joined the group, and all the current survivors were listening to Quinn.
As the boy got up close to Quinn, quite clearly trying to intimidate him, Quinn had to admit that he certainly did feel intimidated....but he couldn't let the others know about it, he had to maintain some kind of authority here. The first priority had to be survival, they couldn't afford to get caught up in some pathetic power struggle. Still, all he had done was delay things a little....there was no way that they would be rescued in just a would be at least a week.

"Like I said....the first thing we need to focus on is making sure we can survive. We need to get together food, construct some shelter for each of us. I can handle that, but I just need everyone to remain calm and not go too far. We can't afford to have anyone lost" Quinn stepped away from the other boy. "Now, you four all wait around here, and I'll go and see if I can gather food for us. Looking at this island there's bound to be a lot of fruit, then I might be able to get some fish as well if there are any nearby rivers or lakes"
"You just want us to stay back?" The tracksuit-wearing girl asked, crossing her arms and shaking her head. "I thought you were going to lead us, not just tell us to sit down like it's kindergarten."

"Please, everyone." The blond girl whom Quinn started to recognize as Ashley, who sat right behind him, said. "Let's all... stay calm. I'm sure Quinn has something for all of us to do."

"Whatever you're going to say," The boy, whom his girlfriend had referred to as Josh, said, pointing at Quinn. "I'm going fishing. But first I fish for me and my gal, and then for you guys. Got it?"

"No need to be a dick." The tracksuit girl said under her breath, rolling her eyes.
So they wanted to make themselves useful...ok, Quinn could work with that. At the very least he could let them try and do something like fish, maybe gather up firewood. So long as they weren't wandering too far and getting lost until they knew their way around, or eating random fruits they found, then they should be alright.
"Alright, if you want to do something then that's good" He nodded, looking between them, stopping at Josh first. "Alright, fishing is good, but how are you going to do it? We don't have a fishing rod, and we haven't found the materials to make one or a net. I can make a net for us, but it'll take time" He glanced around for a moment, then hopped down from the rock he was standing on, moving over instead to one of the pieces of debris that had washed up, kneeling down by it. "Hm...." He seemed to examine it for some time, before picking up a nearby rock, beginning to hit one of the thinner pieces of debris, until a small, sharp piece snapped off. With a grin he picked it up, then hurried towards the tree line, grabbing a small fallen branch and starting to work on getting the piece of metal stuck into the end, careful as he did so.

"Ok, here we go" Quinn returned to Josh, holding out a rudimentary spear. "Do you know how to fish using one of these? It's not as easy as it looks, you need to be very still and very patient" He smiled as he handed the spear over, then looked around at the girls. "Ok, if everyone else wants something to do then there's plenty of things you can gather. We need firewood, small fallen branches. We're going to need to cook any fish after all, plus we don't know if it gets cold overnight. We also need the biggest leaves you can find to use in making shelter, along with any fallen vines that you can get. Don't try to pull them off of trees though, vines tend to be surprisingly strong. Take a look around the area, but don't go out of sight of the camp or any further in than the treeline ok? Until I map the island a little I don't want anyone getting lost and possibly hurt. And whatever you do, do not eat any fruits you find. They could be poisonous" Quinn had again got that tone of authority to his voice. "Now, any questions before I go to start gathering up more food and learn the lay of the island a little better? I wont be gone more than an hour"
"Of course I do." Josh snapped at Quinn, taking the spear from his hands and marching furiously towards the water. As the other girls nodded, the tracksuit-wearing one stood by Quinn's side, arms crossed as Ashley and the smaller girl started collecting objects for the shelter and the campfire.

"You don't expect me to believe you're gonna gather enough food by yourself." The tracksuit-wearing girl said, puffing up her chest (which was already quite big, especially when pressed under that tracksuit). "I'm going with you. Lead the way." She nodded towards the forest. "And my name is Julia. Just Julia. Now let's go, we don't have time to waste."
Quinn watched as Josh snatched away the spear and made for the way he'd catch a thing like that. Angry and worked up....he was just going to be stabbing water rather than fish. Still, nothing Quinn could do to dissuade would just be up to him to pick up the slack and catch some fish upon his return. He didn't mind though....just so long as he could make sure everyone was fed and alright, that was all that mattered right now.

"Ah..well..." Quinn looked to the tracksuit wearing girl and smiled softly. "I suppose you have a point, I just wanted to take care of everyone, try to keep them calm and feeling relatively safe, but if you really want to come along I don't indat all" As she nodded towards the forest, he couldn't help sneaking a glance at her chest, though quickly looked away for fear of being caught. "Ah, well it's nice to meet you Julia" Quinn gave her a gentle smile, then started to lead the way into the forest, his eyes constantly looking around as he took mental notes of their path and surroundings....they couldn't afford to get lost.

After a relatively short walk, about 15 minutes from the beach, Quinn led them to what seemed to be a small grove, several trees hanging with unusual looking fruits. "Hm, well these look to be fruit....but whether they'll be safe or not..." Quinn went to get a leaf to use as a form of glove, then plucked one of the fruits, cracking it open as he began to examine it. "Juices look big seed in the middle....flesh doesn't appear to be poisonous....this should be edible" He nodded, looking to Julia. "Can you help me pick some?" He turned to start plucking more of the fruit from the trees, including one that seemed to be a different shape and slightly different colour to the others, deciding to examine that one himself later on.
"This one is definitely edible." Julia told Quinn, showing him a slightly prickly fruit which looked like a combination of a pear and a mango. "I like Biology, and I can see some signs which are common in edible fruit. Then again, we could always be wrong." She said, picking up a bunch more of that fruit. "It has a very... enticing smell." She commented, her cheeks getting slightly red. And when Quinn wasn't looking, she finally gave in to the desire, and took a bite out of the fruit. "Holy... holy shit, this is... oh."

Julia fell to her knees, dropping the fruit on the ground. "Oh, this is good." She said again, but this time it seemed more like she was moaning. "Take a bite out of it, Quinn. It's sooo good. Hng~" She moaned, her fingers slowly travelling to her crotch, one hand going into her tracksuit as her cheeks got as red as a tomato.
"I think so too....hopefully they taste ok to keep things simple...." Quinn chuckled slightly, glancing over at Julia. So she was interested in Biology? He had to admit, it kind of surprised him really. Most everyone in school seemed to be disinterested in anything like science. Well, at least it might make things a little easier with someone he could get a second opinion from, ease a little bit of the responsibility from his shoulders.
Whilst he had his back turned, examining the unique fruit he had picked a little more closely, he didn't notice her give in to the rather sweet smell of the more common fruit, taking a bite of it.

"Hm?" He turned just as she had finished swallowing, then yelped as she dropped to her knees. "J-Julia? Julia what's wrong? Are you alright?!" He knelt down beside her, setting down the unique fruit beside him. "I....ah..." He blinked as she made another that sounded almost't be. "Julia...?" He blinked, then blushed intensely as her hand suddenly sank down her body and into her pants. "J-Julia? What uh...what're you doing....?"
"This thing... it tastes... oh god... it tastes so good!" Julia moaned out loudly as she rested on the floor, arching her back as her fingers started massaging her pussy over her pants. "It won't stop... itching. Oh god, it feels so good, but it won't stop itching! Hnnnnng!" She moaned even more as she reached for her tracksuit's zipper, pulling it down and revealing a loose white shirt and no bra, her perky nipples holding the shirt up and revealing the huge, perfect, smooth orbs that were her breasts. "Eat it, Quinn, it feels so freakin' good-- aaaahn!" She stuck one hand inside her shirt and started massaging it, biting her lower lip as she pinched her nipples.
Quinn's face was now beet red as he continued to listen to Julia moan, watching mesmerised as she fingered herself. Then suddenly she opened up her tracksuit, sticking a hand inside of her shirt to start massaging the clearly large mounds of flesh beneath. "J-Julia....?" Quinn's voice had gone slightly high pitched, but he couldn't tear himself away, just staring as she played with her body. Had the fruit done this to her?! He stared at the piece of fruit she had dropped, then slowly picked it up. Should he eat it...? Could he eat it after what it did to her? Then again Julia was rather insistent. "I uh....well...." The way she was practically begging him to eat was very tempting to do so....and the way she was getting his hormonal body going. "Well....just a little..." Hey, maybe if he took a bite he could figure out a way to help her right? Slowly, Quinn leaned in, taking a bite from the fruit that Julia had eaten, chewing and swallowing it along with plenty of the juices.
Once Quinn ate the fruit, its aphrodisiac would soon start having effect on him, his member growing almost instantaneously, with an insatiable itch for desire and pleasure clouded his mind. By now, Julia was midway through removing her pants, revealing an already wet panty. "Let's do it. Let's do it right here, right now." She told Quinn, crawling towards him on all fours. "Let's have a fuck in the jungle. I need it... this itch won't stop..."
Normally...Quinn would be a blubbering mess of embarrassment right now, face bright red, voice stuttering as he desperately tried to figure out what was happening and calm Julia down. The moment he swallowed that fruit though....normality was thrown out of the window. Almost immediately his cock was hard.....harder than Quinn had ever felt before...harder than he would've thought possible. Hell, it even seemed a little bigger than normal!
As Julia removed her pants, Quinn was staring and licking his lips, an almost animalistic instinct surging through his body. Quickly he got to work on removing his own pants, allowing his cock to finally spring free, pre-cum flicking onto Julia's face and chest, the tip of his cock practically drooling with the stuff. "I....y-yes....we have to....we have to other way..." Quinn grunted as he started to crawl towards her, then practically pounced, hands grabbing her plentiful mammories and squeezing them firmly whilst he awkwardly jabbed his cock at her crotch, growling in frustration as he continually missed his target of Julia's dripping pussy.
Julia, who was moaning like an animal, arched her back when Quinn grabbed her breasts, tongue sticking out of her mouth. She pushed his head against them, burying him in them, before pushing him down. "I'm going to eat you up." She said, leaning down and kissing him as she removed her panties, positioning herself above his cock and then quickly descending on it. When his base hit her womanhood, she let out a loud moan, still pushing his head against her breasts as she started moving up and down, the two embraced in wild love.
Quinn grunted as she pushed his head against her breasts, but he certainly didn't fight it. Instead he opened his mouth, letting his tongue roll out to taste her skin, then flick at her hard nipples, sucking on them for a brief moment until she pushed him down onto his back. He growled slightly in frustration at being pushed away from her body, but fortunately it didn't last long as she brought herself to him, the sensation of her hot, wet pussy at the tip of his throbbing cock. As she lowered herself onto him, he was thrusting his hips upwards at the same time, every second he spent out of her body only making him more desperate to be inside....and god when he was it was the greatest sensation he had ever felt. He groaned loudly into her mouth as she kissed him, then against her flesh when his head returned to her breasts.
His hands quickly came up once again to grasp at her ample bosom, whilst his mouth quickly and hungrily got to work on her nipples. All the while, his hips were thrusting wildly up into her, like an uncontrolled animal.
Growling like an animal, Julia kept on thrusting her hips back and forth, savagely fucking with Quinn, unaware that not too far away, one of the survivors was staring at them intently, keeping herself hidden in the shadows. "Breed..." She grumbled as the food took out all her human qualities, turning her into a creature who wanted to mate and procreate. "... breeed..." She grumbled again, holding up Quinn's head, expecting him to reciprocate her desires as she started invading his mouth with her tongue.
Quinn grunted as he thrust wildly against Julia, panting with every breath he took. He had no idea they were being watched....hell, even if he did know he wouldn't have cared one bit. All he cared about was fucking Julia....hard. He didn't hear her calling for him to breed....his own instincts weren't so far gone, perhaps the fruit affected a woman differently to a man. All he cared about was the pleasure....that and....taking care of her, as if his desire to care for the people on the island had been intensified along with his lust. Yes....he had to take care of was his duty to care for the people on this island....his people!
He leaned up to eagerly return her kiss, thrusting his tongue into her mouth, wrestling with her own and practically sucking on it whilst one of his hands roughly massaged her breasts and tweaked at her nipples, pulling on them. The other hand though was reaching for the fruit he had dropped....the special fruit, the unique fruit....somehow he had a feeling he needed it...that he had to eat it now whilst he felt this way.
Julia, whose eyes were darting wildly around the room, red-tinted cheeks, tongue hanging out of her mouth in a permanent smile, continued to moan and pant, psyhing Quinn's hands against her breasts and grabbing the fruit for him, placing it between their mouths so they could eat it at the same time, just as Julia was achieving climax.
As they bit into the fruit, for Julia it would seemingly heighten all her physical senses, the sensation of Quinn's cock inside of her being amplified tens of times over. And then as she came, her climax would again be amplified, the sensation of Quinn's cum suddenly flooding into her being amplified so much that she would feel every drop individually.
For Quinn though, the effects of this fruit were very different. For him, what was amplified were his feelings of wanting to protect this, to protect his island and his people. Nothing would harm them, he wouldn't let anything take them away from him or hurt them! He didn't even realise this was just one of many effects the fruit would have....another being that anyone who ate other fruits on the island would begin to see him as their protector, their saviour, practically their god, though the effects would be slow and subtle, enough so that it would seem natural.

As he came, Quinn growled and thrust his hips up in order to get his cum as deep into Julia's pussy as possible, grunting with every spurt that left him, his arms wrapped tightly around her in order to make sure she couldn't fall off of his cock and let his precious cum escape her.
Her giant breasts covering Quinn's face, Julia's moans slowly went towards more manageable pants, and she wrapped her naked legs around him, licking his forehead before moving on to kissing his ear. "You'll take responsibility, won't you? If something comes out of this..." She whispered in her ear, moving around to get that last spurt of cum from his penis. "Such a naughty, naughty boy, fucking the first girl he sees right after a plane crash... hm... almost like you're the last man on Earth!"
Quinn was resting his head against Julia's breasts, panting heavily as his cock gave the occasional twitch, a little more cum still dribbling into her body. He couldn't pull away even if he wanted to with her legs wrapped around him. "Ah...I....yes...." Normally Quinn would be panicking in a situation like this....but for some reason, this felt right, like things needed to be this way. "I.....I couldn't stop....and neither could you..." Quinn glanced up at her with a slight smirk. "We...need to get food back to the others. But this fruit....well, it'll feed them but we've seen what else it will do"
What neither of them knew though was that now Quinn had consumed the unique fruit, the effects of the other fruit were now linked to him, or more directed to him. Oh anyone who ate a fruit that caused arousal would still feel that arousal, but it would be entirely for and directed towards Quinn. Nobody else would be capable of even beginning to satisfy it, no matter what they did.
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