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Fx M or F Milf thread maybe some m/m


Apr 9, 2014

On average I write 2-4 paragraphs per post. I like using PM.

1]. His mom is a teacher at the local high school he attends. She is having a party at the house with the ladies she works with. Her 15yo son doesn't mind the parties as a bit of the pot that is passed around is usually share with him. At the last party he saw lesbian sex going on between his mom and her teacher friends. They also talked dirty about students they wanted to fuck. It wasn't just senior jock either. It was boy his age. His mom was loud as she went on about how she wanted to fuck one of his buddies until she drained him of every drop ph his cum. A woman who was his English teacher said how much she wanted to suck his cock and lick him clean,. but his mom said he wasn't ready for that yet. No! Another of them, he didn't catch who said he had a cute ass. and was hot to rim him and maybe fuck him with her strap on. Trhe night of the party the female principal asked his mom if she could go to his bedroom and learn what is expected of a young teenage boy in the company of oler women. To his surprise his mom told him to go ahead.

2]A 19yo twink works the counter of a convenience store whete his 24yo sister also works. She got him the job. One Saturday night as he is closing up his boss, who is his mom's age asks him to to come to her office when he is finished. Back in her office she starts up a video of his sister masturbating while sitting on the face of another twink who work there. The woman tells you cute boys like you who work there there position with the girls who work there. She orders him to strip naked. She turns on the cam that is sitting on her desk. She tells him to jerk off.

3].A city is having a problem with s high number of girls becoming pregnant. They decided to add the job a fucking the male students. A new hire is a 25yo woman. She is assigned to the 15 and 16yos. She soon realizes her job is more of an after school slut than a teacher.
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