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Fx M or F Shadowhunter role play :)


Jan 27, 2019
(Shadowhunter rp. Looking for dom male/ or female who can play a male who can give 5+ lines. Dirty and clean. If you don’t know much about shadowhunters I can give a small summary.)

Hello I’m Skyler. After my father was killed me and my mother went into hiding leaving the shadowhunter life behind. Me and my mom blend in with mundane so it was easy to stay off the Claves radar. Every now and then I kill demons if I see them going after innocent people but other than that I try to stay out of it. You and your best friend were sent to bring me back to the Claves rumors saying I’m able to make new runes. We knew each other when we were little before I left but when me and my mom went into hiding I wasn’t able to keep contact with you. (We end up falling for each other)

I’m at a Linkin Park concert enjoying myself. Most of my runes are covered by makeup but I left a few viable. My purple hair was pulled into a messy bun, I had a black crop top on with black jeans. My belt held a small dagger and my stele but I had a glamor over myself so mundanes cant see them. My head bounced with the music as I let my body move with the beat. As I was enjoying myself I felt hands go to my hips and my back be pulled into a chest. I kept moving my hips but glanced to see who was now holding me I saw a handsome man probably two years older than me. I blinked a couple times pulling the glamor away seeing it was just another demon. She let a small sigh before giving a smile and turning so her chest was against his. “How about we go somewhere private?” She said with a smirk letting her fingers trace his chest. He gave a eager nod.

(Continue from here please give a description of your character. This role play will have action, drama, romance, etc. )
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