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Shaman King: Rebirth of Zeke

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Domaki was getting tired of people underestimating him. He had been on the defensive because he was assessing his opponent, measuring the power behind his blows and his speed. Once he finished gathering data he paried one of his blows to give himself time to move back. He then kicked up water from a puddle and used it as a weapon, freezing it into jagged sharp fragments and sending them his way. He didn't want to use up too much energy at once, so he started out with that.
"Two opponents? Kids these days seem not to know the direct meaning of honor and fair play." With a motion of his hand he sliced through her shards. Flipping back Paradox, stood at a position where he could see Luna and Alex. "Maybe I should beat you all until you get it right." he laughed his sword seeming to glow brighter, the electricity around it growing more violently. "But alas I didn't come here to kill you all. I just wanted a spar." he sighed softly the glow in his sword disintegrating. He sheathed his katana.

"Mmm...Talim how about you go eat now..."

Paradox spoke as he materialized in physical form beside his shaman.

"Finished already? Nothing seems destroyed..."

"Hmmm... It seems everyone wants to play hero today when all I wanted was a spar."

Paradox spoke with a pout.

"Why didn't you just kill them?"

Talim asked, like murder was truly alright. Turning away from Paradox's opponents he headed back into the inn.

"I'm not in the mood Talim. It's not fair though...he spoiled my fun..."

Talim sighed. He hated when Paradox got this way. His wining was so not adult like, and he had the nerve to consider everyone else as children.

"Are you gonna bitch about this all night Paradox? I'm wet and cold and now that I think about it, it was all for nothing."

Talim spoke as he made his way back to his table. Taking a seat in his chair he began to eat his food. He made a disgusted face as the cold food touched his lips. Zeke, he hated cold food. He shuddered a bit as he crossed one soaked leg over the other.

"I'll make you feel better alright. After this place we can kill more Zeke haters.... Bring them to justice."

Talim shook his head as he ate.
"Well, what a crybaby." Odin mused, as he and Alexander sheathed their blades at the same time.

"... Let's go, Odin." Alexander said in a rather low voice. "Might as well eat, though I want to spar with someone soon. I'm getting restless."

Odin nodded, turning back into the hat and landing perfectly on Alex's head as he headed indoors. "It's the energy influx that the recent deaths have done to some of the spirits."
Domaki watched them leave and then moved out of Luna. She yawned a little bit. "What happened?" She asked. "Some idiot ruined my fun by trying to save us." He replied. "Well...since I'm already wet why don't we head back to the trail?" She said with a smile. Domaki glared at her. "You're so difficult.." He mumbled. She smiled at him and then walked back to the porch and grabbed her things.
"Well, that was a dissapointment" A shadowy figure stood at a vantage point nearby, underneath an overhang that redirected the sudden and heavy rain away from the body of the man in black, he had been watching the fight, and in his hand was a large bowl of noodles, his other, a chopstick. The man had been watching the fight as it began, at an incredibly slow pace to boot. The man watched looking throughly unamused. The fight was between another Paladin and a girl, other than that the man in black hadn't paid attention, simply watching the combatant's fighting styles. Valen situated himself with fumbling around with his noodles, he didn't much care for chopsticks.

The noodles hit the ground with a wet splat and Valen swore, setting the bowl aside and looking up from under his wide brimmed hat, observing his surroundings, the paladin left, and the fight was over, a shame Valen arrived so late, or he could have joined in the little melee~

"Y'know Mal, We don't see very many of these guys in one place do we?" Valen spoke to nothing, he was all alone up where he stood. "A shame too, that looked like it coulda been fun"

Valen adjusted himself, pushing off against the wall and stuffing his hands into his pockets, he spoke to his spirit, even though his spirit wasn't there, or at least didn't seem to be, the truth was that he lingered behind him, an ominous shadow behind the man in black.

"Maybe I should go meet up with that paladin? Surely a ally couldn't hurt..."

Valen cocked his head, grinning

"What? No..." he seemed to be having a perfectly wonderful conversation with himself... " A fight wouldn't be so horrible, but I honestly don't like being quadrouple-teamed, even if it does even the odds a little. Valen shook his head a little, walking down a convenient street with a confident stride, Valen wanted a battle toom he could bet money everybody did, but for now, his objective was to meet the paladin. The man began in the direction that he had seen the other man wander off in, towards an inn, or at least so it seemed. If he ran into one of the anti-zekes... Oh well...

(Sorry, post is kind of hurried, so it is not exactly my best, I can fix any boo-boos when I get back in a little bit)
"Rice." Alexander said simply to whoever was getting the food ready. "Rice and water. That will be plenty."

"You and your rice diet." Odin said in a sound that was almost a laugh. "You need to catch a good fish. That will stop you from eating rice for a bit."
"A massive gathering of Shaman...And right at the epicenter is a girl. It seems she might be who we've been looking for, Takeru.."

The hooded man grinned and then looked off into the distance. "Talim and Paradox have the best luck finding who I want. However, I have already had my share of spirits today. Too bad. Its like my own personal buffet down there. Well, Sheena. Shall we go?" Takeru did not await an answer despite his question. He simply descended upon the small village.
Domaki's eyes widened. What is this feeling...this ominous presence coming straight for us.. Luna noticed Domaki's uneasyness. "Domaki, whats wrong?" She asked, raising an eyebrow. At her current level, Luna cannot defend herself against this Shaman. I can't let her leave. There is a danger that they might attack her.. "Luna, get inside. Now." He ordered. "But..." She began. "Now!" He shouted. She sighed and shuffled back in.
Talim sighed. It seemed two dark auras were drawing close to the inn. One was further into the city, and the other was close, probably right outside the inn. Talim knew Paradox sensed this as well and he knew he would want to challenge them. Talim simply rolled his eyes when he caught his companion staring at him, with the same anxiousness in his eyes he had when he wanted to so called 'spar' with Domaki and Luna. Before he spooned anymore food into his mouth he sighed.

"Paradox, I'm not fighting anymore tonight. So, you can go wander and talk to whoever you like. I'm tired and quite miserable that I have to eat cold food, while I'm soaked to a tee..."

Talim spoke before he washed down the remains of rice and vegetables with his red wine. He paid the bill and started for the higher levels of the inn, off to his comfy bed.

"Just be sure to be back by morning... I don't want to have to go soul searching for you."

With that said, Talim went up to the room he ordered on behalf of Paradox. Personally he would have liked a smaller much closed in room. Paradox said nothing as Talim sort of ordered him around. He did cause him a bit of trouble and thought the least he could do was let him rest for the night. Standing in physical form he yawned into his transparent hand as he headed for the entrance of the inn.

The silver-haired spirit floated outside to where he saw Valen come into view. He was the first dark aura he had sensed.

"That's an interesting spirit you got there..."

And for the first time, his words were genuine. In all his years of being in the realm of the living or dead he'd never seen a spirit such as Valen's. He was rather peculiar.
Daniel and his spirit, Kid, returned inside as the fight subsided. "What a bore," Kid yawned, disappointed, following Daniel into the inn, who seemed quite relieved that the fight hadn't further escalated. He went back to the table that Luna had been sitting at, wondering whether or not he should go through with asking about a team or if she would even return while he picked at the food on the table with a fork.
"Just do it," Kid told him, able to tell what Daniel was thinking about.
Luna took a seat at her table. The minute she did, Takeru came in. Domaki had a very unnerving expression, but Luna just took her hood off and began to eat her food. She paid no attention to anyone or anything but her plate. Domaki sometimes wished he had her oblivious personality, because right now, he was shaking.
Takeru came in from the pouring rain but wasn't wet in the least. He smirked at Luna and then leaned against the wall, folding his arms. Her spirit could sense him and he knew it. He awaited Paradox to present himself. He required his human as well for his next plan. He needed to test her, but he had no patience for any pests who decided to join in.
"More of those 'white knights.'" Odin muttered just loud enough for Alex to hear, as he slowly ate his rice.

"Ugh, paladin city, this is." Alexander commented. He was starting to get sick of them, to be honest.
Valen was making his merry way on his way to the inn, still reflecting on his failure to capture and consume the noodles that had so cleverly escaped him. The man in black wandered down the road, his hands in his pockets in one of the most carefree gestures a man could have. He sauntered down the road at his own pace, chatting with himself until a silvery haired phantom stepped out from the Inn, this had to be that one dude's spirit.

Valen smirked from under his hat when the phantom spoke "Is my spirit showing? Oh no!" Valen grinned, the spirit must have been powerful to even sense Mal's presence, the being behind Valen decided to reveal itself, slowly appearing from out of nowhere. The figure was tall and dark, wearing a cloak and hood over it's armored form. Valen sighed as the figure loomed into view "Yup, I have to say he makes me proud on a regular basis" Valen grinned evilly, this time his more serious side reflecting through "And I guess you are a spirit too, where would your human buddy be? I need to talk to him"

Valen took a step towards paradox, he wasn't exactly scared of the spirit at all, he had the ability to be a threat, but Valen had Malac, and Malac knew how to handle himself. The towering figure moved his head under the hood "Greetings" he said, a dark, powerful voice coming from inside the hood. Valen looked at Malac, the being could feel powerful spirits in the vincinity, and he looked... uncomfortable, which was difficult to tell, seeing as how Valen couldn't see his face. Malac was ready for anything, and so was valen.

Valen took a moment to observe Paradox in all his ghostly glory, stuffing his hands into his pockets and waiting for the spirit to respond or lead him to his human.
"Sorry to bother you so soon after your fight, but, er... um..." David started, looking up from his food.
"Just spit it out!" Kid laughed loudly, in front of the two of them.
"Do you have a team?" David asked suddenly after Kid's butting in, glaring at his spirit.
"No. Why?" She asked with a general interest in what he had to say. She probably needed to hurry up with finding teamates anyway, being that she needed four. Or was it three? She found herself lost in thought again. Domaki looked over David and Kid but said nothing.
While Alexander was eating, Odin was eavesdropping on the nearby conversation.

"A team?" Odin finally lost it, turning into his more physical form and walking towards them. "You think a team of a handful of beginner shaman such as yourself - and beginners you are - can take on Zeke, IF he is revived? Nay, you have little chance. That paladin would have torn you to shreds."
Domaki shot a glare at Odin. "Who do you think you're talking to? Luna is no beginner! She has more power than you can ever imagine!" Domaki pointed to her to emphasize but Luna simply yawned in response. "'re making me look stupid! Say something!" He demanded. Luna looked at Odin. "You shouldn't meddle in other peoples affairs...if you're so concerned about it, just join us and stop yelling."
Odin looked at the two, listened to their words... And simply laughed. "Spirit, you look like a stiff breeze would knock you over. As for you, human..." Odin turned to Luna. "It is not my decision, but Alexander's..."

"Odin, that's enough." Alex finished his food and turned to those he was talking too, and Odin simply nodded, walking back to him and taking form back to the straw hat. Alexander fished in his pocket and pulled out a simple piece of hay, putting the end in his mouth. "You will certainly need help if Zeke comes back."
"Why you.." Domaki began but then Luna interrupted. "Great. That makes three."

Takeru had overheard their conversation and smirked. He made his way over. "When Zeke comes back, she'll need more than just help. She'll need a miracle. None of you hold a candle to our Lord." Takeru stated with a grin, wondering if anyone would recognize him as the leader of the Dark Palidans.

"I'm sure thats true. But I'm sure you're a different story." Luna said dismissively.
Odin's laughter could be heard as he heard the Paladin speak. "Oh, that's rich!" he said, coming back into form and almost bent double. "Did Zeke tell you his stories? Or are you making them up as you go along? because Zeke and I have gone back a long time. I'm sure he will tell you of many a battle..."

"that's enough, Odin." Alexander said, turning away from the group.
Paradoxâ??s eyes widened in false surprise as Malac appeared. â??Oh he is so big.â? He commented with a devilish smile. It would be a very entertaining battle if they were to ever engage in combat. Hmmm, too bad Talim was tired. He was still up for that spar. â??Iâ??m sure he doesâ?¦â? he commented on the fact that Malac made him proud. He could say the same for his human. There wasnâ??t a day Talim disappointed him.

â??Indeed I am a spirit. Hm? My human? I donâ??t know heâ??s not much of a talker.â? He replied raising a hand to the back of his head. Scratching softly he sighed. â??I suppose I can introduce you to him but Iâ??ll have to warn he probably wonâ??t say much. Heâ??s more of a one word person.â? With a soft chuckle he gazed up at Malac. He was sure a large spirit. Scanning through his memories he didnâ??t recall running into anyone his size. He stood his ground as the shamanâ??s spirit approached him. Was he planning to start a fight? Noâ?¦ he would have done so already. â??Greetingsâ??. Paradox couldnâ??t help but smile. He seemed friendlier than he looked and sounded. â??How do you do?â? he replied bowing slightly.

His eyes followed Takeru when he entered the inn. â??So, the leader of the Dark Paladins has finally decided to show himself.â? He said with a nonchalant shrug. He wasnâ??t really interested in Takeru. Zeke was all that Paradox had on his mind. All he desired was to resurrect and serve by the great Shamanâ??s side. â??Paradoxâ?¦â? the younger male called out to his much older spirit. â??This kind shaman here wants to have a word with youâ?¦â? Talim only hoped it wasnâ??t a fightâ?¦ He hadnâ??t even noticed Valenâ??s spirit, as he was too hell bent on getting Paradox to their room so he would be starting fights with everyone he found interesting. He yawned into his hand softly running his fingers through his crimson hair. â??About?â? the man questioned turning his attention to Valen.
"Well, I don't have a team eithe-" He began to say, only to get cut off by the other shamans. He stayed quiet, keeping his eyes on his food, but he couldn't help let his hand fall to the holstered revolver on his hip.
Odin looked over at Alexander, who seemed to be in a rather bad mood. So he looked back over to Luna. "We will join your group. We will not fight for you, but we will join. We fight our own battles." Odin turned around, moving to Alexander and shifting to be the hat once more.

Alex slowly moved to the exit of the room, but he turned his head to look over at everyone. "Sleep well." He said, before letting out a light laugh, disappearing from everyone's view.
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