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Fx Any Any interest in an Internet Wrestling Federation?

Mar 7, 2015
I am posting this to judge interest from all you females out there that love wrestling. When I was in high school, internet wrestling federations were a big thing for all of us fans. What was an E-Fed? Simple, a group of people roleplayed as if they were wrestlers within a wrestling federation while one person, the commissioner, ran the site. The winner of matches was determined by who cut the best roleplaying promos within a guest book like message board. There would be weekly shows the commissioner wrote, revealing who they judge to be the best roleplayer and everything built toward monthly pay per views. I would be interested in doing something like this again but with an all female federation where sex is a common theme. If there is enough female role players who would enjoy this, I’ll work on building the site this weekend but I need to know. Shoot me a message with questions or interest. It will take at least fifteen to twenty good wrestlers to make it get off the ground. Anything you see on television, from title belts to feuds and promos, would be apart of this.
there are a few sites already dedicated to this, so i would say the interest is there. (in more ways than one)
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