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Fx Female Sweet Sappho, a Roleplay! FxF

Apr 27, 2018
Hello, I go by Red or Rune, and this is my role play request thread. As the title suggests, my main interest is in the lady love. I usually post around 400 words or more depending on the writing style of my partner. For the most part, I can match the length of my partner's posts.

I greatly prefer plot over smut, so please do not message me expecting only smut. I just find character interactions far more rewarding.


Genres: Medieval/Fantasy (I have quite a few plots for this, or we can work out one between ourselves if you want)

Ancient Rome: Gladiator x daughter or wife of a senator

Modern: a plot I really like is a reunion between old friends after not talking for 10 years. So much potential for twists and turns.

Vampirexwerewolf/human-I have a plot for this




Former starx dedicated fan


supernatural creaturexhuman

angelxdemon- have a plot for this

Victorian: The plot I have in mind is a member of the aristocracy falls in love with her brother's fiance from an arranged marriage. Lots of drama to be had.

Western style roleplay.

Multitude of fandoms, mostly video games and anime like Sailor Moon and Revolutionary Girl Utena. I also like crossing fandoms, so let me know if that interests you.

When it comes to Overwatch then I'd prefer to play Mercy and for Final Fantasy I'd like to play Fang.

I would really like to roleplay Dragon Age

Disney: I would like to do a meshing of Disney stories with a preference for playing a more tragic Ariel. It could be a more modern alternate universe setting or just a weaving of different disney films.

Xena: I would love to play either Xena or Varia

Buffy: I'd prefer to play Willow with a preference for this being either set post season six or in an alternate setting.
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