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Mx Any Half-Dragon Wanting to Dom, or to Be a Reluctant Sub (Possible Dark Themes)

Pols Voice

Ball of Fluff
Mar 18, 2013
I would like to preface this by saying that Drako is a Dom, and is more than willing to get rough with his Sub, even if he has to get as extreme as almost killing them. This does not mean he is super mean, he is usually a secluded dragon more than willing to give those who seek him to fight, or for whatever reason it may be, a chance to rest and recover so that they may be at full strength when, or if, they fight.

If need be sometimes he will leave his domain to go in search of a mate, usually during the times he’s in a rut, generally being easily agitated and likely to knock a few heads around just to get what he wants.

If violence and brutality aren’t you’re thing, that’s fine, he’s got a soft spot as well for those who are kind to him, often treating them as equals regardless of race or gender.

As for what he looks like, it’s a bit like the image below but with a few modifications.
Just change the wings and tail and hair to black, the eyes to gold, and the clothes to scales, with a bit more lining the arms, hands, feet and legs with gaps on the underarm, and inside the leg starting halfway down the thigh, as well as dialing back a bit of muscle.
Also change the smile to a slight scowl and tilt the hand sideways where the palm is faced upward and curl the fingers inward a bit as if holding an orb.

Now, as the title suggests, I will be playing a Half-Dragon, and as for what you play, that's entirely up to you, if you want to be a princess who wants to be captured, an Elf who takes me out of the sky, a knight set on a quest to tame or kill me, etc. That's fine, you play what you want to, wether you're male, female, hermaphrodite, that's all fine, and we can possibly talk out a plot together.

I know it's not much to go on, but thats kinda the idea. And we don't have to discuss the whole plot, we could just get a general idea and go from there, like go with the flow of what that current plot we have going, and with not fleshing out the whole thing and going freestyle at a point, it keeps it interesting not knowing what will happen next, or how it will end.

Now as for what I want and expect:

Post Length: Honestly, it doesn't really matter that much as long as I can reply to it, though I would certainly like you to try to write a paragraph. If you give me a good solid post length, say about 3 paragraphs, It may take a little while to respond in kind, though it’s a lot easier to respond to super long story posts over smut posts. As for my post length, again it all depends on what you give me to work with.
Response Time: I'm pretty lenient on this as I know how life can get in the way, and how I can sometimes usually procrastinate...a lot, surely nothing to worry about. One thing I must ask of you however, is to please tell me if you want to stop. If you have no interest in continuing the RP, don’t be afraid to tell me so, I know, my wait times can sometimes be a few months, but as stated above, I get distracted easily, so if you need to, send me a message, and if I can I’ll try to respond as soon as I can.

Kinks: I'm okay with pretty much anything, if you're unsure about something, here’s a link to my Personal F-List, it should tell you what my interests are. If there’s something you’re interested in that’s either not this post, or something I don’t have listed, then feel free to ask me about it.
F-List: Here's Drako's. He's that Half-Dragon of mine that I'm going to be playing as.

As for some plots/pairings I’ve got in mind:

•Drako x Knight/Squire (Possible Gore):

•Drako x Royalty (King, Queen, Prince, Princess):

•Drako x Sibling (Incest, Possible Gore):
I've got an idea that can go a few different directions. It’s about a Half-Dragon(ess) who turns out to be Drako's sibling who came in search of him. They may also happen to be coming with an army of (race) to try and take him out, after hearing about how strong he is, hoping the army will tire him out so they can defeat him in battle and take him as their trophy and slave to do what they wish to him, though it may not end like that, and the situation might be reversed.

(If you are averse to role playing incest, then I would suggest that instead of his sibling, then it would just be another Half-Dragon(ess) with no relation to him if it would make you feel more comfortable.)

Honestly that’s all I have at the moment, but I may update it to have more plots on my pairings, I know it’s not a lot, but I’m horrible at this stuff, so keep an eye out for new plots some time in the future.
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