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Nasya's Journal(Updated 9/5)


Aug 10, 2009
The basics:

Name: Nikki
Age: 21
Kinks: Bondage, leather, rough sex, dominating males, furries, fetishes, taboos.
Cravings: All of the listed above kinks I'm craving lol
Restrictions(things I won't rp): Urination, rape, tentacles, gang bang, extreme bondage,
Re: Nasya's Journal

Journal Entries

Tuesday, Aug 11- 1:11am EST

Well I had a very interesting day today. I made up with someone very close to me and had a fun time with them and then I was off to work. Wasn't too bad thankfully, went by fast and all that. Came home at 9, and of course got bombarded by IM's from people lol. Everything was fine, pretty much, had fun, played some pool with a friend a good ending to a decent day I thought.

I guess I should learn not to completely trust people I just met because I always end up getting let down as usual. Tonight was no different. I won't mention any names since it's a player on here, but pretty much one thing was said which I was a bit surprising but I was happy about only to have a couple minutes later that person changes pretty much everything. Long story short, I end up as usual hurt and disappointed and of course this person probably doesn't care.

It's annoying, but I guess it's life. Right this moment I am pissed off at him, but alas I can't really do much about it. He stopped talking to me anyway so I guess all there is left to do is move on. Eventually the anger will go away, it just sucks that it can't just go away right this moment. *heavy sigh*
Re: Nasya's Journal

2:02 am EST

So I've pretty much calmed down somewhat now and already have been cheered up by TRUE people who care about my emotions actually. I am kind of tired but not ready for bed just yet. I do wonder though if people think about how their actions affect others rather than thinking it'll help them out in the end. *shrugs* who knows, but maybe one day I can get on good terms with this person but he would have to make the attempt. But for now, I'm playing the field.
Re: Nasya's Journal

5:51am EST

It's nearly 6am..and I'm still awake lol. Well I'm more like a zombie, but I can function somewhat. I do need to sleep since daylight is vastly approaching. Overall I've probably been rping with a whole bunch of people since 2am lol and I will still have more rps later I'm sure. I did make my first request thread though, hopefully it'll draw more attention out. Anyway I really should get to bed.
Re: Nasya's Journal

Friday Aug 14th 2009
2:51 am

I'm up being bombarded by emails, and ims and I'm tired lol. So many people want to rp and I do love it very much, it's just hard to all at once lol I am enjoying this having pm's practically everyday. It makes me feel loved :) I really can't believe so many people want to rp with me its crazy. Ah well, keep em coming!!!

Unfortunately I work this entire weekend cause well my job sucks. I don't want to go but alas I don't have much of a choice. Sunday is my last day which ironically is inventory. The store is closing early thankfully though I don't know my hours for that day.
Re: Nasya's Journal

Sat Aug 15th

Okay first and foremost I would like to apologize to everyone that I am currently in rp's with, whether it be via pm, thread here or messenger. My job has scheduled me to work this entire weekend, leaving me with time for only sleeping and eating. My brain is fried after I leave, unable to fully concentrate on rps. So I owe all of you a big apology and thank you guys so much for being patient. I do plan on replying before work after I get some sleep. Again thank you guys and I am sorry.
Re: Nasya's Journal

Sunday Aug 16
1:53 am

Well besides sitting here, replying to pms and watching watchmen I unfortunately have to retire to bed early for my morning shift. Tomorrow is my last day of work(HOOOORAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!) So I will be back and active and rp ready! So to those of you I rp with, tomorrow night every single thing will be answered and I do thank you guys and gals for being so patient :)

Edit: Actually I did wind up posting in the threads XD just now
Re: Nasya's Journal

Wed, August 26

Well I suppose I should update this thing. I finally just got home and on long enough to answer pm's. Tomorrow I have a day to actually catch up and post in the threads for people and finish some IM rp's as well. I can't wait! And I know those who are waiting for me, will be excited too! So tomorrow, or later today will be my catch up day! Off to eat my food then bed for me!
Re: Nasya's Journal

Wed Aug 26

Yeah I know I said I was going to post tonight but uh...I feel completely like crap so I'm actually heading to bed. Hopefully when I'm better I'll do rounds of posting and all that fun stuff. So goodnight all
Sat Sept 5th

Well since I start my fall semester in 3 days, I unfortunately will not be having much time for any new role plays...which sucks cause I LOVE to rp here. My schedule is hectic...and it sucks even more that I have to commute. Though I may be naughty and answer rp's while in class hehe :twisted:

In other news, my 22nd birthday is coming up (Sept 16th to be exact) So I can't wait for that! :) I got a new laptop as an early birthday gift and back to school gift.

Well I think that's it for now, I did my big rounds and now I'm sleepy so I'm off to bed. Had too much of a fun night last night ;) though I'm paying for it now :lol:
Re: Nasya's Journal(Updated 9/14)

Monday Sep 14, 6:30pm

It's certainly have been awhile since I've written in this thing. I started my semester back up and already things are crazy. All my classes already have given us tons of work, quizzes and projects due within a week. *sigh* So yeah I definitely won't be able to post in anything unfortunately =/ I'm surprised that I actually have enough time to come in and write in this. So again sorry to those I'm rping with, and again I can't afford to make new rps. When(if) I get a moment's peace I will post in everything!!!

Aside from that, my birthday is in 2 days WOOT. Not really since I have a 8am class the next day -_- Though my birthday night is going to be awesome. I'm thankful for my good friend Jake who will be giving me birthday sex :mrgreen: :twisted: :twisted:
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