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A Jedi's Tale(Mindless and Panda)

Aug 21, 2009
"Koose chekta nei."
"H'chu apenkee, o'grandio lust."
"Ah'chu apenkee?"
"My pee kasa Lara."
"Keel-ee calleya ku kah. Yacha neechu."
The small, dark haired girls eyes widened as she looked at Jabba, not knowing what to do or what to say. He had just called her over, asked her name, and then sentenced her to death by the Rancor. Lara was truly a beautiful woman. Curly black hair that barely touched her shoulders, baby blue eyes, legs that seemed to go one forever, and curves that were only accentuated by the girls small body. She was only about five foot one, and since Jabba kept her bare foot constantly, her small stature was indeed apparent. She was kept with a lock around her neck and a chain that connected to one of the far walls, and her clothing was quite skimpy. She had a small top on, which barely covered the girls chest, and a tiny belted bottom that threatened to fall off at any moment. As she stood in front of Jabba, she realized she had to act fast, and although she didn't know enough Huttese to speak to him that way, she decided to try her luck in english.
"Glorious master, please, halt your decision making for just a few moments. I cost you a great deal of money, and feeding me to the Rancor would be just like throwing it away. Might I suggest, Illustrious one, that you sell me to a Bounty Hunter in order to pay a reward to one of them. I would be out of your way, and you would have saved money that you would have to waste on the bounty hunter."
After conferring for a moment, he spoke to his assistant before laughing, nodding, and starting to speak. Although, she listened more closely to the Protocal Droid who was translating for her.
"Master Jabba agrees that it would be a waste to feed you to the Rancor, so he has decided to sell you to the most interested Bounty Hunter for a slightly higher price then what he got you for. But stand warned, if you get in his way again, he'll bring you straight to the Pit of Carkoon before you have time to disagree."
"Thank you, oh Mighty Jabba. Your humility and grace is sure to be heard for a long time."
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