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Would you rather?! Fucking edition!


Nov 1, 2015
The rules are simple; Each person answers the question of the person above them. Choosing which they would rather, between the options provided. They then provide their own, would you rather for the person below them. And this continues down the line. However, this is with a specific topic: The rather options needing to have a Who, what and how, involving sex.

Rules on rather options: Each rather needs to a: Have both an upside and a downside. or B; both be a tough decision. For option b, two good options are acceptable, however 2 bad options are preferable. Yes, choosing between a round of sex with Loki or Thor may seem a tough decision. But it is still pretty safe options.

Ok heres mine! Would you rather

A; Have sex with Scarlet Johanson, as Black Widow. But only if she is the top and uses a 9 inch strapon. (Oral would not be an option. She only uses the strapon.) On the reverse, if you are a women, your only allowed to use the Strapon and she doesnt return the favor at all.

B; Have amaaaazing sex with the awesomely figured Lady Deadpool. But only with the costume Off. Wait how is this bad? Drats, those pesky writers are giving you a version where her face aint looking normal and pretty and she is scarred like a iced coffe went through shrapei, just like normal Deadpool .
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