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Ariel's Secret Pilgrimage


Oct 27, 2015
Hi. I was wondering if anyone would be interested in a scene involving a young high elf priestess maiden in training. Her older sister was lost a few years ago ( can go into more detail about her later ) and Ariel Teldireil is the only surviving daughter of High Priestess Ariawyn. She is under a lot of pressure as the future high priestess so when she heard about a small shrine being devoted to the Goddess Annallee she sets out to find said shrine to purify herself and seek spiritual guidance from her Goddess.

But what happens instead is she sets off a trap laid by minions of the dark goddess Llothria that places a wicked curse upon the young maiden. If anyone within a certain vicinity of her has a deviant mind they are drawn to her like bees to honey, unable to stop themselves from seeking her out to fulfill all their base wicked desires. The curse is meant to corrupt and defile young elven priestess's like Ariel, so the story would revolve around her trying to get back to her mother to break the curse or fail and become one of the Fallen of Llothria.
This sounds interesting, I could join in as a dark Knight serving the dark goddess.
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