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Okay, What is the next person gonna do with all of that?


Put me on your face. It will be fun.
Jan 4, 2015
In front of my computer, or on my phone
This is a forum game that I was inspired to make just today after a run to Walgreens...

(There was a person in front of me, and they bought condoms, menstral pads, clothespins, potato chips, clothespins, duct tape, and Listerine... The whole time I was thinking "Holy shit THATS gonna make for an interesting evening..." My imagination went crazy thinking about what that person was going to do with all of that stuff...)

Anyways, the rules are simple. Choose 1 to 5 random items, and the person after you has to use all of the items in some interesting way. (Erotic, Constructive, Creative, whatever) It can be whatever you want so long as you do not violate the BMR codes of conduct.

The person below me has to make use of:

A Flyswatter
I'm gonna flail it around and pretend I'm beating the crap out of a zombie with it.

Next person has to use:
- A coat hanger
- A car tyre
- A plunger
Sounds like that person is adding to thier survival kit, you never know when you will have an emergency and desperately need to unclog a toilet, change one of your tires, or hang up a suit....

Or perhaps the person buying all that is a professional mistress, and a client requested to be tied to the tire to restric his movenent, and to be penetrated by the plunger, while being beat with the coathanger...

A jar of honey
Saran Wrap
A bag of ice
Trojan XL Condoms
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