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Ehawee Experience: An open join romance chatroom Free Form RP


Rune Viero
May 20, 2012
Welcome to what my internet searches has told me is the first freeform romance play by post game. Well, other than my Soul Eater concept, which doesn't seem to be picking up much steam an might be doomed. It has the same concept, but people aren't willing to make characters, odd. Oh well, moving on..


Ehawee Experience: A roleplay

The year is 2030 and online games are all the rage thanks to advancements in virtual reality. Social games have become a large and often used outlet to meet people, and the Ehawee Experience promised to be the best of them all. With the addition of full immersion virtual reality, you actually feel like you're there and everyone would like a little free time to date and have fun, wouldn't they?

The setting of the game was simple enough, a small college where you could take any classes from magic 101 (it /is/ a video game, after all) to combat classes, or even go for the study route and try material from actual colleges. You got grades, have teachers, and even had a selection of clubs to join all housed in a future looking setting where you could make your own appearance to your custom wishes. The real focus of the game, however, was the romance.

The game was known for it's match making features. It could find you someone it thought best for you, or you could speak to people in the game and try to make your own match, complete with an in game marriage feature. It was a neat thing, something to talk about and cause a bit of jealousy in the ranks and create some interesting points in what would have otherwise been a very boring game. No one expected the creators to have such dark plans.

One year after Ehawee Experience launched, at prim time when the severs were pumped wit as many players as they could fit an in game message was sent out by one of the game masters. Logging out was no longer possible, it said, unless you managed to find true love.

A weird request to be sure, as who could possibly know what love really was? People found themselves trapped in the game with thousands of other players, all scrambling to find a way to find a way to escape as days ticked on. Even odder, with all of those people trapped inside the game more began logging in to become trapped with them, their real life bodies in a coma like state with the VR head gear attached to their noggins.

Now, the players are in the third month of their capture, and slowly becoming more desperate to escape. This meant the war over partners was getting outright violent in some ways as the once happy atmosphere began to collapse. People would try to blackmail, lie, and scheme their way into possible romantic situations with this partners in order to restore their ability to log out. Stories of people abusing the locked in manner of the game to rape were becoming common, as well as some mention of a hack that would allow for you to change your avatar appearance into anything. And this was only the beginning...


This is going to be a game played in a chatroom. I realize several people like thread posts, and you're welcome to make a private thread and RP it out there, but the real goal is to get as many people as possible into an assortment of rooms to create stories with each other. It helps the feel of things. It' a literate roleplay, though all posting styles can find someone similar if it becomes popular. Remember, only you can make it more popular. Idling in room and posting will be your saving grace and make for the story you want. You can make side rooms for whatever you'd like, and I'll be providing links to a few free to play, nothing to download rooms here. I hope you enjoy it.

-No under 18 characters or players due to adult themes.

-No drama. Remember, this is all in character. Nothing is meant at you, personally.

-Read all the posts, it may be something you need to react to.

-Take sex to a private location, heavy petting in main can be fine but if clothes start coming off it's time to make your own chatzy room or thread.

I reserve the rights to update these rules based on in game play, so check back. On to the rooms!

The Snake Pit bar: Enter room

The Dorms: Enter Room

OOC chat: Enter room
So, still here any no interest. Which is fine, however if anyone would like to drop me a PM saying what you think could be done better I'll update the thread more to fix it. On the other side, if you're joining drop a reply below saying so.
This thread has been moved to the interest and coordination section of Open rp since that appears to be what you're looking for here. Please note that the main section is only for roleplaying.

Also, should you choose to create this rp, you'll need to create a character profile thread in the ***Character Profiles*** Section for Open rp. Every person participating must post their profile there with a minimum of name, age, and appearance.
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