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NRA Blames Video Games For Violence Yet Makes a Video Game


Vic Rattlehead


This is why no one with a reasonable intelligence, takes them seriously.
Anyone with reasonable intelligence wouldn't take anyone that blames anything on a game or games, specifically, seriously. We live in unpredictable times, and people like to blame electronic games, but they forget that all facets of media have all but desensitized the American public to many things. While games may (I will not argue for or against the possibility) have contributed to the mental instability of some individuals, you can't say it is JUST the games fault. Movies, television news, magazines, newspapers, television shows, and any other media outlet have all gotten gradually worse in the past two decades. If games are to blame, then you must address ALL media for me to take your claim as anything more than a wild, unfounded accusation by a complete moron.

Outside of that, you can't really blame anything or anyone without putting accountability on the parents. Now, again, it isn't all their fault. Some children, and therefore adults, possess mental deficiencies that do not allow them to filter certain functions - such as the ability to filter reality and fantasy. These people are few, and far between, however, and fall outside of the confines of the discussion at hand (in my opinion). Some parents need to stop blaming their childrens' behavior on outside sources and take initiatives in discipline.

I have always been into the more violent video games and I turned out stable and well-adjusted. I love shooters, and I own more than my share of guns, but I have a great deal of respect for the power of those guns because of the lessons passed to me from my grandfather, father, and uncles. I would never turn them on another person unless it was in defense of myself, my family, or our freedom.

"But what about kids from broken homes?"

My father was an abusive drunk whom I watched beat my mother regularly until she had the nerve to divorce his ass. Then he was abusive to me until, when I was fourteen or so (I can't remember exactly), I took a two-by-four to the side of his head. Don't talk to me about broken homes. I grew up from a hellish childhood, played Mortal Kombat, and Duke Nukem, AND turned out to be a functioning member of society.

People these days are just retarded and insecure in so many facets of their life that it's disgusting. These people just want to have something, ANYTHING, to blame for their problems and with games like Mortal Kombat still being produced with even better and more realistic graphics in each new generation, video games just make for an easy scape goat. If these people would spend as much time in anger management as they did shitting from their mouths, they would be in a better place in their lives.
that is too bad if you ask me , why blame games for Violence but we can't blame them for creativity , why just the games , did any watched power puff girls , it is very Violence and for a 4 to 10 years old kid to watch!!! what about Ben10 , superman , batman , spider man , what ever man , all of those cartoons and many more are just pure Violence , my son , almost 4 old used to have problems in daycare because he hit kids , and the solution was easy , delete cartoon network from the TV , he is more calm than ever , he used to watch Ben10 and stuff like that but now i always make sure that an adult (me or his mother) watches over him when he watches the TV , adventure time and gumball are OK they have some Violence but not so excessive it would affect the child but i don't see any one blaming Hollywood or the movie making companies but they blame the video games , because , guess what : most of them are not american , that is the real reason and it is only away to later on sue those companies and get more money out of them , but god forbid any one can sue cartoon network or Disney channel , that is a big no no , but hay that just me thinking out loud i guess , cheers
I dont have a problem with them making a video game, but I have a problem with them saying one thing and doing another. Society always tries to blame things instead of taking the blame.
I really never understand blaming things like video games. People have done more violent things after reading books than they ever did playing video games.

Are we gonna try to ban books now too?
Hahvoc The Decepticon said:
I really never understand blaming things like video games. People have done more violent things after reading books than they ever did playing video games.

Are we gonna try to ban books now too?

Exactly should we ban TV and music as well?
I don't like the stand that the NRA takes on most things, as they are no better than the gun control nuts.

Don't get me wrong, as I believe stricter regulations should be in place, but I am also a former criminal justice major who knows that just about ALL of the loopholes that were in the laws of our nation (and in most all states) are still where they were when I was a CJ major back in 1993-1995. There will always be loopholes in laws as long as there are people out there looking for excuses to justify behavior that should not be permitted.

Blaming video games, movies, television, or music is stupid because the reality is reversed. If a video game (such as Grand Theft Auto), movies (such as Taken and Taken 2), television shows (such as Criminal Minds), or music (such as gangsta rap) have any violence or deviancy in them, it is because there ARE people like that doing things like those there. Should they be banned or blamed, hell no. Should the people whose behavior inspired the actions or "copied" those actions in the game/movie/show/song be penalized for it, hell yes.

The hypocrisy is that in countries that have the gall to criticize the US show more nudity, more sex, more graphic violence, and more gory as it were than we do. The NRA is just as reactionary as anyone who is overly verbal in the debate, but they are still wrong. It is a matter of imminent regulation, and the apathy that is on an escalating level that prevents it.
Personally I think if people blame video games, movies, music, or what have you, they are shitty parents.
Vic Rattlehead said:
Personally I think if people blame video games, movies, music, or what have you, they are shitty parents.

Clearly the problem isn't guns. The problem is schools. I feel certain that if we ban those, we'll be alright.
Video games always go through a period where SOMEONE attacks them.
The NRA was wrong to blame video games, But alot of other things they say is right on the money.
Especially when they keep saying Gun violence is one of the lowest in our country, And they banning guns will only make it easier for those who can get them, to kill more people with them.
(Notice how most gun massacres happen in GUN-FREE ZONES like schools? Also, Britain has gun control, yet they have a higher homicidal rate than the U.S. Banning guns hasn't done anything to improve things over there)
Along those lines, I think it's important to note that guns are banned in Mexico and legal in Canada.

Also, video games (like tattoos, piercings, and marijuana) are one generation away from being completely accepted. JUST DIE ALREADY YOU OLD STODGY BASTARDS!
Nennius said:
Along those lines, I think it's important to note that guns are banned in Mexico and legal in Canada.

Also, video games (like tattoos, piercings, and marijuana) are one generation away from being completely accepted. JUST DIE ALREADY YOU OLD STODGY BASTARDS!

And with what you said right in that first sentence is EXACTLY WHY gun control laws here will NEVER work. and I also agree about the stodgy bastards as well.
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