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Unwanted Art Critique

Rudolph Quin

Mistaken for some sort of scoundrel
Aug 2, 2009
Recently, I came upon an interesting argument on Tumblr where an artist got a comment from someone on a piece of artwork they had made and posted on their blog. The piece of work was marked as a WIP(work in progress) and the artist became very offended by the "unsolicited critique" they received and decided to rant about it. Simply because it was a critique they didn't ask for.

What do you think about this issue?

Personally, I've always appreciated that anyone cared enough to tell me what I could do to improve my work, whether I was still working on a piece or not. I post my stuff online specifically because I want to hear what people say about it. As for the general issue, I don't think you can complain when you're putting yourself out there like that; sometimes you have to suck it up and take the good with the bad. If you can't handle that then you simply don't post it where opinions can get to it.

Agree or disagree? How do the artists of Blue Moon feel about this? When you share a work in progress, is it okay for someone to come along and give you advice on how to improve?
It really just depends. The persons attitude, how constructive they are, what they're critiquing, etc.

I think some people get offended because they feel people are jumping the gun and already making judgment when they've hardly even put in any work. Sometimes it can be hard to judge until you see the finished product. That or when its a piece of work that they OBVIOUSLY didn't put much effort into.

But for me, its kind of like "There's 2 kinds of people in the world..." except there's 2 different kinds of artists in the world.

If they don't like getting critiques, then they won't grow as an artist. You have to learn to take the good and the bad. I don't mind really, I see it as filtering out the serious artists vs. the artist wanna bes.
Pretty much what muffin says, and that applies to a lot of things that aren't just art.

You should never post something and not expect someone to not like it or find it to be as perfect as you imagine, if you refuse to see it as flawed then you're already a terrible artist/writer/whatever. If you can't take the suggestions to heart as wanting to improve, you should stop posting. Even the seriously negative crap will give something if you goad it out.
Folks.. no matter what you put up on the net at large... you are opening the door to unsolicited commentary. Now, that isn't license to repeated anything.. but still...
In my opinion, if you post something online where others can view it, you should be opened to opinions and criticisms. If you don't want to risk random remarks, opinions and critiques, then don't post it where just anyone can view it. Circulate it among trusted peers so you can get better feedback on the piece.
I always thought the point of a work in progress was to get feedback on it that's why I've done them. Honestly I'd kill to get critiques lack of feedback is the reason I left DA and Tumblr.
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