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poeom for drkahgelniumbers


Jan 7, 2011
My heart is in Quebec
lngs chevreuxs fl;otant étyrnellaemment
cmme des aiules surr le dosd
pur l'ange quer vlousp êtes

de contrrole reyspecgtée un minutes
doucke careste et le ot douxx des la prohai,ne
maiternge les masses on guidées

Vouys ardfimage
Pirce vlotre peauss
vous fairsee bel avec d doulkgeurs bémnies
You're welcome! <3

Alright, let me see if I can translate...

RoryN said:
long hair flowing forever
like wings down your back
like the angel you are

controlling and respected one minute
gentle touch and soft spoken word the next
mothering the unguided masses

tie you down(?)
pierce your skin
make you beautiful with blessed pain

...I'm just going to go ahead and take a guess that last part is a solicitation about dominating you sexually and not a threat of any kind.
I might write more. You lovely ladies certainly deserve it.

--+Hahvoc Requiem+-- said:
Yup. Mine was just weird. Especially with the "Fuck typing it sucks" at the end. XD hahaha. <3

Hahaha! Well, that was because I was frustrated at that point that the keys weren't letting me say what I wanted to. And also, I accidentally x-ed out of Blue Moon at least once and lost the first one I was working on - but I think it basically started the same, wondering why I couldn't stop thinking of you in the first place.
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