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the T-role play with me game.

May 23, 2010
As role players, I'm sure that many here have noticed that there are certain types of players that annoy you.
The object of this game is to pick a fairly simple peeve, and play it out in character, to that end:
No novel sized posts.
Use ooc tags for serious discussion.
No flaming(duh)
Don't force extreme kinks into the group stream.(though that is my biggest pet peeve)
Announce your peeve when you start and stick with it.
Please try and make it funny, not stupid and flame-y.(I know that the peoples here are smart and mature peoples, but I'd be remiss if I did not put that rule in there)
This is meant as a group play, so just jump in.
That said, no godmodding.(bigger duh)

Example of a first post:
Peeve: straight to the sex, tries to make everything about sex.

He got undressed and began to stroke himself shamelessly in the middle of the room. "Come on know you want to..." the awesomely sexy guy winked at (insert name here) as he showed her his cock.

^this is a big peeve of mine, smut aside.'s it!
Get it on!
Peeve: Long detailed totally off the theme posts that do little to advance the story.

E.g. long-and-detailed-and-off-the-theme meets straight-to-and-all-about-sex,

Her date got undressed and began to stroke himself shamelessly in the middle of the room. "Come on know you want to..." the awesomely sexy guy winked at the Grand Duchess Seraphina Alexandrovna as he showed her his cock. She noticed almost immediately that it was an uncircumcised cock. Her brother Albert had an uncircumcised cock also, pointy and well, different than the other boys. He'd come home crying the first time he'd had to undress in gym and ever after Albert had a complex about undressing in front of other boys. She remembered how he would crawl out the window of the boy's locker room and slip into the girl's locker room where he'd quickly don a yellow frock or pantsuit, pull his long silky hair into a short, but cute ponytail and pretend to be Seraphina's older sister in lieu of dressing out for the boy's gym class. Of course, Albert had died in the war while ballooning on leave over the coast of France in the early spring, a particularly beautiful time in which to gently soar over the coast of France unless you're the type to drink too much ... as was Albert ... and decide to cook s'mores in which case, you ... as did Albert ... will make a particularly beautiful albeit gloriously brief flare in the sky before you plummet to your death in the icy waters of the Atlantic. Flipping her hair and pulling herself out of too deep memories of her belated brother Albert, Seraphina widened her gasoline colored eyes and whipped out a perkily lustful leer before saying, "Come to mama, my lovely big boy!"
Characters who only repeat your previous post, and add nothing to the action, or to advance the plot - not only in sexual situations but in the context of the entire story. Also repetition, and the overuse of adjectives:

(P1) He pins her arms down, and thrust, like a man possessed, and enjoy the silky, warm, wet, soaked, delights of her hot, smooth, velvety, tunnel, as I hammer and pound and batter and wallop and whack and thomp her into submission.

(P2) She moans as he pins her arms down and thrusts, like a man possessed, and enjoys the the silky, warm, wet, soaked, delights of her hot, smooth, velvety, tunnel, as he hammers and pounds and batters and wallops and whacks and thomps her into submission.

(P1) He withdraws his thick, erect, throbbing, long manhood from her smooth, warm, wet, soaked, velvety tunnel, flips her over and hammers and pounds and wallops and whacks and thomps her into submission via her other entrance.

(P2) She moans as he withdraws his thick, erect, throbbing, long manhood from her smooth, warm, wet, soaked, velvety tunnel, flips herover and hammers and pounds and wallops and whacks and thomps her into submission via my other entrance.

(P1) He moans as the feel of his thick, erect, throbbing, long, manhood in her even tighter tunnel brings him to an amazing, incredible, brilliant, earth-shattering climax and collapses on top of her.

(P2) She moans as the feel of his thick, erect, throbbing, long, manhood in her even tighter tunnel brings him to an amazing, incredible, brilliant, earth-shattering climax and he collapses on top of her, bringing her to an incredible, brilliant, earth-shattering climax at the same time.

(P1) He kisses the back of her neck, and whispers in her ear. "I'm starved, do you want something to eat?"

(P2) You choose, I'm submissive, remember.
Mr Quixotic said:
Characters who only repeat your previous post, and add nothing to the action, or to advance the plot - not only in sexual situations but in the context of the entire story. Also repetition, and the overuse of adjectives:

For me, it's not just writers who repeat my last post, which happens (but if the gentle reader happens to be one of my writing partners, be reassured, I'm not speaking of you, but the other guy ... and yes, given my fickle heart, there's always another guy), because I really don't have a problem with my writing partners repeating my post verbatim. It's more what I seem as sometimes an unwillingness to advance the plot (and by plot, I speak broadly of any twist or turn or new element that can shift the advance of a role play ) at all that I run into. At times, with some writers in some role plays, I always feel like I'm the storyteller and they're the passive participant. As a creative girl with a joyful submissive list, let me tell you, a creative dominant writing partner can be hard to find. To an extent, I blame F-Lists, which sometimes have the effect of reducing kinks to a check list of options without any real feeling or emotion behind them.

As for the literally repeating your partner's post in your own, there are a thousand and one things you can do to avoid that problem. But ... if it happens once in awhile, I'm forgiving. I'm talking a systemic problem.

Let's see. Ah yes, the overuse of adjectives. Sorry, love em! Now, I won't argue that you can't overuse them. But I suspect it's a matter of degree and I prefer a writing style filled with colors and sounds and sizzle. Actually, though, as I think about it, I confess that I do overuse them.

So I won't be casting the first stone in this ongoing debate. Now on the refusal to pick a place to eat problem, I have that issue in real life with my ex-in-laws. You simply cannot pin them down to taking a position on food and just about anything else in life.
Jolie said:
Mr Quixotic said:
Characters who only repeat your previous post, and add nothing to the action, or to advance the plot - not only in sexual situations but in the context of the entire story. Also repetition, and the overuse of adjectives:

It's more what I seem as sometimes an unwillingness to advance the plot (and by plot, I speak broadly of any twist or turn or new element that can shift the advance of a role play ) at all that I run into. At times, with some writers in some role plays, I always feel like I'm the storyteller and they're the passive participant. As a creative girl with a joyful submissive list, let me tell you, a creative dominant writing partner can be hard to find. To an extent, I blame F-Lists, which sometimes have the effect of reducing kinks to a check list of options without any real feeling or emotion behind them.

As for the literally repeating your partner's post in your own, there are a thousand and one things you can do to avoid that problem. But ... if it happens once in awhile, I'm forgiving. I'm talking a systemic problem.

I have that issue constantly, because it is nigh on impossible to find female roleplay characters with any 'agency' in a story, who come in with any of their own motivations or goals, and whose existence in the story actually has a 'purpose' other than to be there as fodder for the male.

It's all a reaction to the male's motivations. So, in that context, finding a 'creative' submissive is a contradiction in terms (meaning creative decision-making) when looking for someone to actually drive the story forward, have it go in a certain direction, or reach a desired point. It actually has nothing to do with 'submission' per se, but it is a major (and the most challenging) part of what is meant to be collaborative story-telling that can't be performed by one writer if their character has no independent motivations, desires or goals. You can't reach something, and be required to find a creative way to do so, if you have nothing to reach for.

As for people repeating posts, I've found that most of the issues in that regard are caused by what I've mentioned above. Believe me, it is extremely common, and the major reason I drop roleplays.
Mr Quixotic said:
So, in that context, finding a 'creative' submissive is a contradiction in terms (meaning creative decision-making) when looking for someone to actually drive the story forward, and have it go in a certain direction. That can't be done without independent motivations or desires.

My response is twofold.

First, I believe that you confuse author with character. A person can role play a character with a submissive nature while writing creatively in a way that develops and moves a plot forward. In short, I disagree with your premise that "creative submission" is a contradiction in terms to the extent that you contend a writer cannot creatively develop the submissive side of a plot.

Second, I would argue semantically a difference exists between submissive and passive. Passive is being lazy and making somebody else responsible for a relationship whether that is an actual physical relationship or a writing partnership. Now to me, taking the submissive side of a D/S relationship is an active choice just as being dominant is an active choice and for it to work, both parties have to be invested in the relationship (writing or otherwise). Passive is boring.

Submissive can be fun. It's wanting to please your partner:

Frank sat at the breakfast table, staring at the marigold tablecloth. "Is this new," he inquired in a voice that said he only marginally cared. Two years from retirement with a forty year younger, semi-psychotic boss, he found it hard to care about anything these days.

"Oh yes," Edith said with a smile. "They were on sale at the Piggly-Wiggly and I remembered you always liked the color marigold. It was your mother's favorite flower." Although a weathered sixty-two, she still gave the French maid outfit, a Christmas gift from her dear hubby and dominant master Frank, sizzle.

He smiled. "I like it slave. I really do."

The words put a dangerous flutter in Edith's plaque ridden heart. "Will you be home for dinner? I'm making meatloaf; you like meatloaf."

"Shit, I wish. But the company's brought in another of those young Turks who's making my life a living hell. Although since this is my third new boss this year, they've signaled that if Dave doesn't stick, I may get a shot at running the office."

Edith nodded. "Well, I certainly hope they recognize your talent dear."

Frank smiled. "Tell you what, get the handcuffs out and if I do get home for meatloaf, we can have a bit of a slap and tickle after."

Edith giggled and nodded. But then she considered the logistics of her day. She'd have to get Dave's body out of the root cellar and bury it with the other two who'd given her Frank such problems. Then she'd have to bleach and scrub down the laundry room where she'd reduced that young man Dave to manageable portions. She sighed. A submissive's job was never done.

And pleasing your partner can take many forms. Mind you, I acknowledge that you may argue my writing lacks creativity and buying a marigold tablecloth and murdering your husband's supervisor to make your dominant partner happy isn't submission. In which case, c'est la vie. You say tomato; I say tomahto.
Jolie said:
Mr Quixotic said:
So, in that context, finding a 'creative' submissive is a contradiction in terms (meaning creative decision-making) when looking for someone to actually drive the story forward, and have it go in a certain direction. That can't be done without independent motivations or desires.

My response is twofold.

First, I believe that you confuse author with character. A person can role play a character with a submissive nature while writing creatively in a way that develops and moves a plot forward. In short, I disagree with your premise that "creative submission" is a contradiction in terms to the extent that you contend a writer cannot creatively develop the submissive side of a plot.

Second, I would argue semantically a difference exists between submissive and passive. Passive is being lazy and making somebody else responsible for a relationship whether that is an actual physical relationship or a writing partnership. Now to me, taking the submissive side of a D/S relationship is an active choice just as being dominant is an active choice and for it to work, both parties have to be invested in the relationship (writing or otherwise). Passive is boring.

Submissive can be fun. It's wanting to please your partner:

Frank sat at the breakfast table, staring at the marigold tablecloth. "Is this new," he inquired in a voice that said he only marginally cared. Two years from retirement with a forty year younger, semi-psychotic boss, he found it hard to care about anything these days.

"Oh yes," Edith said with a smile. "They were on sale at the Piggly-Wiggly and I remembered you always liked the color marigold. It was your mother's favorite flower." Although a weathered sixty-two, she still gave the French maid outfit, a Christmas gift from her dear hubby and dominant master Frank, sizzle.

He smiled. "I like it slave. I really do."

The words put a dangerous flutter in Edith's plaque ridden heart. "Will you be home for dinner? I'm making meatloaf; you like meatloaf."

"Shit, I wish. But the company's brought in another of those young Turks who's making my life a living hell. Although since this is my third new boss this year, they've signaled that if Dave doesn't stick, I may get a shot at running the office."

Edith nodded. "Well, I certainly hope they recognize your talent dear."

Frank smiled. "Tell you what, get the handcuffs out and if I do get home for meatloaf, we can have a bit of a slap and tickle after."

Edith giggled and nodded. But then she considered the logistics of her day. She'd have to get Dave's body out of the root cellar and bury it with the other two who'd given her Frank such problems. Then she'd have to bleach and scrub down the laundry room where she'd reduced that young man Dave to manageable portions. She sighed. A submissive's job was never done.

And pleasing your partner can take many forms. Mind you, I acknowledge that you may argue my writing lacks creativity and buying a marigold tablecloth and murdering your husband's supervisor to make your dominant partner happy isn't submission. In which case, c'est la vie. You say tomato; I say tomahto.

As was bolded in my previous post, it's creative-decision making which one completely avoids taking responsibility for. That is completely different from being 'able to write in a creative manner'. It's the intellectual ability to be able to write a character who has to find a way to achieve their goals, and be able to push the plot in it's desired direction. The ability to manipulate a story.

That's what takes creativity, in my mind, and what I look for in a collaborative story. For the type of creativity I'm required to provide to be reciprocated. If your character has no goals, it's impossible for that character to attempt to manipulate words/the story in an attempt to achieve them, and in the great scheme of things (the entirety of the story) everything is then nothing but a reaction. That's just logic.

Also, I look for characters with real human qualities, and a writer with the ability to write a three dimensional character. I'm not even talking about submissiveness in the D/S context, or at all really (again, that was stated in my previous post). Nor passiveness. I'm talking female characters who actually have a purpose and a reason to exist in the roleplay, in their own right. Being 'submissive' does not mean you can't actually have your own motivations or 'part to play'.

If an opposing character has no will, no motivations, no goals, no desires, of her own, which are independent of my character's, I don't consider her three-dimensional, or as anything approaching 'reality', just a typical 'Mary-Sue' placed there as fodder for the male. By the way, because a female character has her own mind/goals/desires, doesn't mean she can't be dominated either.

I wonder how many times you've actually been on the other side.
Mr Quixotic said:
As was bolded in my previous post, it's creative-decision making, which one completely avoids taking responsibility for. That is completely different from being 'able to write in a creative manner'. It's the intellectual ability to be able to write a character who has to find a way to achieve their goals. That's what takes creativity, in my mind, and what I look for in a collaborative story. For the type of creativity I'm required to provide to be reciprocated.

So if I understand your position, you posit that "creative-submissive" is a contradiction in terms and in doing so, you define submissive as "completely avoiding taking responsibility for decision making." Which you explain is "[lacking] the intellectual ability to write a character who has to find a way to achieve their goals." In other words, it's a contradiction in terms for a person who lacks intellectual ability to be creative.

Given that somewhat tautological definition (assuming creativity does take intellectual ability), I can't argue with you. But again, I point out that a writer is not synonymous with the character. What you posit as submissive=lack of intellectual ability, I would simply define as bad writing=bad writing. While you may not care for a writer in the vein of Anais Nin in her Delta of Venus and Little Birds, I would argue that any flaw perceptible in her writing is not due to any lack of intellectual capacity to drive a story forward.

In the end though, I can only argue this point so far as I am not in any sense a more than decent at times writer. I have a distressing tendency to overuse adjectives, I routinely confuse homonyms, and my efforts at creativity derives far more from cliche than glowing originality.

Also, I look for characters with real human qualities, goals and desires, and a writer with the creative ability to attempt to find ways to have her character achieve something. Being 'submissive' does not mean you can't actually have your own motivations or 'part to play', independent of a male.

I agree completely. Writing a submissive role is not an excuse to engage in lazy and unoriginal writing. It's certainly not a pass to create unbelievable characters lacking in genuine emotion. I do agree that "... being 'submissive' does not mean you can't actually have your own motivations or 'part to play' ...."

The reason I often fail to attain those admirable aspirations is simply that I often write at work or the end of the day or at times when I'm tired and ground down and even at the best of times, I'm simply not a grand writer. To avoid disappointing my partners, I confine my writing to those writers with slightly lowered expectations.

This doesn't mean I don't strive to do my best or that every now and then I don't hit those high notes. As for being on the other side, I've written just about every side of a D/S relationship and many non-D/S relationships and done so, I like to think, with a certain amount of plot-driving creativity. But I also know the side I prefer to write and develop when engaged in collaborative writing as opposed to writing stories for a site like Literotica.
No, I said it's impossible to be creative in the context I stated, and that's the type of creativity that I'm looking to be reciprocated. You also keep harping on about me saying 'submissives' do this, etc, etc. I've stated at least twice that my opinion has nothing to do with submissive(ness) per se. A submissive who has some agency in herself becoming a submissive, or achieving her desires of submission, can be very creative (in the context I'm talking about). I've enjoyed many a roleplay with those types of characters.

As my thread says, "I don't care how good someone is as a writer, I'm looking for story-tellers". If only one character come into the story with motivations or goals, that's a one-sided story, and offers very little unpredictability. Your mention of Anais Nin is not relevant because she is writing both sides of the story, and novel-writing is not (generally) a collaborative endeavour.

Can you tell me on any of your own threads/roleplays/scenes where any of your characters comes into the story with their own motivations, goals, or desires to achieve, or where they are required to 'do' something, independent of a male's influence. Because I couldn't see any, maybe I just missed it?

Feel free to PM me if you like, probably best not to continue on here, and take what was meant to be a fun thread away from everyone else :) If not, we'll just agree to disagree.
Mr Quixotic said:
Can you tell me on any of your own threads/roleplays/scenes where any of your characters comes into the story with their own motivations, goals or desires? Because I couldn't see any, maybe I just missed it?

Feel free to PM me if you like, probably best not to continue on here, and take what was meant to be a fun thread away from everyone else :) If not, we'll just agree to disagree.

If asked to give examples of a D/S story line where the submissive has their own motivations, goals, and desires, I might have been inclined to continue the conversation via PM. But given your arguably ad hominem decision to personalize the argument by drawing attention to my perceived failure to have threads/role plays/scenes where any of my characters have their own motivations, goals, and desires, I will agree to disagree. Although, given my previously published ideas (and I make no claim that they are quality ideas), I must assume that our definitions of goals, motivations, and desires differ rather dramatically.

A ghost haunts an area, not knowing who she is or what happened to her. She has vague, horrific memories of rape and murder. One day, her bones are discovered. She becomes aware that the person who discovered her bones can see her. She takes to haunting that person, not always effectively, harassing them to investigate her death and discover who she is/was. Sometimes, she hinders the person, sometimes she helps them, but slowly they form a relationship as step by step, together, they solve the mystery of who she was and how she came to die.

A federal agent or she's in the right position to be used and is convinced to marry a particular man in order to infiltrate his organization and spy on him and his compatriots.

A mountain girl, say Kentucky, finds out her little sister was raped by one of the rich kids. When nothing happens to the boy, she shoots him when he's out hunting. Then she heads West to California. Living on the street and surviving best she can, she and another street kid hook up and start trying to claw their way out of poverty by any means necessary.

When a girl discovers her twin has gone missing, she poses as her sister to find out what happened to her. The husband,is confused by his unfaithful wife’s reappearance. Hurt by her infidelity, he can neither forgive nor forget, but deep down, he still loves her despite his claims otherwise. When the husband finds himself falling for his wife “again,” will he survive being deceived again? Will the girl be successful in her quest, and what happens when she starts falling for her brother-in-law?

A goblin purchases dark enchantments to disguise herself as an Elvish Princess. Unfortunately, after she emerges from the underworld, on her way to the Elven Kingdom, she's surprised and knocked out by two wandering orcs who think the thief actually is a tasty elvish princess. They drag the tasty elf girl to the main orcish enchantment. She's forced to endure certain indignities as the goblin thief attempts to convince them to let her go or escape. Some time later, a band of elves slay a good portion of the orcs and rescue the young elf maid. One of the heroic young elves falls desperately in love with the young elf maid and escorts her to the Elvish Kingdom. Will she be trapped as an Elf Maid forever? Will she ever be able to shake off the attentions of the heroic Legolas style elf hero who professes mad love for the goblin thief? And will she ever be able to steal the fabled Jewel of Fabled Alkazabar from the Elf King? Oh yes, and whose baby is she carrying? Will it be half-orc? Half Elven and half goblin? Or fully elven? If only she had paid the Old Crone what she promised when she bought/stole that transformation enchantment.

A kidnapping gone wrong. One of a girl's older brothers wants his little sister to marry his best friend. However, the little sister is a bit of a firebrand and doesn't accept a command to anything that she doesn't want to do or a no to anything she does want to do. In order to make his little sister fall for his friend, the older brother comes up with a plan to kidnap her with the help of another friend that his little sister has never met. Then he plans for his best friend to be the hero who rescues her from the evil "kidnapper." Who would have though that this plan could go so wrong?
Jolie said:
Mr Quixotic said:
Can you tell me on any of your own threads/roleplays/scenes where any of your characters comes into the story with their own motivations, goals or desires? Because I couldn't see any, maybe I just missed it?

Feel free to PM me if you like, probably best not to continue on here, and take what was meant to be a fun thread away from everyone else :) If not, we'll just agree to disagree.

If asked to give examples of a D/S story line where the submissive has their own motivations, goals, and desires, I might have been inclined to continue the conversation via PM. But given your arguably ad hominem decision to personalize the argument by drawing attention to my perceived failure to have threads/role plays/scenes where any of my characters have their own motivations, goals, and desires, I will agree to disagree. Although, given my previously published ideas (and I make no claim that they are quality ideas), I must assume that our definitions of goals, motivations, and desires differ rather dramatically.

A ghost haunts an area, not knowing who she is or what happened to her. She has vague, horrific memories of rape and murder. One day, her bones are discovered. She becomes aware that the person who discovered her bones can see her. She takes to haunting that person, not always effectively, harassing them to investigate her death and discover who she is/was. Sometimes, she hinders the person, sometimes she helps them, but slowly they form a relationship as step by step, together, they solve the mystery of who she was and how she came to die.

A federal agent or she's in the right position to be used and is convinced to marry a particular man in order to infiltrate his organization and spy on him and his compatriots.

A mountain girl, say Kentucky, finds out her little sister was raped by one of the rich kids. When nothing happens to the boy, she shoots him when he's out hunting. Then she heads West to California. Living on the street and surviving best she can, she and another street kid hook up and start trying to claw their way out of poverty by any means necessary.

When a girl discovers her twin has gone missing, she poses as her sister to find out what happened to her. The husband,is confused by his unfaithful wife’s reappearance. Hurt by her infidelity, he can neither forgive nor forget, but deep down, he still loves her despite his claims otherwise. When the husband finds himself falling for his wife “again,” will he survive being deceived again? Will the girl be successful in her quest, and what happens when she starts falling for her brother-in-law?

A goblin purchases dark enchantments to disguise herself as an Elvish Princess. Unfortunately, after she emerges from the underworld, on her way to the Elven Kingdom, she's surprised and knocked out by two wandering orcs who think the thief actually is a tasty elvish princess. They drag the tasty elf girl to the main orcish enchantment. She's forced to endure certain indignities as the goblin thief attempts to convince them to let her go or escape. Some time later, a band of elves slay a good portion of the orcs and rescue the young elf maid. One of the heroic young elves falls desperately in love with the young elf maid and escorts her to the Elvish Kingdom. Will she be trapped as an Elf Maid forever? Will she ever be able to shake off the attentions of the heroic Legolas style elf hero who professes mad love for the goblin thief? And will she ever be able to steal the fabled Jewel of Fabled Alkazabar from the Elf King? Oh yes, and whose baby is she carrying? Will it be half-orc? Half Elven and half goblin? Or fully elven? If only she had paid the Old Crone what she promised when she bought/stole that transformation enchantment, she might get help from that old witch.

A kidnapping gone wrong. One of a girl's older brothers wants his little sister to marry his best friend. However, the little sister is a bit of a firebrand and doesn't accept a command to anything that she doesn't want to do or a no to anything she does want to do. In order to make his little sister fall for his friend, the older brother comes up with a plan to kidnap her with the help of another friend that his little sister has never met. Then he plans for his best friend to be the hero who rescues her from the evil "kidnapper." Who would have though that this plan could go so wrong?

I was simply asking a question. If you want to take it as an 'ad hominen' attack, so be it.

i can only conclude that you can't actually answer the question in an affirmative manner.
Jolie said:
Mr Quixotic said:
I can only conclude that you can't actually answer the question in an affirmative manner.

And thus, vanquished from the field, I retreat.

Not vanquished at all. You provided an answer for me. Funnily enough, those couple do have your character with motivations are non-submissive roles.
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