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Dies's Media (Photoshop/Vocals etc)

It's not graphic at all unlike Sensitive Pornograph, my favorite hentai on this planet. There is that soft core Rape scene towards the beginning of the series though. You really don't see much. Damn that Aizawa of ASK. I love Gravitation, and now my siggy is all pretty. I love it Thank you again Dies. ^^ -many hugs-
If i find it in a store i'll check it out, need more anime for my dvd draw, i only buy them in boxsets so i get rather limited when i go shopping. No problem Ahroun my pleasure :3
Pretty sure madman should have it, get a lot of my slimpaks from there, last i bought was Shakugan No Shana Season 1, moneys tight right now though so will have to wait.

Header for my request thread due to utter boredom :3
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