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Mx Female Whipping up a few medieval/fantasy stories


Jun 11, 2015
Hey there, as you could guess, I am Alexander. Thanks for stepping into my topic, make yourself at home. I intend to puff up this topic a little bit in the future, but I've been sitting on these plots for a week and if I don't get them out the door now, I'm afraid I'll never catch up!

- I've been having a craving for good adventure story with an engaging writer. Talent over words is great, a vocabulary second to none would be fawned over, but really, it comes down to wanting to find somebody who I flat out enjoy creating a world with.
- I probably love the plotting part of RPs most of all, brainstorming with a creative partner is wonderfully enjoyable to me. You might need to snap me out of that headset and get on with the actual writing.
- I will definitely ask what your interests are, and I hope that you'll do the same with me. Part of roleplaying to me is learning to bend slowly to accommodate a new experience.
- I play male characters who tend to know what they like, and will not hesitate to grab it.
- I enjoy perfectly equal parts sensual and story scenes, but I've been convinced to go to 100% in each direction.
- My preferred mediums, in order, are Threads, Discord, and then PMs. You're always welcome to ask for my Discord.
- My favorite color is purple, I love bigger dogs but I can't own one myself. The last movie I watched was... Samurai Cop. I guess I better watch a new movie soon. I'm a total nerd for games where you run a farm. I love quotes and references that I recognize and I feel silly when I miss one. My current life's goal is to be the world's greatest uncle. I hope later on I can force my sister to try to be the world's greatest aunt.

Archon x Crusader -
The zealot fell to their knees as they watched the winged figure descend from the sky. Finally, they thought, their struggle had peaked and salvation had come. When the arm reached out, however it was not in embrace, but quickly held a grip to the neck. It had not come to save the crusader, it had come to save the world from the crusader.

Bickering Party -
A lackluster preparation before battle led to the group being trimmed to four from five. Each remaining one has an idea on how they may better improve themselves for the next struggle, but the resources they have can only be spread so far.

Bounty Hunter x Thief
Sometimes the best way to track down the bandits is to put real treasure defended by real guards on the trail, and let the habits of greedy men sort themselves out.

Candlemaker x Distant Traveller -
"This will really get me to where I need to be?" The long-lost wandered asked in disbelief. "Yes, light the incense, take a deep breath, close your eyes, and when you awaken, you will be where you desire." But no gift was ever so simple. "Take caution, though, because once your spirit gets there, you may no longer be who you want to be.

Chef x Servant -
They were given a taste of delights they could never hope to joy on their own. Somebody able to nurture such physical pleasure must have had some sort of blessing. But little did they realize, the culinary master was little different from their own position, a worker for the aristocrats but never among them.

Cursed x Companion -
The young savant had suffered a witch's dying hex, and nights were unpredictable, too often finding blood on his hands when he awoke in the morning. The naive fool had a simple plan, though - just find somebody who was even more talented than him, to keep him in check. And hopefully who was a light sleeper, he supposed.

Druid x Commoner -
A sapling was planted on the day of birth of a child. Later on, the once-child was with temper, but such a miraculous spirit tree must mean there's a good person buried in there.

Elemental x Sorceress -
He would appear to her under the first harvest moon, always disappearing at the strike of first frost, and yet by the fourth cycle they found themselves dancing into each others arms. A later year, however, she had a smirk on her face, and with an outstretched hand, stopped the very sun in the sky. His jaw dropped as he realized that with winter delayed, he would not be returning to his otherworldly home.

Explorer x Guide -
It was luck that the mapmaker was in the right time and the right place to save their future partner's life. It was unfair that they were lugged along to the furthest edges of their world, unwilling to break their bond, yet horrified at the atrocities they were venturing into.

Glyphmaker x Tormented -
He had never seen somebody so thoroughly damned. It took every ounce of talent, and every little spot that could be mustered, on her clothes, on her jewelry, even a few spots upon her skin, in order to protect her. If the unlucky one so much as removed her coat, it would not take much time before it was obvious that this person was the enemy of man and god alike.

Guardian x Refugee -
The one in rags was exasperated, having come such a long way, only to stand in front of the portal and be denied. "But through here lies salvation! I have nothing left behind me to go back to." The watcher's spear did not lower. "If you were strong enough to survive the journey here, then you are strong enough to rebuild a ruined people."

Herald x Noble -
The announcer began with all of the formalities and achievements of their liege. The proclamation of sexual deeds that followed was unexpected, but some present did find humor in it. All were shocked, however, as the details turned quite personal and intimate, and most striking was the demonstration that followed.

Librarian x Warlord -
The sacred tome was said to contain all manner of knowledge, if one were to devote themselves to the virtue of learning. But the leader of a conquesting force has no time for such things. The solution was simple - take both the tome, and its caretaker, and sort out some of the messier details later.

Metalworker x Apprentice -
They were chosen to wear the amazing creations, even when the sharp, elaborate designs left scratches and cuts across their neck and wrist.

Peddler x User -
He promised a miracle cure in his bottle, boasting that it could beat impossible afflictions. Some who tried did not fair any better in health, but when she partook, her eyes were opened to the world.

River Spirit x Bandit -
The villagers prayed at their temple for the raids to end. Nature listened, and so, the bandit was nearly drowned, and upon reflecting, began to change their ways.

Rain Dancer x Florist -
The drought practically disappeared as the artist brought their trade to the town. The bouquet was meant to be a parting gift when it was time to leave, but instead it bound their heart to stay.

Scavenger x Spirit -
Haunting a sunken ship is no fun. When the talisman that bound them was taken by a diver, did the thief deserve to be tormented or praised?

Secret spot -
The two met as they huddled away from a disaster together, their hearts beating so hard they could feel each other's from across the cove. The next time they met, their hearts were once again beating, but it was a romantic impetus this time. Eventually, though, he reached an age where it was expected that he would confront the terrors of the world, instead of hide from them.

Slighted Party x Princess -
After feeling a little bit disappointed with a meager reward from the capital palace, the group decides that perhaps they should... encourage the princess's rebellious behavior

Tombkeeper x Doomed -
At one end of the graveyard, there were four structures of white bricks, glowing runes engraved upon each individual piece, yet none of them held a deceased spirit resting in peace. When pressed for information, the yardkeeper explained that these four were not burial grounds, but destinations for those whose fate were deemed to have ended too early. Even more eerie was when the keeper promised to see the visitor again soon.

Washed up Veteran x Hopeful
He spent the evening in the corner, nursing his drinks and listening to the minstrel, just like he had done each other night this month. When a lady tried to join his table, he tried to brush her away, but she was insistent that she needed his aid. It only made him spit in his drink. If she wanted a hero, she should have made her case five years earlier, before all had gone to hell.
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