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Mx Any Slightly Taboo and Dark Plots, Pairings, and Characters


Sep 13, 2018
Hey there. Been a while. Come and sit with me for a bit.


About me

First thing's first, it should be known that I'm not a newbie around these parts. I've been hanging around Blue Moon since 2018 and have gone through several periods of activity and inactivity over the years. For the time being, I'm active once again. How long I stay active is yet to be seen but let's hope it's a while. The main point here is that I'm familiar with how things work, so you can expect me to treat you with respect, dignity, and kindness. I'll expect the same from you.

[ Hey there, Future Firebrand here. I'd just like to say that if we've spoken or written together before and I reach out to you as if we've never met, please don't take it personally. I spent a good chunk of 2020 in a drunken haze and it's really done a number on my memory. So chances are I just don't remember. Thanks, love ya. ]

I'm a writer by profession but that shouldn't scare you off. I've got plenty of quirks in my writing and I make more than my fair share of mistakes. If you can string a coherent sentence together and give me a good solid paragraph or so then you have nothing to worry about. I'd love to write with you no matter your personal experience or skill-level. On the subject of post frequency, I can't make any promises but I can promise to let you know should something come up that will keep me from replying for a while. Please extend this same courtesy to me.

Further down on my thread you'll find a list of pairings, kinks, scenarios, etc. but I'll give you a general idea of what to expect in case something isn't clear. I'm comfortable playing non-binary and male/masculine presenting characters. This includes femboys and other feminine male characters. Female or feminine presenting characters aren't entirely off the table but I wouldn't get your hopes up. No matter the gender of my character, expect them to be dominant in whatever pairing they end up in. This might change later but for now, I'll only be writing dominant characters.

At the risk of tooting my own horn, I'm a very experienced dom. I know my stuff when it comes to BDSM. Even though we're writing as fictional characters, you can still expect for me to treat you with the respect and care that I would treat a submissive. If you're curious about how we can incorporate this sort of angle into a plot then I'm open to discussion, though don't expect it to reach beyond the bounds of the fiction. I'm not a hotshot young dom who's going to boast about my abilities or whatever, but I can assure you that I'm knowledgeable, experienced, and skilled in this department.

Please also note that we can add on an additional character or two in a pairing if you'd like to include polyamory into the story. I'm very flexible on this and would include polyamory in every single plot if given the chance. Smut and plot ratios tend to vary for me depending on the pairing and story, so we can discuss this before we start writing. Finally, don't expect me to use face claims from any live action sources. I don't mind if you use them but I don't care for them myself.

I only RP in Personal Messages. No Discord, threads, or IMs please.

List of kinks:

Breast/Nipple play
Breath Control
Fingers in Mouth
Inexperienced Partners
Leash & Collar
Orgasm Control
Virginity (Oral, Anal, Vaginal)

Body Writing
Clothed Sex
Cock Worship
Cock Warming
Face Slapping
Multiple Orgasms
Oral Fixation
Oral Sex
Size Difference

Foot Play

Character Templates/Generic Pairings:
Werewolf X Vampire
Werewolf X Human
Werewolf X Werewolf
Werewolf X Other Supernatural
Vampire X Human
Monster Hunter X Supernatural
Dragon X Human/Mythical creature
Orc X Elf
Orc X Human
Orc X Goblin(s)
Human X Orc
Human X Elf
Human X Goblin(s)
Human X Fairy/Pixie
Human X Large Monster
Large Monster X Human
Norse Gods
Norse God X Human
Father X Son/Daughter
Son X Mother

Generic Settings:
Ancient Rome
Victorian High Society
Colonial America
Wild West Era America
High Fantasy Kingdom
Cyberpunk Future City
Sci-fi Galactic Empire

Plot List:

The Streets of Tyrian City: Tyrian City is normal on the surface. A city that doesn't sleep, full of every kind of person imaginable. Underneath the typical exterior, however, lies a supernatural underworld that's overflowing with creatures that have clawed their way up from the underworld. Werewolves, vampires, demons, witches, and many more. Against them stands a single person. A hunter of all things deemed "unnatural." The dark corners of the city that are crawling with inhumans are the hunting ground for a ruthless killer. Will you, another one of countless creatures that have fallen to this killer's blood soaked hands, be the one to change their heart?

TAKEN Reunited: A daughter has spent most of her life without her father. As far as she knew, he had abandoned her and her mother when she was young. The truth, however, is that her spiteful mother had kept her away from her father as a means of punishing him. Now, the daughter finds herself arrested after an incident at a bar. She'd resigned to accept her fate when someone bails her out of jail. In a surprising twist, her father has finally returned to her life when she needed him most. In truth, he's spent all of the time away from her trying to track her down and finally reconnect after so long. Her father is wealthy and possesses considerable means, so he whisks his daughter off to a life of luxury. As an adult, his daughter has started to look a lot like her mother. How will the two of them navigate this complex new relationship, and will they cross the one line they know they never should?

A Pet's Life: The world is inhabited not only by humans, but by humanlike animal people. These people can range from catgirls/catboys, doggirls/dogboys, all the way to creatures like beargirls/bearboys. These creatures are humanlike on the surface, but share traits with their specific animal counterparts. For example, catgirls have cat ears, a tail, sharper teeth, the ability to purr, etc. If you're thinking nekos, you're thinking correct. This story centers around MC, an owner, and YC, their pet who is one of these humanlike animal people. Its more of a slow, slice of life, fluffy type of story. Don't expect a lot of dark themes out of this one.

Character List: (There's only one for now, but expect this list to grow with time.)

Jeremiah "Black Jack" Penrose, The Outlaw: Jeremiah wasn't always on the run. At one point in his life, Jeremiah was as typical as a ranch hand could be. He worked hard, kept to himself, and did his best to survive. In one night, however, Jeremiah's life would change forever. Rumors tell of Jeremiah as a violent young man, so blinded by rage at his loss at a simple game of cards that he shot the man who bested him. Jeremiah remembers things a bit differently. No matter what truly happened that night, Jeremiah Penrose ceased to exist and the outlaw known as "Black Jack" came into the world. At the height of the Wild West era, a much older Jeremiah now drifts from town to town. He'll stay a few nights, drink himself to sleep, and rob a few folks on the way out. Reputation does a lot to dissuade people from giving him any trouble. The outlaw, despite what those familiar with his reputation might think, tends to not cause much in the way of trouble. Chances are that if you catch a glimpse of him, then he's probably only a few hours away from blowing out of town.

Setting: 1870's America, in the Wild West.
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