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Westbrook OOC

Didn't he already contact Zapper and Molly for they're scientific knowledge yet? And especially Zapper for nanotech? That's what Ginger's insinuating. The "since you can talk to Zapper..."

Molly definitely would have been with Zapper when/if he spoke to Marko, and would have blabbed to him (Marko) about making the costumes for the other three.

Marko could always direct Ginger to talk to Molly herself. Like I put IC, Zapper would have only designed and put the nanotech in the costumes... Molly would have been putting them together.

Note: More I think about them the more I want to make them fraternal twins, but Zapper will still need a real first name. He's just called Zapper by pretty much everyone (except Molly, especially if I make them twins)
Marko has no intention of helping anyone with any technology at the moment: he does not want to be found out. If someone isn't at risk of dying where he can percieve it, he will not go and save them. He also has not confided in anyone about his powers or his true capabilities, nor has he sought anyone out to help them in ways where he would use his powers to do so.

He intends to build his own stuff and perform some vigilante justice on those who deserve to get beaten black and blue.
@MsBloom Oh... I thought it was an agent she was supposed to meet to compare notes, because I thought there was someone else chasing them down in the company... I mean codenames? Usually just the agents get that..

@Inkybus Guess I'm rewriting an entire post, or section, anyway. I've misunderstood a helluva lot.
That's fine: I'll let Frozen Princess write in what Erin's reaction to Schro's interjection is, before Blair and Alexa's own rebuttal and then post for Schro.

I should make a note here stating that Marko is a rational guy and he is a student with no experience dealing with a hostage negotiation: even if he heard of an ongoing back robbery, he figures that his presence there would only make things worse. He does not know how he should act if someone threatened someone else's life like that, for one, but further: he has not even had a public appearance yet. People don't know that he wants to do what's right, so he has no knowledge of how anyone might react if he suddenly showed up in his superhero persona on-site. Any by anyone, that means mainly the robbers, who might just do something drastic and shoot the hostages, as well as the authorities, who might think this unknown person is in cahoots with the robbers and try to pin something on him.

Another thing to consider is that Marko wants to build himself some weapons, before he goes out on his debut and stuff- something which will take time for him to build, since he only has a (for his potential) low-end forcefield that could resist twenty shots in quick succession before it flickers out and has to recharge.

And Amaya being who she is, she will take all the time that is needed (days, weeks, months) to make sure she nestles into The System without fucking over the little man or pissing off the Powers that Be too much. At the start anyway: she fully intends to do wondrous things that will help the little man more than The Man.
@MsBloom I'm playing the Captain with kind of a chip on her shoulder with impatient and speedy Velocity, I'd like your help to explore that and help flush the character of the Captain out more, please.
I'd like your help to explore that and help flush the character of the Captain out more, please.

Certainly. The almost parental interaction between her and Windy was sort of funny. Though at the same time a bit inexplicable since I can see how Windy might to refill on carbs to function at the top of her ability.

As for how they deal with the three Metas inside the bank I think we might have to rethink Captain Fitzpatrick's plan since by then reports would have come in about the police cruiser that was fired at with strange non-metal bullets. I think it would be safe for Fitzpatrick to assume that the meta creating and firing those bullets would also be inside the bank.

From a strictly physical point of view Schro would be the most harmless but his abilities would certainly make him equally dangerous as the other two and for the life of me I cannot figure out how they would stop him. If only we had some way to blind him before they went in.
She doesn't need them right now, and even for her, pop is the worse thing she could drink. That's kind of the Captain's point.

Also, Velocity's (speeded up) metabolism is different than Cheshire's. Velocity needs vitamins, minerals, electrolytes and things a body needs to function. She also needs to drink more water.

Need to ask @Inkybus what we need to do to stop Schro.
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