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Mx Any An eclectic mix of requests


Lone Knight
Mar 16, 2018
Well it's been half a year since I last did one of these, so why not get some new requests up?

Hello, you can call me Tam or whatever, I've been on this site for like five years now and have been roleplaying in one form or another for over twice that. Usually, I don't bother with requests, just lurking through others and taking stabs at anything that strikes my fancy. Lately though I've had some ideas, or have had roleplays die out unfulfilled, so I figure may as well put them out there, see if I catch anyone else lurking out there!

I post most days, sometimes multiple times per day if I'm not busy and the mood strikes me. If I go radio silent for a week, good idea to give me a poke. If I'm actually abandoning the roleplay I'll let you know, or at least give you notice of any prolonged absences. Usually, I write 2-3 paragraphs, more when more description or action is needed, less if it's a system-style roleplay and I've got a very limited turn to work with.

My kinks can be found here, but that can be a bit broad and many aren't applicable to each scenario. Though I do like smut, it gets boring if that's all there is and I can suffer burn-out if it's nonstop. Got to have story, character development, dialogue, other scenes to break things up! At least for any long term roleplay. Typically I play submissive female characters, leaning towards switch. However, I can and have played any and all orientations and positions, so for the right idea I can go male/female/futa/femboy, etc and play dominant just fine. Just usually Sub F is my bread and butter.

With all that preamble out of the way, let us get to what I actually came here for, the prompts! All of these are up for discussion and adaptation of course, if you have your own similar idea don't be afraid to pitch it!

There are many types of summer camps, even those for young adults and older teens, but none are quite like Camp Venus. Nestled away from prying eyes, the camp has one stated goal, to teach its attendants sex and every kink under the sun! With wide-ranging facilities and helpful, lustful staff, attendants are free to opt into whatever form of depravity they could think of, and some they probably haven't! With a medal-based system to reward each kink explored, only one camper can take home the title of Venus each year!
This roleplay is quite flexible and can be fine-tuned to fit many characters. Is YC exploring their boundaries to my npc's, or are you controlling the encounters for MC? Are we both playing multiple characters in our quest to explore? Obviously, the more kinks the better, but this can stay somewhat vanilla too!

I've been keeping watch over you, all this time. I saw everything Link...
Based on these two comics, just love the idea of playing out Link's shenanigans in Breath of the Wild/Tears of the Kingdom. Whether this is a long play that plays out the events of the game, a side story, or snippets of fun, there is plenty of scenarios to work with.

A captain flying the stars, smuggling, and running against the law. There's a wide galaxy out there, and a dishonest life seems the best way to see and experience as much as humanly possible! Sometimes though, a scoundrel needs to get taken down a peg or two, sometimes literally, keeps a man humble.
Simply put the misadventures of MC, a ship captain in the style of Han Solo/Malcolm Reynolds. While his charm can get him out of some scrapes, sometimes it lands him needing to cater to quite the domineering types who want to put him in his place. Here I'm specifically looking for pegging, futa, or dominant males, all of which could be human or alien. This could also be easily adapted to a Fantasy/Historical style setting, just changing the space setting for the ocean.

More ideas to come, probably!
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