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Hell's Angels [ Luna + Sanoci]

Lucia smiled at him and took back her second knife as she passed him. The look in her eyes was pure lust, but she had contained herself quite well. She didn't flirt with him because she knew that she herself was getting eager for that big cock of his to slam into her and make her scream. But it wouldn't be fun if Catherine came out and suck all the fun out of it.

This is wrong, so very wrong, let me take over, let me turn us in!

Her voice had come back, but Lucia ignored it. She would make the bitch go away but slaughtering her next victims in a very gruesome way. Catherine wouldn't shut up though and she kept yelling and screaming and finally a blow struck her inside her head. She closed her eyes tightly, not expecting Catherine to act up this way. She had never tried to force her way out, she was too timid of a girl to do that, but here she was. She found herself against the wall, holding her head and trying to endure what Catherine was doing to her, but it was too hard. She blacked out and slid to the floor.

"I knew it, I knew I could do it.." Catherine looked up at Paul, her blue eyes now innocent and full of disdain for him. "Don't try to stop me...I've got to do something. I've got to turn us both in." She looked at him cautiously for any type of response. She had rose to her feet slowly, waiting for his next move.
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