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To all the dad's doing the damn thing.

I saw instances of single mums popping up on Father's Day trying to get in on it by claiming that, seeing as they're a single parent, they should also be able to take advantage of Father's Day.

Now, I don't have a problem with this - so long as those same people don't then get offended when single dads pop up and claim that seeing as they're single parents, they should also be able to make a claim on Mother's Day.

Fair's fair, right? Equality and all that?

Happy Father's Day, folks.
^ I'd have to say I agree with that sentiment. I'm all for single moms stepping up for both roles as long as single dads can too. But all in all, it doesn't seem to matter anymore. Everybody wants involved in anything even if it doesn't clearly involve them to any degree.. it's a shame.
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