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Fx Female Gloomy's Sapphic Suffering


Sep 20, 2018
About Me, and Welcome

We might get a little dark. That okay? It's just my nature; you know what they say, you can take the girl out of the goth club but you can't take the goth out of the girl -- wait, does anyone actually say that?

I'm an experienced roleplayer (don't get your hopes up: I said experienced, not great) based out of the US, and I'm online and can respond most days (slightly less active on weekends). I'm looking to roleplay via private messages here on the site. I don't currently use Discord, but I'll update this if I expand my options at some point. I exclusively play female characters, I prefer writing in third person, and I enjoy a nice mix of plot and smut. (Plot makes the smut so much hotter.)

This thread is specifically for F/F scenarios; my F/M plots, updated today, are over at Fx Male - Gloomy's Dreams of Degradation. That said, I'm flexible and if you have a particular twist on anything here (be it changing the details, the setting or the characters involved) I'm certainly eager to hear your ideas!

My favorite kinks include (but are not limited to) public humiliation, gangbangs and bukkake, bondage, choking and slapping, control and corruption, outfit control (slutty/embarrassing outfits, lingerie, uniforms, etc), collars and leashes, body modification/tattoos/piercings, monsters/inhuman partners, and blackmail. Hard limits are death and extreme gore.

Open Prompts (Updated 2/19/23)

I have a few ideas. They may or may not be good ones. My heroines are absolutely not inclined to making good life choices, and are inevitably on the road to dire, life-changing consequences. If you see something you like, drop me a private message!

As the daughter of a dreaded and merciless tyrant, I have a reputation for being a petty, fickle brat -- albeit a brat with dangerous amounts of money and power, not to mention the ear of the most powerful man in the known realms. The only hungers I can't satisfy with a snap of my fingers are the ones that plague me the most: my bottomless craving to be ruled over, to be dominated, humiliated, and reduced to a humbled slave-girl. I have to keep these unsatisfied cravings hidden, for my own sake and my safety.

And then...there's her. A fellow noble, though unrelated and much lower in status and fortune than I. We met years ago and it was hatred at first sight. Then grudging respect, then annoyance, back to hatred, occasional courtesy, more sniping...we've demonstrated a constant knack for stealing one another's romantic interests and softly sabotaging social affairs, and some wags at court have guessed that we'll go to dueling with swords instead of words eventually. The only respect she shows for me is due to my royal status, and vice-versa.

So why am I so goddamn attracted to her? And when she treats her servants like slaves, terrorizing them over the slightest infraction, why does it kindle a warm little fire in the pit of my belly?

She has years of offenses and petty slights to take revenge for, and once she learns my dark secret, well...she has always wanted a human pet of her very own.

Rich Girl
As a high school teacher, I'm accustomed to dealing with problem students of every stripe and flavor. And then there's...her.

She's rich. Obscenely rich, designer everything and a new Porsche for her birthday. She's followed by a flock of mean girls, she rules the school with sheer popularity and charm, and outcasts get the brunt of her deep, razor-sharp streak of cruelty. To her, most people are just toys to be played with and then thrown away when she gets bored.

So what happens when she wants to play with me?

(So that's the setup. Rich high schooler decides to turn a submissive teacher into her personal slave, both for the practical benefits and the sadistic pleasure of it. Leading to danger, possibly life-destroying consequences, and bad endings. For the teacher, that is.)
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