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Mx Any High Adventure? or Deep Dungeons? New plots! (Home Edition)

Sigil of Madness

Jan 31, 2023
Hey there, I'm Sigil of Madness, or just Sigil. I'm interested in all manner of things from slice of life to epic fantasy. read on to find out more!

A few rules/things to know:

Contact me:
Here! (PMs are open)
Sigil#4462 (Discord)
(For email, docs and such, careful of those S's!)


1) My schedule is somewhat erratic, I work friday-monday but can sometimes post on those days regardless, and my timezone is EST but I often have a night owls schedule.
2) I enjoy writing both long prose and short back and forth, I tend to go more for what feels right for the setup and story than any set limits, that being said my comfort level is never less than one solid progressive paragraph and anywhere up to half a dozen or more. I do give what I get but we can establish expectations before we begin!
3) I do not use real images, it creeps me out frankly. Art of any sort (anime, CG, hand drawn etc.) as well AI generated work is what I request if we want to use visual imagery, a solid description is always more than welcome as well!
4) I am "ghost" friendly, we have lives, this is ultimately a past time not some sort of contract. I do ask for you to let me know but I won't be mad without prior warning.
5) I'm not here to flirt or send dirty pictures and im not seeking the same from others either, boundaries are important! that being said chatting OOC is always pleasant.
6) I'm in my early 30's, I'd prefer you to be somewhere around mid 20's or older. I live in EST, that being said I tend to hold a later schedule due to work so I can often accommodate all sorts of time zones well enough.

With the formalities out of the way, lets dig a little deeper shall we?

What I like:

A quick outline of what I like in terms of roleplay, from kinks to themes to preferences of all sorts.
I am open to any gender of writer, male female, in-between or outside.

However, I identify as a straight male, perhaps with a bit of a curious streak, so my preference is to write opposite female and female presenting characters.
I enjoy a wide range of tastes when it comes to background, ethnicity, mentality and whatever else that makes each of us unique as humans (and as you will see, other stranger species)
I enjoy fantasy tropes, even in a modern setting, elves, magic, spirits and ritual are all fun elements I would like to see included in many of our stories together.

A short list of Genres, Settings and other tidbits to spark your worldbuilding creativity.
Dungeons and Dragons
Tabletop games
Fantasy settings
Magical realism
The Veil that separates the waking and dreaming worlds, and the areas where it grows thin
Lost Loves
The Natural vs the Constructed
The Cicadas crying on a hot summer day
The Power of Nostalgia
Lost media
Liminal Spaces and the Eeriness of Mundanity
Loss of purpose and finding it once more
Cosplay, for fun or just to drive their partner crazy
too aroused to undress properly

While Original settings (or at least original characters) tend to be my preference, I do have a list of Fandoms I enjoy
Genshin Impact
Final Fantasy
The Witcher
Fate (namely Stay Night and its related media)
Chainsaw Man
Studio Ghibli
The works of Neil Gaiman
The Cthulhu Mythos
Elden Ring
Star Wars

There are few things I dislike, but they are listed here
Being rude (outside of writing of course)
Things related to the toilet and its facilities
Ignoring what I've written
one liners

Plots, Tales and General ideas

Too Good to be True
It started as a post on an anonymous forum online "I can make your dreams come true! for a price" Of course it was dismissed, but when it kept showing up, getting posted again and again, someone had to bite the bullet and see if it was legit eventually right?
Turns out it was real....when "OP" Returned with an image of what they had desired, a fat stack of cash, they claimed it was all real! yet they refused to elaborate on what exactly the "price" was.

The Backfire Curse
Finally they had them cornered, the knight had been hunting the witch/warlock for weeks, each time they eluded them. Now they were prepared to strike the final blow, finally they could return home. Yet when they drew their blade they weren't quick enough. Getting one last spell off their quarry cursed them

"The curse of reprisal, any and all damage you deal to me will also be returned in kind." they warned
A solid strike was all it took to prove their point, now the two's lives were intertwined. The Witch/Warlock agreed to lift the curse, but first they needed a few ingredients, the Knight, not at all happy at the arrangement, is not about to let the Witch/warlock do as they please.

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